Wednesday, October 03, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2018

by Bob Romero

Praying to God is a very personal way to talk to God. Usually when we pray, we are asking God for something. Sometimes we feel guilty because we ask for so much, and we think that maybe we don’t deserve what we want, because we’re not worthy. That’s usually because we have been taught to be humble. Yet in the bible, it says “Ask and ye shall receive”. In my esoteric classes, I have learned that because we are created in God’s image, and God wants us to be happy. So it’s okay to ask for what we want, and more, as long as it’s for good and not tied to ego. The only limits to what we can receive are the limits that we place on ourselves.

We also talk to God to thank Spirit for all of the blessings God has given us. Unfortunately it’s not often that we do this, because this gratitude spurs more blessings and more manifestation. It’s actually very easy to do this every day, because we have so much to be thankful. And the more gratitude we express, the more we receive. Some people may have hardships, or may be on the receiving end of some bad karma, and think that they don’t have anything to be grateful. As we get older though, we realize that waking up each day, is a blessing. And when we take time to look at beautiful blue sky, with the spectacular cloud formations, and the beautiful flowers and trees, or listen to music that inspires us, we appreciate the wonders that are available to us. Then to be blessed with friends and family that uplift us, we are filled with joy and gratitude. The impact of hardships and karma on us, begin to shrink.

We can also just talk to God as we would with anybody. The more we communicate with Spirit, the more Spirit communicates with us. It’s amazing how many problems are resolved just by talking to God about them. There are many informal rituals in many different faiths that invoke Spirit. One that is common, is to light a candle with a special intention. The power of the light of the flame is tremendous, and I have personally experienced the positive results of this ritual.

There are also prayers that have been taught to us or have been written by someone else. These are sometimes referred to as “rote prayers”. At first I was bothered by the definition of rote, as it means learning something by repetition usually without comprehension or understanding. However, if you examine these prayers, they are beautiful and sincere. So if you think about what the words mean, and what your intentions are, and say them as if you’re saying them for the first time, they become much more meaningful. They are like mantras. Just don’t say them in a “rote” way.
This discussion about prayer has been about talking to God in different ways. So far it’s been a one-sided conversation. As with most conversations, it’s important to listen to the other party. Listening to what Spirit has to say is called meditation.

Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2018
by Mario C. Veo

Long, long ago, in a time when the ancient Gods and Goddesses ruled this planet, a group of Beings [don’t you dare called them ‘angels’] were gathered together for their daily party. Yes, in this Heaven it was party, party, party all the time… the wine was divine, the music celestial, and the people just loved being here… Well, what’s not to like…?!  It was Heaven at its best !
And in this particular day the main attraction was watching those weird little creatures they had created to populate the planet…and see what foolish things they’d get up to now… Bizarre little creepy things they were, always running around doing crazy things – loving one day, fighting another, it was a wild roller-coaster ride, even though their lives were so short…but man, were they funny! Look at them now, rallying together under some silly pretense to go out and bash each other, vilifying even the most basic courtesies, as they postured and pointed their dirty fingers at those whom they’d decreed ‘were not as good as them!’
Yes, they still thought that they were better than others, without realizing that, from the point of view of Heaven, one dirty savage is no different from another…and still they fought for supremacy, still believed that ‘Might makes right’… and for what ? to gather some measly material possessions, a title or two, some gold or such like… and then they die! What a waste of life…
Well, it was quite amusing to these non-angels… and so they thought of making things even more interesting – they took bets on what it would take to bring about ‘evolution’ to these weird little creatures… Soon two different camps were formed – the first would send down a great leader – a Being of superior intellect, one with many gifts and powers, who – supposedly – would be able to unite these warring tribes, and bring them peace… while the other group would simply create more drama, more attrition, more chaos… and we’ll see who will win … [the wager was a cask of golden nectar, much valued in these lofty realms…] And so it began – this wonderful leader was born on this little dirt ball, and even though he was a great speaker – very passionate fellow, and with good diction too – still, he just didn’t catch on… Ok, so a few people followed him as he went around telling people about stuff like love and kindness and unity… but you see, no one really cared…
Yes, some did build temples in his image, and others even wrote down his most famous words… but greed being what it is, soon many elected themselves as being ‘his Acolytes’, his duly appointed ‘chosen ones’ , who will now speak with his voice, and tell all others what to do, how to do it, and how much to pay… [after all, you didn’t think the temple ran itself, now did you…!]… Oh, yes, and they all still fought one another, killing each other in the name of His Holiness…
So, that sucked… and now it’s the others’ turn…
Well, they had it easy – they sent earthquake after earthquake, tornadoes and volcanoes ripping the land apart, torrential rains devastating the land… thousand, nay, millions of creatures died… famine was everywhere… and what do you think happened …? Crazy people created temples and worshiped these new ‘Angry Gods’, and even offered virgin sacrifices to appease them [yuk ! what a weird thing to do… but hey, what’d you expect, they’s primitives, right !] …and when that didn’t work…then they just blamed each other, and went to  war…and killed, and killed, and killed…
And so it was declared a draw – neither side won, because, after all, what can you expect from such retarded little creatures… and so these mighty non-angels in their wisdom smited these lowly creatures …[smote, smit,  oh heck, killed off the buggers… ] for they were no fun after all… Bummer, after all that works… But hey, don’t worry, the party still goes on…the wine still flows abundantly, everyone still rejoices that they were born superior… and if you wait a while, someone else will create another race of weird little Beings… and the fun will start all over again… But hey, don’t hold your breath, you know what’ll happen – they just go and kill each other again…! What did you expect them to do – be ‘enlightened’…that’s a laugh, they’s primitives, man! Here, have another drink…
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places.  From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him: /by phone — 303.525.7223
/by email —
/by website —
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.

