Sunday, July 03, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2016

by Mario C. Veo

More and more I'm realizing how much better Life could be - simply by considering different 'choices'... and here's the kicker - most people do NOT - I mean, would you seriously stay in a job which does not really respect you... but the money is good... how about a relationship where the sex is fine... but not much else...?(O.K., so maybe for some of you that's enough, but really, is that all your old age will be about?!)

What about the many times when you could have made a different choice... what would your Life have brought you?... and, why didn't you choose differently? Where you are 'afraid of success'? or simply couldn't be bothered?... how about that you didn't believe you could have more... or simply didn't think that 'something better' was available... so you just did what? 'settle for less than you're worth'...?

Look, I'm not trying to make you feel bad... no, really, I'm simply getting you to consider that there is sooooo much more that's available to you(yes, indeedy!) Trust me, I've been half way round the world and back... and it can be a most amazing, wonderful, fulfilling, 'blow your granma's socks right off' kind of place... (to the point that you just might look forward to your next incarnation... just saying...)

So how do we get there? Funny you should ask...
First, consider that EVERYTHING is within Spirit, so that everything is constantly available(even if poor little me ain't able to see it yet... just believe, O.K.?)
Next, take a step back from all your experiences, and the labels you gave them(good-bad-awful-never again... and, my favorite, what-was-I-thinking!?)... simply 'Observe'.
Now, ask yourself: "What caught me... why did I react so... what could I have done differently...? (and the most important one) "What was Spirit trying to tell me?"

With me so far?? Good! the solution is very close... look at all the wonderful, great, creative aspects that make you truly the unique person that you are... go deeper within your Radiance... and from this Center, look at the Choices that Life can bring you... and take the first step towards this new Future... (and don't be frightened!!)

Now, even as you read this some of you are shaking your head, saying things like; "Well, you don't understand... Life is not so simple... I just can't... I've tried, but no matter what, I simply never seem to...
Yes, I hear you... Life can be a bitch... but it doesn't always have to be... I also see that you really could succeed/love/live/prosper/change... and be ridiculously happy. So, for you I've created a series of seminars to help you get past your challenges... and that's what this month is all about... (Yup! I'm a nice guy... I want ALL of us to be our most radiant self)... so what say you, ready to blow the lid off this pop-stand?!?

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, July 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2016

by Sally Shotwell

July begins with the Sun(our consciousness), Mercury(our thought process), and Venus(our values and love) sojourning in watery, nurturing Cancer. They are enjoying the company of Mars(action) and Neptune(the trancendent) who are also traversing the other water signs of Scorpio and Pisces. These signs create a trine in the Zodiac with Cancer being assertive and acting as the initiator of the group. All are known for their emotional, intuitive natures but Cancer is particularly sensitive, being ruled by the Moon. Noted for her cyclical monthly journey through all twelve signs of the Zodiac(2 per sign), she is also tied to our relationship with our actual and archetypal Mother. This is highly charged territory which holds many mysteries. With mystery comes a certain vulnerability which Cancer Moon children are able to articulate when not in retreat within their shell. We ourselves all experience emotions which go a long way in determining what we seek in offering security and for Cancereans, it is the Home. We too, see the possibilities of being nurturing and loyal while creating welcoming environments to share with our loved ones.

Are we comfortable in our home environment?
Do we see it as a peaceful location to retreat to or as a social space? Perhaps both?

"A hand with a prominent
thumb held up for study"
Let's enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the first few days of July in preparation for the July 4 New Moon(beginnings) in Cancer when the outside world joins the party. Because the Sun and Moon are in a cardinal(assertive) sign, their presence is triggering stormy interactions with two notorious transformative planets also in cardinal territory. They are ruthless Pluto in earthy Capricorn and unpredictable Uranus in Fiery Aries, challenging anything they come in contact with. Although annoying, to say the least, Cancer is known to personify steely determination and protective instincts which inspire confidence.
The Sabian Symbol for the 4th is "A hand with a prominent thumb held up for study; The power of the will is shaping character." The thumb is seen in palmistry to represent our will(vitality) and certainly is consistent with the spirit exhibited by our fore bearers who fought the Revolutionary War and established the United States.
Where in our life do we need to hunker down and take care of business?

Where are we asked to share our expertise with others?

July 11, lovely Venus enters fiery, dramatic Leo, followed by mental Mercury on the 13th. She welcomes him with open arms, soothing his frazzled nerves brought on by his July 11 confrontation with extreme Uranus. Leo, ruled by the Sun, shares heart-warming sensations that encourage playfulness. Let's take advantage of this invitation to succumb to whimsy. This is not indulgence since release of tension is good for the soul.
What do we do for fun?

The July 19 Full Moon(culmination) is in serious, earthy Capricorn. The Symbol describes "A large aviary; the enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications." In many teachings, birds are considered agents of spiritual forces. Here they are housed within a large structure, communicating their transcendent message to the ether and all who are open to it. Let's have that include us!

Right now, and for some time to come, we are in the midst of a powerful tug-of-war between restrained Saturn and unbounded Neptune, each promoting their take on what direction our spirituality should go. We realize that over-identifying with either message leads us to fanaticism and our challenge is to find a balance in our spiritual practices and commitments. This equilibrium is an ideal but certainly something we are required to commit our ongoing attention to.

July 22, the Sun is happy to enter his home sign of Leo. Besides stressing creativity, we're given a push to focus on relationships, guided in our efforts by sparkly Venus and brainy Mercury. Talk about sparks, Mercury experiences some July 27 when rubbing against Uranus. This promises that we receive stimulating and unexpected ideas. Let's entertain them but hold off until Mercury enters his home sign of earthy, stable Virgo on July 30. This bodes well for our plans to get organized and entertain ideas from a precise, measured perspective. We do need to remind ourselves that Virgo's perfectionism sometimes creeps into our consciousness and we need to have outlets to alleviate any tendency to over-extend ourselves.

July 31 offers an outlet for this as fun Venus connects with surprising Uranus and perks up the social scene in, perhaps, a bizarre way. Needless to say, with Uranus in the mix, our antenna is sensitive to monitoring our perceptions while enjoying ourselves.

Happy Summer and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.