Sunday, March 04, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2018

by Bob Romero

One of our assignments in a course titled “The Triple Flame – Focus On Love” was an empathy exercise, which was to choose a simple object like a pen, and link with it. I have learned in my spiritual enrichment classes that all objects are alive, and are vibrating energies. So the goal was to see the world through its eyes. I looked at the pen that I had, and wondered what could this simple object tell me. It did not have the stature of a fine pen like a Montblanc, and was very plain. It was an ordinary ballpoint pen given to me from a software vendor. The wording on the side had worn off, but it still functioned perfectly. I expected to hear about its qualities as a writing instrument and how dependable it has been. I wasn’t expecting much, but I remembered the words from Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor in the “Superman” movie when he said,  “Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it’s a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

So I sat down and began to write. “Well” the pen said, ”even though my scope is limited in that I’m only used to write, you have brought me to your spiritual classes for the last two years. You use me to write key words on the notes that are handed out, which help you get the point, and understand the material. These classes are about the secrets of the universe, and about Spirit. This is a great honor that you have given me, to write about this material. I am also in the room for the meditations that are sometimes done in class, and the meditations after class. So I’m charged with Divine energy, and while I may soon run out of ink, and you will throw me away, this has been a good union, and I thank you for it”.
I was very impressed, and thanked the pen for its valuable insights, and moved on to the second exercise. It was a repeat of the first exercise with a more complex object like a watch, phone, or jewelry. I looked down at my watch and couldn’t wait to find out what it had to say. This watch is about 12 years old and I had been thinking about replacing it.
However, for the same functionality, it would now cost me double the original cost. It is a Casio watch that’s built to withstand lots of punishment, is solar powered so that I never have to replace the batteries, has big bold numbers that I can easily see, and has an alarm, stopwatch, and light, so that I can see the time in the dark. It receives frequencies from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) so that’s it’s always accurate to within a second. The band had just broken a few months ago, and it was pretty hard to finally find a new one. I was feeling a little guilty, because I was thinking of getting a new watch, but I wanted to hear what the watch had to say.
“Well” the watch said, “ I have been with you every waking moment of your life for the last 12 years. I have been with you through all of the good times, and the tough times. I have been there all the times that you’ve laughed, and all the times that you cried. I was there for all of your achievements and successes at work. I was there for all of your good rounds of golf, and all of your bad rounds of golf, but they were all fun. I have been with you in all of your Yoga classes that help you stretch both your body and your mind.
I was there for all of the holiday celebrations and gatherings with family and friends. I was there when you told your wife that you loved her, and when you replied ‘Yes, Dear’ to her. I was there at Christmas when your son asked you to be his best man at his wedding, and then I was there at the wedding when you gave a toast to your son and daughter-in-law, whom you both greatly love and respect. I was there when your granddaughter was born, and I got to touch her when you held there for the first time. I get to do that every time you hold this precious little angel.
I was there when you gave the acceptance speech for your father into the Trinidad State Junior College Education Foundation’s Hall of Fame. I was there everyday when you visited your mom in the nursing home and saw the delight in her eyes, and in yours, when you saw each other. I was there when she breathed her last breath as you held her, and when you said the eulogy at her funeral.
I was there when you went to the hospital from fainting with Atrial Fibrillation, and then recovered. I was also there when you received the healing Reiki energy that made you feel better both physically and spiritually. I’m with you on all of your walks in the bright sunshine at Wash Park that charges your batteries and mine.
I’m there every Sunday in church when you hear your pastor’s homilies, which resonate with you as they are about the true teachings of Christ, and not about church doctrine and dogma.
And I have been with you in all of the classes that you’ve taken on the path to enlightenment and on esoteric science. I thank you for being able to be there to be there for the Divine wisdom and energy that you have received through these classes and meditations. You may discard me for a new model, but it’s been a good ride and I thank you for allowing me to watch all of this, and having our time together. I thanked my watch for its perspective, and all of the memories that we shared.
The readers may think that I thought all of this up in order to do the exercises, but the fact of the matter is, that these thoughts came to me only after I started to write, and imagined what these objects saw with their own eyes. These exercises have taught me that these objects are vibrating with Divine energy, and that the materials that were used to make them, are also God’s creations. So God is indeed everywhere, and is in all things. Therefore we need to treat all things with respect and gratitude.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Friday, March 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2018