Thursday, September 06, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2018

by Mario C. Veo

I’ve been fascinated by people – different cultures, deep belief systems, amazing sacrifices and even greater successes… It is true that some people really do have a strong and invincible spirit – so much so that, no matter their challenges, they will always overcome them….
Which led me to think: are they ‘special’ in some form or other… are they ‘blessed’ with gifts and abilities that are superior… do they have some ‘hidden secret to success’… or are they just lucky …? or – I shudder to even consider this – does God like them better than the rest of us… ?
The answer is a resounding NO !  They are just like you and me, no more and no less… just your everyday ‘Human’.
So, why do they succeed when so many others don’t ?  Why are they able to overcome even the most challenging situations … and why are they so darn happy !?! [don’t they know that it’s not all just fun and roses… that the whole world has not ever experienced global peace… that it’s a claw-your-way-to-the-top, or be stepped on, dog-eat-dog out there… What is wrong with them… and why are they so darned successful …!!?]
And, after many years of seeking, the answer finally revealed itself – they simply turn within… look at their own Life first , stop getting carried away by all the stupidity and chaos that is far too common in society, AND take care of their own happiness first… [which also includes family and friends].
So – the answer is truly that simple…but has some interesting insights …
We waste far too much time wallowing in gossip, shocked at the stupidity – and brutality – of others; are too often tempted by the lurid details of the latest atrocity, or by the display of ‘righteous indignation’ offered by those with hidden agendas…
Yes, I do realize that it makes for amusing commentaries by late-night talk shows… and yes, it can be quite funny… BUT… is this what you are choosing to give meaning to your Life… all this lower consciousness / manipulation / absurd propaganda / exploitation of your emotional stability… is this what you want your Life to be about …?
Don’t you realize that all this Darkness will rot your brains, and make you a simple puppets in the hands of unscrupulous abusers… and they will tell you – while smiling falsely – that it is all for your own good…
 The Spiritual Law is very clear – Whatever you put out comes back to you … [and yes, it is also in the Bible] Your success – or failure – depends purely on your investment of energy… So now you know – you can squander your Life by focusing on all that is shocking and negative … or you can claim – without a doubt – your right to choose what brings value to your Life…
Don’t you know that the more you receive, the more you have to share with those you love… You can choose to share gossip, negativity and corruption… or love, kindness and beauty [and these are the only energies that will help you overcome every challenge you may face… isn’t it worth it …?]
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places.  From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the  world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email /
website –
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2018

by Mario C. Veo

Long, long ago, in a land forgotten by time, there was a great empire, one ruled not by the heart, not by kindness and gentle generosity… no, they ruled through the mind, by logical deductions and clear rules and policies… after all, “it is the only way to ensure fairness for all”.
And to ensure that this ‘Justice’ was meted out fairly, they appointed a series of adjudicators who controlled various aspects of society… and, to demonstrate their impartial outlook, they all wore Masks… [even though a few whispered that this was done so no-one would know their identity, and hold them accountable for any – apparent – ‘biased judgment’.
You see them walking around in their white robes [meant to depict ‘purity’], their Masks a sign of power, and how easily the crowds all part to give them their space [after all it is their due]. Their rules were clear, and as long as you followed them, you were considered to be a ‘good citizen’, and was rewarded by your peers … after all, you knew exactly what your place was, and wouldn’t dare do otherwise.
And so this great empire grew and flourished, became very rich, and started spreading its rule to all adjacent lands… Those poor saps didn’t know what hit them – how do you fight against the cold execution of the mind, how do you plead your case to those who don’t know their hearts, how do you implore to be left alone to follow your own individuality…
And so they lost… everything… and because they were conquered, they had little or no Rights.  Yes, of course they had to work, so they could earn the right to live, and eat, and work some more…but never as equals, never in luxury, never as themselves
No, they were not ‘slaves’ [that is too demeaning to the Mind-born]… no, they were simply ‘inadequate’, and so must be taught to know their place, to follow the rules of their better, to simply accept their subordinate role… as befits them… after all, they were not Mind-born.
To make this whole process absolutely clear it was decided that all Mind-born would now wear Masks… just a simple, expedient way to differentiate between those that have [ehm] ‘earned the right to rule’… versus those that obviously were born to follow and serve…
Thus they thought to make themselves strong, and invincible… and they might even have succeeded, except for a small, little, apparently inconsequential factor… Masks cannot hide your true self… and by creating such an obvious separation between its people, they facilitated those born of the Heart to recognize each other more easily…
Now it has begun… the change is here, for in unity there is power, and ego and corruption is its own downfall… Do not think that simply because one is born of the Heart that that person is weak, or even less than you… Don’t you know that the Heart is mighty in its defense of that which is whole and decent and precious to Life itself…
It begins very subtly – letting greed stuff itself to bursting, letting power corrupt the very vessel it inhabits, letting the ego create its own downfall, and those that have much turn their avarice to others who lust after their wealth… and while all this is going on, the Heart will shelter those who know better, and guide them to wait for the Light to emerge, for it will reveal all that is Dark in the minds of men…
It has already started, the revelation of the Light is here… stand clear in your Heart, and in the Brotherhood you claim as your truth… and hold Darkness accountable, no matter how it hides itself…
This is the tale of a great empire that existed long, long ago, and the downfall caused by those who hid behind their Masks, for even as they prized their Mind, they forgot the Light of their Heart.
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places.  From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the  world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email /
website –
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.

Sunday, September 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2018

by Bob Romero

Many spiritual authors and teachers talk about raising your vibration and your radiance in the eyes of Spirit. I’ve heard both teachers and readers say that God does not judge you; he just looks at your radiance. What we call “sins”, actually lower our vibration and energy, thus making us less visible to God. However, we are not the same person that we were when we committed those sins, if we then make the effort to improve our lives. My pastor said that for Lent, maybe Catholics should give up guilt. That way we can truly enjoy the joy of Easter. After all, we are all children of Spirit, who wants us to have happy joyful lives. Enjoying music, art, and nature, and expressing gratitude for all that we have, will lift us higher.
Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God above all else, and to love your neighbor as yourself. The key word is “love” and it is the key to the path of higher consciousness. You don’t love your neighbor because you will get good karmic points; you do it because you sincerely see the goodness in that person.
Serving others will not only increase your radiance in the eyes of Spirit, but it will teach you to experience the love that Jesus and other ascended masters have for us. So doing acts of kindness, helping those in need, and accepting those with different opinions, will raise our vibration to a much a higher level.
Another way to raise your vibration is to start vibrating. The way to do that is through sound vibrations. Spiritual instructors will give their students mantras to chant while meditating. There are also many mantras that you can chant, that invoke Spirit for certain intentions. When I took a class on higher consciousness, one of the topics was on chanting “Om” which is pronounced “Aum”. It is often said at the beginning, and at the end of Yoga classes. My wife told me that she knew that I was chanting “Om”, because the condo was vibrating. A student in the class said that her boyfriend had to leave her house when she was chanting, because the staircase in her house was really vibrating. You can feel the vibration in your voice, and know that Spirit is there in the vibration. When you stop and sit in silence for a few minutes afterwards, you can also hear a real high frequency. This is not to be confused tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears. It is barely audible, but you can definitely hear it. I read that some consider this to be the frequency of God. I feel that there is no better way to honor God than by chanting his name. It is probably one of the most powerful things that you can do.
Not only will chanting relieve stress, and help your blood pressure go down, but you will also notice that your overall health will begin to improve. Your will also notice that things will start going your way. Abundance and manifestation become easier. Your psychic intuition becomes clearer and life becomes more joyful. Eventually you will be able to communicate with your higher guides and angels. All of this happens because your radiance is now a lot more visible to God.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Sunday, August 05, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2018

by Mario C. Veo

Long, long ago, in a peaceful land, there lived this wise man way up in the mountains… not too far from this little village. He was a gentle wise man, and so all the little boys of the village liked to spend time with him, listening to his stories of strange lands, and stranger customs. Oh, how they laughed at these foreigners, how they puzzled over the strangers’ incessant lust and greed, how different it all was from their little pristine village… and, at the end of the day the boys would run the whole way back home, shouting gleefully while playing ‘defenders  of the land’… All of them, that is, except for Jon… No, he walks slowly, head turned to the ground, deeply immersed in thought…
The next day Jon is the first to reach the wise man, for he has many questions: “Why do they do this ?” he asks, “Why would anyone engage in such turmoil… Why waste so much of life simply trying to hurt each other…?” There is a look of gentle pity in the wise man’s eyes as he replies “Men who don’t know love…who don’t value  peace and togetherness…who only know how to hurt and abuse others… they are just lonely people, and very, very afraid of what the future will bring… and so they try to make themselves feel important, by hurting and demeaning others.
Hearing this Jon paled, his eyes shining with unshed tears “But that’s so wrong – if they’d just be nice to  people they would have lots of friends…and they, they wouldn’t need to be so lonely… Why do they do this …?” The old man drew Jon to his chest, holding him in a safe embrace while his tears ran free “Men choose… not out of their hearts, but from their darkest fears” …and held him safe while Jon cried for the loss these strangers would never heal…
Years passed and Jon grew up to be a very serious young man… and the day came when he announced he would go to the strange lands, and seek out those fearful, angry men… and show them love, teach them how to be happy… teach them friendship. He left, without pomp and ceremony, to start his long, long journey… with only the old wise man standing witness for his nobility … [even as he muttered to himself about the folly of youth]
The closer Jon got to the strange lands, the less he recognized – no longer were the trails following the natural contours of the land – no , now they were paved in hard unyielding rock… no longer was the forest free to flow with the rivers – no, now it was cut back so crude fields could be planted in row after row of ugly crops… and what was that stench… what were these people burning as fuel…? Far too soon he came to the city [well, it was really only a small town, but Jon had never seen so many houses together]… and so he stood in the town square [as he had been taught by his elders] and started orating…
In a clear and thrilling voice he told any who passed by about love and friendship, and peace… but all he got back were jeers, people mocking him, laughing at his ‘peasant attitude’… and when he tried – oh, how hard he tried – to make them understand where they went wrong… well then, the crowd got ugly, they started shoving and pushing him, throwing rotten vegetables at him… ugly it was, until the guards came… not to rescue him, but to throw him in jail “For disrupting the peace, inciting a riot , and being a moron”.
The next morning he was before a judge, who took one look at him, at his dirty clothes and unwashed body, and promptly ruled him guilty, sentencing him to three years in a chain-gang, building more ugly roads… and when Jon tried to speak in his defense he was promptly beaten by the guards “For your arrogance, in talking back to the judge”… Three long years later Jon is released, penniless, bruised and battered, to walk back home to his lost village… the road is long and hard, often almost impossible, and only the deep knowledge that love and peace will wait for him in the end sustains him in his journey.
Yes, love and peace… for those who know the true value of life… but, not everyone chooses that… finding their coarse pleasure in greed and hatred… Best leave them to it, then…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, August 03, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2018

by Mario C. Veo

This is a true story… I should know, it happened to me.
I was in my late thirties, successful business owner, happy with my achievements, with a good and loyal staff, and clients who were very satisfied… So the next logical step was to expand. I looked around for the right premises – could not find anything appropriate… friends looked – nothing came of it… so we did what everyone said I should have done in the first place: get an agent… and, sure enough, within a few days she found what she thought was the perfect place.
… Well, yes, it looked pretty good, just needed a few adjustments, some remodeling, new equipment put in… and it should work just fine… the only thing is, it wasn’t local, but in the next town. Now the question was how to restructure my staff, move key players over, and take on a different role [plus a commute I wasn’t too happy about]… but I was young, successful, really wanted to expand, and thought I could pull it off. The next day the agent and I flew to see the building.  Floor plans in hand we rushed in, did a whirl-wind examination of the main floor only [big mistake on my part], and it all looked good enough. The next day I signed the lease, and started the renovation – I left it all in the hands of trusted contractors, and flew back home. Too good to be true ? You’re so right.
Two weeks later the contractor calls to say that he cannot continue – not because he doesn’t want to [after all, he’s getting good money] but because there is a major discrepancy – the plans did not match the building. And so I flew back, still with the original plans that showed there should have been extensive quarters at the back of the building… but, guess what – the entrance had been bricked up, and the rooms were being used by the business next door [who were as upset as I was by the whole thing, but showed me, quite clearly, that their lease included those rooms] So I called the owners…who referred me to their lawyers, and made an appointment for the next day.
There are times when clichés do come to life… This fat, unctuous, beady-eyed, toad of a man [ shyster by any other name] proceeds to tell me that I didn’t read the plans properly [and not even using polite language]. When I pointed out that I have an engineering background, and I had remodeled 6 houses already… he just laughed at me. Barely hanging onto my temper I showed him the plans where the others rooms were clearly marked… and he tells me it’s just a closet – yes, a big closet… yes, with many other closets… but still, not rooms. I couldn’t believe my ears – the little toad was mocking me… refusing to recognize what any 12 year old could easy see is a whole suite… I must admit I got louder and louder, getting ready to tell him – in no uncertain terms – what I thought of him, and his whole unethical business practice… And then I saw it – that glimmer in his beady eyes, that malevolent look of a carrion-eater that is just waiting for me to cross the line… so he could now sue me for defamation or whatever else he could trump up.
To him it was all a game… if he could taunt me until I became ‘uncouth’ – crude, foul-mouthed, vulgar… just like him – then I would lose… But that is not my nature… I am not such a vile creature… And so I left, without another word… shut down the renovations, paid the contractors, got hold of my lawyer, and sued the owner for misrepresentation… It took many months, and a lot more money, but in the end I ‘won’ [an empty victory at best]… and took many, many showers to get rid of the stench of it all.
So why am I sharing all this with you – well, look around you… look at all the drama, all the pathetic lies that are going around, look at all the crazies that are sprouting off irrational nonsense, refusing to engage in even the most basic intelligence… It is a contamination, a corrosive energy that has infected our country… that makes us pawn in the hands of little, slimy toads, who take pleasure in infecting us all…
Now I’ll challenge you – how much drama are you allowing into your Life… how harshly do you respond to others’ opinions… how many excuses are you using to justify your point-of-view… how hurtful are your words and actions… and have you forgotten about Karma … ? Just how contaminated are you by all this Dark Energy …?
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Thursday, August 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2018