by Mario C. Veo

Even the most non-political person among us cannot help being bombarded by the chaotic energies created at the moment… It doesn’t matter how many people get shot, politicians still persist on being in the pockets of ‘special interest groups’… no matter how many women come forth with stories of abuse, still many oppose these as ‘hear-say’… and even when people are exposed and forced to resign, they are praised by their superiors who loudly declare that ‘they are innocent, and their accusers are vicious liars’,

In all this negative bombardment it is not easy to remain centered, to follow the Path of Love and Light, to stand firm yet without rancor, strong without animosity, revealing Darkness without a desire to ‘strike them down’… and this is very, very important.
Do NOT become like the very people who are corrupting this world… Do NOT behave like them… for – no matter how sick their behavior – the moment you wish evil upon them, or you cast virulent words in their direction, then you have just lost the purity of your heart, lost the Light within you… and – even if you succeed – your Energies now match those of the perpetrators.
So… what is one to do…?
On a most basic level we are all ‘called to action’… to stand firm in our beliefs, in our wisdom of Right-vs-Wrong, guided by the respect for human life and the Higher Teachings of Spirit – and now is the time to ‘stand and be counted’… There is a strong movement to address and redress these wrongs, these offenses towards humanity… join your voice to theirs, let them know that you support a vision of a healthy, peaceful world, and that you strongly condemn those who have sold their souls to greed and the mighty dollars… [“Do you really think it will buy you a place in Heaven… seriously, have you no thoughts about the afterlife… well, it’s really warm where you’re going, and it ain’t Cabo !”]… and ultimately, if they are not representing the values which you most cherish, then vote them out of office, for their very presence is a corruption upon the Heart of this world.
For those of you who have training on Spirituality, Metaphysics, Shamanism, Wicca, and other Ancient Teachings, for you there is an extra task… appealing to that aspect of Spirit-Creator that ‘sits in judgment’. Lift your thoughts to Spirit, and ask – directly – for Divine Intervention… literally, appeal to Spirit for Justice, for the redress of Balance, for more Light to cast all Darkness out in the open, for new Leaders with a greater Consciousness to step forward and once again hold office with Integrity… and call these Divine Energies upon the Heart of us all, so finally, Right Action may prevail… [for god knows we need it !]
Yes, the behavior of many so called ‘leaders’ often makes me sick to my stomach… but I have great faith in Karma… and Divine Retribution… after all, what goes around, comes around… such is Karma!
Do NOT forget – you are a Spiritual Being, committed to the Path of Love and Light… and these are the instruments you have chosen for your own Illumination, for your own advancement… that by so doing, the whole world may be uplifted, and a better place created. So do not despair, do not give in to the offensive tongues, the malicious gossip, the derogatory words… stand firm in your Light… and remind them all what Integrity looks like… remember, the more radiant we can be, the more Light we can bring to this time of chaos…
This month’s classes are dedicated to your most radiant aspect – your Aura … how to cleanse it, heal it, shield it, program it … it’s a precious gift – cherish it!
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Thursday, March 01, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2018