by Bob Romero

My teacher in my metaphysical classes has said that to turn the other cheek does not mean to be a pacifist and let others attack you, it means let no harm be done. So you are fully justified to defend yourself against an attack, even if it means killing the other person to save yourself. This is a difficult situation for those on a spiritual path that are nonviolent. It may mean, however, to ignore exchanging insults. Road rage is a prime example. My instructor in an AARP driving class said that when someone cuts you off in traffic, or makes obscene gestures at you, put him out of your mind, because he is out of his.
Another reason to avoid engaging in verbal assaults is that you don’t want to become bound to the lower energies of the other person. In this current political climate, it’s easy to get caught up in slinging nasty insults back and forth. I used to always make sure that I got a zinger in there, until I listened to a card reading on a web site, which stated, that you shouldn’t become entangled in drama that doesn’t really affect you, because it brings you down.  Send love to the situation and pray for justice. Step back, and observe with divine neutrality.
There are now many claims about “fake news”. In order to be aware of what the true facts are, I researched news organizations to see which ones followed journalistic standards and verified their sources, instead of just using blogs as sources. There was an old saying that used to really get to me, which was “Well, both sides do it”, which to me was a cop out.  I maintained that both ten and a thousand are greater than zero, but they are not equal. Now I can be more effective, by concentrating on being a light worker, and not letting it adversely impact me.
However, if you see atrocities taking place, you must also act, in addition to sending love to the situation. People must be held responsible for any damage or injuries that occur. Inaction on your part will also cause undesirable karma. At the very least, write your senator or congressman, and let them know your displeasure with what’s going on.
I once saw an automobile accident take place right in front of me. A teenage girl and her friend had just started to go after the light turned green, and was hit by a much older man in a pickup that ran a red light. No one was hurt, but the young girl had just gotten her license, and was pretty upset. At the time, the older man was very apologetic to the girl. Seeing that everything seemed under control, I started to drive off. I went about a block, and then my better angels told me to go back. As they were exchanging information and waiting for the police, I gave my business card to the friend, and told her to contact me if they needed a witness. Sure enough the girl’s father called me, and said that that the older man was blaming the young girl for the accident. It appeared to me that he was trying to bully her, and I can’t stand bullies.  I told the father that I would be willing to testify, because the light had turned green for a full second before she started to go through the intersection. It was definitely not her fault. The older man then backed off and paid for the damages. I felt good about what I had done, not because I was some kind of hero, or I took delight in taking a bully down, but because, now the girl knew that she had done nothing wrong.
People who take the high road are often admired for being courageous enough to ignore their ego and keeping their standards high. This may make more of an impact on those with lower energies, than trying to argue with them with facts. Taking the high road is the road to higher consciousness.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Friday, July 06, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2018

by Mario C. Veo

Too often people think that just because they are ‘nice’ they will succeed, be recognized for their wonderful qualities, be rewarded by their bosses, appreciated by their lovers, and even be protected and kept safe. Unfortunately nothing is further from the truth – I wish it was, but the harsh reality is simply that Life doesn’t work that way… and there’s a very good reason for this. You see, the whole point of being on this planet is to learn, to understand right from wrong, and who or what creates this, to use this insight and grow in Power so that, finally, we can be active in making this a better world, truly a Brotherhood of Man. If you are one of the ‘nice people’ do you deserve all these wonderful accolades? Absolutely !
Are you likely to get them? Well, not so much … unless you are one of the lucky few who are born in the right family, and grew up surrounded by loving people – very rare…possible, but very rare  [just don’t hold your breath]
What you need to understand is that all these great qualities are very precious, and they should be safeguarded, sheltered from the too common users and abusers of this world… You need to learn discrimination, so that you know who to share yourself with, who can truly understand how unique you are, and embrace the special radiance that is you.
Remember the verse in the Bible “Do not cast pearls before swine”… it is not the swine’s fault for trampling all over these precious gems… so take responsibility for how you use your treasured gifts … they are not ‘common mud’ to be disposed of so easily – you have worked very hard, and for many lifetimes to get to this point of cherished sensitivity.
But what of family, of childhood friends, of long-time colleagues… What if they are the ones that use, or even abuse, me…?!”
Well, what of it… every one of us loudly declares Who we really are, by our words and actions… there is no hiding behind family ties, or social expectations… An Animalistic Consciousness can only be that – and nothing else… so what if you’d hoped that family, friends, lovers would live up to a higher, lofty ideal… it is up to you to choose and shape your Life accordingly. The truth is before you  – do not be the enabler to their dysfunctions…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2018

by Bob Romero

About ten years ago, I had developed severe pain in my shoulders so that I couldn’t lift my arms above my shoulders. My wife had gone for a Reiki session and suggested that I try it. So I did, and I felt extremely calm and peaceful. After such a wonderful experience I went back for a few more sessions. I noticed that the pain was completely gone. I also noticed that during each session, because my eyes were closed, I would see purple splotches fade in and out, and I felt a tingling in the center of my eyebrows. I had never come across anything like this before, and so then I began to explore holistic medicine and spirituality, and came across the Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore. My Reiki Master also encouraged me to meditate, and thus I began my journey in Metaphysics. There were classes offered at the bookstore as well as guided meditations. The meditations made me feel great, and I experienced the same sensations as in the Reiki sessions.
Then one night a little over five years ago, I fainted and was rushed to the hospital. It turned out to be Atrial Fibrillation, which is commonly called Afib. The doctors decided that I needed a pacemaker, which would not let my pulse go below 60, but it was not able to prevent it from going way higher than normal. Having read in a couple of books, about how angels can give us signs, by finding feathers, coins, or seeing a long lost friend, I asked Archangel Raphael for a sign that I was going to be okay before I began my usual walk at Wash Park.  Specifically, I asked to see a feather. Not long after starting my walk, I saw several goose feathers on the grass. Well I thought, there are plenty of geese at the park, and the books stated that the feathers were to be found in places where it would not be usual to find feathers. So I stated, “I want to see a great big white feather!” After I walked a few hundred yards, there hanging from a rear view mirror in a car, was the biggest white feather I had ever seen in my life!
I was dumbfounded, and my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe what I had seen. I stumbled forward on my walk not knowing what to do. I finally gathered my senses, and I thought I’d check the car on my second lap around the park, but it was gone. I kept asking for signs and a couple of months later, I saw on old colleague friend whom I hadn’t seen in 15 years. We chatted about the good times we had, and then departed. Then I remembered that seeing an old friend was a sign, and it was right where I had seen the feather. So I kept asking for signs, and again in the near proximity of where I had seen the other signs, was a bright copper penny sitting on the curb. I thought hmm, and got the feeling that someone was telling me in a stern tone, “Well Robert, have you seen enough.”
Over the next couple of years when I would have my pacemaker checked, and at first there were only a few events of Afib with each lasting a few seconds. Then the episodes got longer and I could feel my heart racing. The cardiologist tried a couple of medications, and I would feel faint due to low blood pressure from the side effects. To make matters worse, a friend of mine that I had worked with many years ago, and was two years younger than I, died from a heart attack. He was in excellent shape because he was a runner and did a lot of hiking. He was just out walking with his wife and keeled over and died. At his funeral, his younger brother talked about how his older brother was the calming influence in his family. When he was facing a dilemma, his older brother would put his hand on his shoulder and say, “Everything will be okay.”
I did research on Afib and found that it can be triggered by alcohol and caffeine.  There were positive studies that came out by using acupuncture and yoga for several months. These results were outside of the medical establishment. Proper nutrition and exercise also helped. I had been going to yoga and using acupuncture, and so when I told my acupuncturist about it, and she began treating me for Afib. Around the same time, the cardiologist prescribed a new medication. He said that if this didn’t work, I would have to undergo an expensive ablation procedure.
The next time I had my pacemaker checked, which was about a year later, there were no episodes of Afib at all. The cardiologist immediately took credit for the great results. So I asked him, “Is that the way the medication is supposed to work, or does it regulate my heart when it goes out of rhythm?” He answered with “Let’s just say that you’re doing excellent.” So I replied, “Aha, so maybe the abstinence from alcohol and caffeine, along with acupuncture, yoga, nutrition, and exercise, are helping. I didn’t dare mention Reiki, because I didn’t want to see his head to explode. Then he told me to just keep doing what I have been doing.
Just recently, I took a class on “The Spiritual Messages of Life’s Challenges”, in which the message was to understand the purpose of these challenges. These disorders move us off of our center and block our progress. It’s hard to be centered when the situation seems hopeless, there is a lot of pain, or your heart is pounding in your chest. I look back now at having Afib, and I think that it was telling me to live a better lifestyle, so that I could advance on my spiritual path.
Last month I went in for my pacemaker check up, and it had been three years since my last Afib event. When the device specialist looked at her computer screen, I asked “Any Afib?” and she replied, “Nope, you’re doing wonderful!” When I walked out into the waiting area, there was no one around. The end wall was actually glass that was about two stories high with a beautiful view of the majestic Rocky Mountains. I took time to look at the mountains and reflect. I had this great feeling of stillness. I just felt so good, and I got this feeling of someone putting his or her hand on my shoulder, and saying, “Everything is okay.”
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Monday, July 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2018

by Mario C. Veo

In a land far, far away, at a time lost long ago, there was this little kingdom… small it was but quite prosperous. The people always smiled and helped each other – no one was left to suffer, not even if they were poor… it was a good time, a time of respect and appreciation; Life was rich and everyone was happy. So it came to pass that the old King breathed his last – alas, without heir… and left the land in a pickle. “What are we to do now…Who shall guide us… Who is the best person to lead us… Who shall we bow to…?”
Oh, so many questions, so few answers… They tried holding a competition, but none wanted the responsibility… they tried simply appointing someone, but they all just refused… You see, they were a nice people, and just a little too humble for leadership. “Well, we all know our place, we do… Not up to us to ‘lord it over everyone else’…We ain’t no royalty, now are we… wouldn’t know which fork to use for soup…eh…” [that brought quite a few laughs, it did, but still did not solve the problem…] What to do, what to do…?
After many a month they looked at the bankers and merchants, and asked them for advice – after all, these were the very backbone of the land, astute in the ways of money and riches… surely they would have the answer … but sadly, they did not.
It isn’t up to us, y’know… we’re just like y’all… simple folks, just like the rest…” and then it was all so clear – they needed an outsider… one who did not grow up ‘just like everyone else’… one who could be strong, and lead without concern and restriction… who could cast all aside in his passion for his rule! And so the town-criers rode out, to the four corners of the land and beyond, loudly declaring – “Who shall be our new King… Who shall lead us… Come forth and present yourself so that our people can once again be safe in their prosperity…
Now many young princes set forth to reach this promised land, and some even traveled together, in bon-ami as they say… but only to be stopped by a dark cowled figure “Stay back, all you young men.. Stay back, if you favor your health.  There is a plague in the kingdom, and fear runs rampant… No-one is safe, the land is cursed… Stay back if you value your life… They tried to lure you with fake tales of needing a king… it is no place for kings or kingdoms… the Dark Times have arrived !! Begone, if you still want to live… begone…
When they heard such vile news the young princes turned around as one, cursing such contemptible ruse and the people who would lure them… “The next crier I hear, I shall behead him for his foul lies !” said the prettiest prince as he pranced away on his bejeweled horse, leading the others away… without noticing the not so dark figure laughing as he turned his horse towards the kingdom.
And so it came to pass that only one man showed up to claim the crown, and he swore to all who met him, that he was a righteous man, well suited to leading such – ehm – ‘pliant populace’ to even greater riches…
So there he sits, on his golden throne, his coffers bursting at the seams as more taxes are imposed, and old nay-sayers are deposed… after all, the land must be united… even if these changes are not for all… There he sits counting all his gold as he shouts for more wine, more revelry, more carousing…and his lackeys gorge themselves on all that once was rich for everyone…
No one to oppose him, he thought himself safe… but look – there on the far horizon – is that an angel or a demon, who carries with him a spotted sword… Is that the prophecy of plague the false king decreed… is that retribution for all – or just a chosen few… I wonder… [Whatever is loudly declared, thus it shall be…until it reaches its inevitable consummation… ]
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2018