by Sally Shotwell

The month begins with the Sun (our consciousness), Mercury (our thought processes), Venus (our values) and Neptune (the Infinite), all in dreamy, compassionate Neptune-ruled Pisces. This watery, emotional sign is associated with our imagination and nurtures our soul, but can be disorienting as we deal with demands of our every day existence. Fortunately, the Full Moon (culmination) in early, practical, Mercury-ruled Virgo(opposite Pisces) March 1 helps us to combine tapping into the creativity we’re experiencing while not losing ourselves to tempting escapism. The Sabian Symbol states, “After the wedding, the groom steals the veil away from the bride: The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind” and alludes to the “physical action with psychological and spiritual overtones” we need for our own progress. Virgo assists us in distinguishing the valuable from the expendable in our lives and we should take advantage of this help as we also have other beneficent aspects at our disposal.
March 1 we also have lovely Venus and optimistic Jupiter in watery, intense Scorpio promoting our sincerity and authenticity when interacting with others which perks us up on the 2nd, as Mercury joins in the action by offering a knowledgeable, communicative factor to the picture. March 4 the Pisces influence extends further as the Sun and Neptune co-mingle and strongly encourage us to pursue our altruistic and spiritual aspirations, stretching ourselves beyond our material concerns. Mercury and Venus gracefully waltz together before heading off into fiery Aries and let’s use this watery interlude to nurture our sensitivities and bask in the mysterious.
March 5/6 Mercury and Venus enter the sign of the individualistic explorer which is ruled by Mars (our vitality) and we now become restless to act. With Venus ruling relationships and Mercury supervising communications in Aries, we want to be sure our enthusiasm in dealing with others is well thought out. This is especially important since Jupiter (expansion) is turning retrograde March 8 in intense Scorpio, directing us to internalize and revisit our belief systems and this can trigger unusual reactions in us as we relate to others.
March 11 we have a powerful meeting between energetic Mars in fiery, forward-looking Sagittarius, and innovative Uranus who is gradually wrapping up his historic stay in Aries. We can tap in to the infectious, futuristic vision they exude and bravely embrace new avenues of self-expression. Simultaneously, the Sun and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, are prodding us to be confident and give ourselves credit for gaining the self-awareness we need to persevere. We need to keep all this in mind March 13 as Venus and Saturn (boundaries) in earthy Capricorn clash and potentially cause relationship stress, but we know to extricate ourselves and are soon rewarded for our good judgement. The Sun and Jupiter offer us the where-with-all to have a positive attitude about ourselves as we prepare for the March 17 New Moon.
This New Moon (new beginnings) in Pisces acknowledges that our efforts are paying off. The Symbol “The Harvest Moon illuminates a clear autumn sky: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.” Although we’re on the verge of Spring, the “reaping of the good harvest” still applies to the concept of our sowing what we cultivate and we have it available as we begin a New Astrological Year. Also, Mars enters earthy, serious Capricorn, adding gravitas to the event but there’s a lightening in the atmosphere the 19th as Mercury happily snuggles up with Venus in preparation for our welcoming the Arian Vernal Equinox on the 20th. The days begin to grow longer and we celebrate the fecundity associated with the theme of rebirth in the Northern Hemisphere. The exuberance makes all this possible but, this year we must build into our expectations the subduing influence that the March 23 Mercury retrograde in Aries imposes on our plans. As usual, we’re in a time which requires us to closely monitor our decisions and commitments, reviewing and revising how we communicate with others.
March 23 and 24, we need to employ a hands off policy as first Venus (love) and Pluto (obsession) stir up a lot of passion and power plays, followed by the Sun and Mars impulsively confronting each other. Are we remembering our strategies in remaining detached during trying times through deep breathing and other calming aids?
March 28 Venus and Uranus connect and let’s prepare for stimulating relationship experiences and sudden attractions. This sounds fun, but let’s remember we have retrograde Mercury and Jupiter in the background counseling, “Don’t get carried away, Lover!”. The 29th the Sun disagrees with Saturn, causing our expectations to take a hit but, if we moderate our enthusiasm, we come out unscathed. The 30th Venus enters her home territory of earthy Taurus and we feel an appreciation of the physical world around us. Let’s pay attention to what Nature is offering us and figure out a way to enjoy it.
March 31 is the second Full Moon of the month, this time in airy, relationship-oriented and aesthetic Libra, also ruled by Venus. Here we have the independent Aries Sun opposite the prototype of interdependence trying to find common ground while Saturn and Mars, in Capricorn, are mucking up the works. If we can keep communications open, with greater understanding, we complement each other. The Symbol is “A professor peering over his glasses at his students: Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup.” We’re taking our mission a step further than the professor by lowering the boundary between us to relate our differences, thus encouraging dialogue. Are we allowing ourselves to connect with others who have unfamiliar world views? As we do this, our lives become a lot more interesting and we get a new take on ourselves. Isn’t being stimulated refreshing?
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.