by Mario C.Veo

One of my deepest investigations has been on ‘Power and Self-Empowerment’… and conversely Who and What takes it all away. In my time as a Spiritual Counselor, I have met many great and wonderful people who have been totally oblivious of their gifts and abilities, and are blindly choosing to live a very mediocre Life… and what really pushes my buttons is when I see them being manipulated into submission, to meekly accept that ‘this’ is really the best that they can achieve, that this blah life is all they deserve… I see this everywhere – the way some managers speak to their employees, petty politicians and their empty promises – while really pandering to special interests, the still active prejudice between races / religious beliefs /  gender status, the petty use of News to slander / offend / belittle, the blind dismissal of western doctors to even the most valuable of complementary medicines…
Everywhere people are bombarded by misinformation-touted-as-Truth, they are browbeaten by bullies, incited to resist even the most beneficial of changes by hidden special interest groups, are being fooled by propaganda couched as righteous zeal… and – worst of all – it even happens in personal relationships. Disempowerment is easy to achieve:- all you have to do is hurt / offend / belittle someone often enough until they break… or praise and kiss their a** until they are too full of themselves, and now will be your puppet, addicted to their own inflated Ego.
Yes, it really is that easy to manipulate someone… the difficult part starts when you try to heal them, to free them from these offensive chains, to awaken them to their own true self… especially when their self-image is too confused to recognize all of their good qualities… And that is exactly where we all are in our current political chaos – we live in a time of Conflict and Revelation… all that is wrong / dark / corrupt… all that is fueled by greed / fear / violence / exploitation… all will be revealed so that it can be cleansed and healed, so that once again harmony, balance, respect, and appreciation may rule.
And here’s the Key – it all starts within you… Once you realize that you have to live as Truth, behave honorably, claim joyful and loving relationships… then all in your Life will change to reflect the Change that you have become… and if we all do this, then society will change, and these negative forces will no longer be dominant.
As many wise ones have said:  “Be the change you want to see in the world” So how do we achieve all this, how do we start…? Easy – stop pandering to the external influences, take stock of who you are, and what would make you happy / fulfilled / successful, disengage from people and situations that have hurt or belittled you, feed you inner gifts and abilities, and use these to guide your Life to success…
Yes, it is that simple… but it is a choice, and you have to want it… 
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Monday, June 04, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2018

by Bob Romero

Most of us have had someone who inspired us to pursue our goals and dreams, whether it was a relative, a teacher, a coach, or a boss. For me, it was my Algebra teacher, who took me aside after the first semester, and asked me to meet him after school. He saw the enthusiasm and skill that I had for mathematics. He said that he didn’t want me to be held back by the rest of the class, and that we could meet 30 minutes each day after school. That way, I could make sure that I finished the textbook by the end of the year. His inspiration gave me the confidence to pursue a career in mathematics and overcome any obstacles or discouragement by other teachers or other individuals. My brother who taught school for 35 years, once showed me shoeboxes full of letters from former students, thanking him for making a difference in their lives.
There are also those who try to use a negative approach to get us to do what they want us to do.  My pastor said in one of his homilies, that maybe we spend too much time on correction versus encouragement. I think that sometimes priests and ministers focus too much on avoiding eternal damnation, versus finding the joy of heaven. I had a director and a supervisor who had different management styles. The director, who always complimented us whenever we did good work, was considered a mentor. She still had high levels of expectations, but we were happy to go above and beyond them for her. The supervisor on the other hand, was mean, and severely reprimanded anyone who didn’t produce the work exactly as she wanted. We referred to her as the tormentor. Most employees would not do anything above the minimum level of what she wanted.
The people, who encourage us, don’t do so for their own self-interest, or their own ego. They do so, because they feel that it is the right thing to do. They motivate us to have the desire necessary for us to rise to a mush higher level of achievement than we ever thought possible. If we take a step back, and look at what we were before the encouragement, compared to afterwards, it would seem like a miracle. Yet they are not the ones who performed the miracle, we did. They got us to go deep within ourselves to produce fantastic results.
Now lets take this notion to a higher level, a higher level of consciousness, if you will. There are lots and lots and lots of books at the Shining Lotus on self-improvement, and state that the answers we seek, are within us. And there are teachers at the Shining Lotus, who teach us on how to go inside of ourselves, and manifest miraculous healing and riches, which are way beyond our wildest dreams. The only limits are the limits that we place on ourselves. They teach us different metaphysical techniques that not only get us to produce health and abundance, but also help us on our spiritual path. These methods are only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light. The teachers have all of this wonderful knowledge and are more than willing to share it with us. Their encouragement will help us lift ourselves much closer to Spirit, and make this world a much better place. If enough of us take advantage of these wonderful opportunities, then the lyrics in the song “Crystal Blue Persuasion“ by Tommy James and the Shondells will come true.
Look over yonder, what do you see? The sun is a’rising most definitely
A new day is coming, ooh, ooh, people are changing
Ain’t it beautiful, ooh, ooh, Crystal blue persuasion
Better get ready to see the light, Love, love is the answer, ooh, ooh
And that’s all right.
Tommy James & The Shondells
So don’t you give up now, ooh, ooh, so easy to find
Just look to your soul and open your mind
Crystal blue persuasion, mmm, mmm it’s a new vibration
Crystal blue persuasion, Crystal blue persuasion
Maybe tomorrow when he looks down
On every green field, ooh, ooh and every town
All of his children and every nation
They’ll be peace and good brotherhood
Crystal blue persuasion, yeah… Crystal blue persuasion, aha…
Crystal blue persuasion, aha… Crystal blue persuasion, aha…
See you in class.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

Saturday, June 02, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2018

by Mario C. Veo

It all started in a small town, one just like many others, where neighbor knows neighbor, prices are fair, and all are good, law abiding people … for they all know their place. In such a town was born young Thomas, apparently a well adjusted child, over all well behaved even if a little too curious, asking too many questions… and even daring to pester the local pastor with questions that no young boy had the right to ask… [and if his father was a touch too strict, and at times had to spank the boy… well, it was for his own good now, wasn’t it… after all, if the boy was not quite so boisterous then he wouldn’t need to be punished, now would he ?!]
And so in this idyllic little town the young boy grew up into a young man, and gave up his sassiness, learned how to be respectful of his wiser elders, learnt his place, he did. “Smart”, many said “and even handsome” others murmured… “So, let’s make him a deal… Let’s offer him a position in our Bank… after all, he’s one of us, and we need a ‘good’ manager
And so the elders approached young Thomas with what was obviously a sweet deal, “Tommy-boy you look well… Certainly grew up out of your rambunctious nature… Have come to appreciate the good life we all have here… Want you to take your place in our community… Make us proud of you, now
They all talked at once, so overwhelming they were that ‘Tommy-boy’ agreed without really knowing what it was all about… The following Monday he found himself bright and early being ushered into his new office [dressed in his best collar and tie, he did… and he so impressed everyone, that the elders all congratulated themselves on their good judgment… and even the young female tellers spruced themselves up, and shyly introduced themselves]
And so young Thomas-Thom-Tommy-boy found himself having to learn what the bank was all about… and what better way then to review past transactions… y’know, who lent money to whom, who defaulted on their payments, who lost their land… who bought them out at a profit… y’know, just normal bank business. Well now, young Thomas considered himself a man of integrity, a man who really wanted to live the good and proper life of a God-fearing man… so he studied deeper… and deeper… and found that only a few families were allowed to grow rich and prosperous, only a few families ruled the town, only a few families were untouched by grief and famine…and look’it here, they owned the bank… and yes, they were the wise elders… interesting…
So now, what’s a young man to do… was he certain of his findings… or was he just seeing coincidences where no fault truly lies… did he really think that he, in his ever so short a career, had enough information to even know what he was looking at, and – the greatest of all questions – was it really his place to do anything about it.
And so young Thomas-Thom-Tommy-boy sat for many a day, ruminating, thinking, considering his options… and even looking back to his youth, at the times when he was so certain that he dared question…. The day came for the quarterly report, and he decided that he would simply present the information, and ask for clarity… and… see what would happen…. This time the meeting was not held in the bank’s conference room…no, apparently this was a special occasion, and so it was to be held in the wealthiest mansion in town, and for a proper dinner too…
So, dressed in his best attire, the young man presented himself at the proper time… and was greeted by the daughters of the elders… who quite demurely led him into the parlor, where, chaperoned by their mothers, proceeded to ask him his opinion on family, and marriage, and children… and if he thought that he would be a good provider… and asked if his position in the bank would be enough… or if he would consider investing in some properties that may come available…
The girls were all quite pretty, and well mannered too… they knew just how to treat a man, a man who had so much potential, so much to offer to a proper wife… his whole life opened before him… riches and respect in the community… or… who knows what… and at that point he knew exactly what the right thing to do was… “May I introduce you to our new mayor, the Honorable Thomas Truss, and his lovely wife, Grace…”
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, May 04, 2018


© 2018 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter May 2018

by Bob Romero

Scott Gym – In April 2014, I was in Trinidad Colorado to give the acceptance speech at a banquet in Scott Gymnasium, for my father’s induction into the Trinidad State Junior College Educational Foundation Hall of Fame, almost 27 years after he had passed away. My dad had worked at the college for 36 years. While my father did not go to church often, I thought that he followed the principles of Jesus Christ more than anyone else I knew, through his extraordinary acts of kindness. Now more than 30 years later, I’m still hearing stories about what he did for people, although he never mentioned them to me.
When he died, my family started a scholarship in his name at TSJC. We were able to raise enough money so that with the interest made on the contributions, there was enough to pay for tuition for a qualified student for a year. Then the foundation got a matching National Education Association grant for a total of a million dollars, and then quadrupled that total, due to very wise investments. Now there are over 80 scholarships offered annually, some of which like my father’s, offer full tuition.
Over the years, my father did everything from putting the roof on the administration building, installing new hardwood gym floors, mowing the lawns, shoveling sidewalks, firing up boilers to warm classrooms, being security for football and basketball games, painting classrooms, and cleaning classrooms and offices. So how was I able to get someone from the maintenance crew into the Educational Hall of Fame? I cheated, or at least I felt like I did. I used the eulogy that Roy Boyd gave at his funeral. Mr. Boyd was the Business Manager and Vice President of Buildings and Grounds, and a founding member of the TSJC Educational Foundation. He was also acting president for a year, and most importantly, he was my dad’s best friend. The eulogy that he gave was so inspiring, that we asked him for a copy. He talked about how he would lend my father to schools and businesses to teach their employees, or help them solve a custodial problem. He also mentioned how dependable my dad was, and was a real Rock of Gibraltar, and that the employees mispronounced his name as “Fiddle”, instead of Fidel, as an easy shorthand expression of love. Mr. Boyd would sometimes catch my dad giving a pep talk to discouraged students. Mr. Boyd had recently passed away, but I figured how could the board go against the wishes of a founding member.
In my letter for dad’s nomination to the board, I relayed the story of when the head football coach died of a heart attack, my dad would get up an hour earlier every morning, to start a fire in the furnace in the basement of the coach’s home. That way the house would be nice and warm when the children got ready for school. In the 40’s, coal furnaces were used to heat homes by starting a fire with paper and wood, and then putting coal on the fire in order to last through the day, or through the night. The only way I found out about this was because one the children came back 40 years later, to thank my dad, and to work in the hospital as a nurse. She was there in the hospital to help him during his last days.
The secretary for many of the college’s presidents also submitted a letter of support. She stated that there was a poor young student who commuted 70 miles every day from Kim, Colorado to Trinidad. My dad let him stay in the gym overnight because of severe snowstorms. My dad also helped him with money for food. Twenty years later that student came back as president of the junior college, and he made sure that everyone knew what dad had done for him.
I was somewhat nervous about giving the acceptance speech, because unlike giving a technical paper, this was very emotional for me, and I would not be able to finish the speech during my rehearsals. As I sat there at the banquet table, and looked around the gym, a ton of memories flooded my brain. I loved being in that gym from the time that I was little, to the time I left Trinidad. I watched many great high school and college basketball games there. My dad would sometimes let me in the gym to practice my shooting and dribbling skills. And like every young basketball player, I would visualize sinking the winning basket. I saw my future brother-in-law, and then my brother, box there as a fundraiser for the high school. I saw Spencer Haywood play basketball for the college, before going on to an NBA hall of fame career. And I finally got to realize my dream of playing in the TSJC invitational basketball tournaments in both junior high and high school. While attending college there, I got to go to many student-sponsored convocations about current events, like hearing Dick Gregory the black comedian and activist, speak about civil rights and the Vietnam War. One of my favorite concerts in January 1970 was seeing Martha Reeves and the Vandellas perform to a packed gym, and belt out one of my all time favorite Motown hits, “Heat Wave”.
When I went to podium and began to speak, I noticed that the words flowed out smoothly. I had to do my best, because this was about my dad. I mentioned how important the college was to him as it was not just his job, but also his life. I talked about his dedication to the school, and how he also helped students. I went on about how many times after I moved to Denver, I would meet someone who attended TSJC and when I mentioned that I was the son of Fidel Romero, they would say, “Oh yeah, I know Fidel. How’s he doing?” He didn’t teach any classes, but he taught many students about life, including me. I continued on how both he and my mother didn’t have the opportunity to go to college, but they realized the importance of an education which they instilled in us, and that the school serves as a portal for the students to accomplish their dreams. The scholarship in his name continues his legacy of helping people, and especially students, because they are our future. When I sat down, and looked at the pictures of my dad flashing on a big screen, I realized that this was my most memorable moment in that gym, because this was all about my dad. I love you, Dad.
 Sebastiani Gym – In November of 2016, I was in Trinidad for my mom’s funeral. There was an earthquake in 2011 that caused damage to Holy Trinity Church where my mom attended mass. A restoration project closed the church, and a makeshift church was created in the school gymnasium where I went to high school. Trinidad Catholic High School had been closed for several years, and so the Gym was available until the Church was restored. At first, I was disappointed that the Church wasn’t available, because my mom not only went to church there, but she would also light candles and spent a lot of time praying in the church.
I was asked by my family to give the eulogy, which I knew would be tough. As I sat in the folding chair waiting to speak, I looked around the gym and the memories poured in. This was a gym that I also loved being in, because I spent so many hours from sixth grade through twelfth grade practicing and playing basketball, and I enjoyed every minute. There were the high school dances, church bazaars, spaghetti dinners, and high school graduation. There was a concert that I especially remembered in April 1970, which featured Glen Yarbrough as he sang one my favorite folk songs from the 60’s, “Baby the Rain Must Fall”. He made fun of the smallness of Trinidad by saying that he went to “the” library and checked out “the” book.
When I went to the pulpit and began to speak, I noticed that the words flowed out smoothly. I had to do my best, because this was about my mom. The following two paragraphs are parts from the eulogy in which I described what an amazing woman she was.
Her father passed away when she was 8. Because of that, she did backbreaking work in the beet fields as a child along with her older brother, in the late 1920’s, and in the early 1930’s, to help support the family. This was during the Great Depression and at that time, there was no government help.  Somehow she and her family survived. That toughness would define her life. She lost her husband in the war, and had become a widow with three children when she was 27. She was devoted to her kids, and she provided the love and discipline necessary to raise them with good morals and ethics. Several years later, she met my dad and I became the “ours” of “yours, mine, and ours” as dad was a widower with three kids. I was the baby of both families, and the little half brother to all of them, although I never heard the word, “half”. My mother and father greatly loved and respected each other, as she thought that he was kindest, gentlest, and nicest man that she had ever met, and he worshiped the ground that she walked on.
She had a very strong will. She gave up smoking by putting a pack of cigarettes on the windowsill and each day she would tell it, “You don’t boss me!” It took two weeks. When my dad died, she bought a car and taught herself to drive. She lived in her house by herself for many years, and was never afraid. When we would go out to eat or go downtown or go to Wal-Mart, we would always meet someone who knew her. They would hug her and many times they would tell me “I just love your mother”. Her friend of 93 years, Lena, came to visit mom in the nursing home. Mom was 99, and Lena was 100, and so they both couldn’t hear very well, even with hearing aids. So Lena’s son and I used whiteboards so that they could communicate. Mom wrote, “You are my best friend.” And Lena wrote back, “I love you Lucy”.  Mom used to say that she was not a very social person, but the fact of the matter was, that she was the life of the party. She took it upon herself to entertain everyone. When I pushed her in her wheelchair down the halls, many of the staff and residents would say “Hi Lucy!”  grab her hand, or touch her shoulder. When someone went by, without acknowledging her, mom would tell me in Spanish that some people are friendly, and some are not. Then she would tell me something else in Spanish, which I was glad that it was in Spanish, so that no one knew what she was saying. She had her little sayings that she said a lot, but she still made us laugh every time. Some of the sayings were in Spanish, and there are some that I can’t say in Church. When mom went into hospice care, I could not believe the number of people that came by to see her besides family. There were quite a few residents and a lot of the staff. Many of them were not directly involved in mom’s care, but they all knew her. They asked me if they could come in and see mom and tell her goodbye. People, who were total strangers just a few months earlier, cried with me and told mom that they loved her.
When I sat down, I realized that this was my most memorable moment in that gym, because this was all about my mom. I love you, Mom. Even though she was feisty, and quite a character, the reason so many people loved my mom, is because she took a genuine interest in people, and made them feel special about themselves. You could hear it in the glee in her voice, and see it in the smile on her face, when she greeted people that she knew.
It was not a coincidence, or even a twist of fate, that these two events took place in the two gymnasiums that I cherished so much, growing up in Trinidad. It was instead, a very special gift from Spirit, that I was able to give homage to the two people that influenced me the most, in my two most favorite venues in Trinidad. My mom and dad taught me how to treat people, not just by what they said, but also by their example.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.