Monday, May 06, 2013


© 2013 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter May 13

by Pura Isham

I really define myself as an individual with desires to live life, with desires to grow in a more vertical, spirally way with discernment and compassion. As I contemplate this question I sense that different aspects of who I’ve been, who I am, and who I am becoming have gone and will go through a process of fulfillment, development, and satisfaction with and without stagnation. I am aware that there may still be areas in my life that need to be healed and reintegrated, a process of closure, commitment, growth, expansion and many other things, and possibilities which will bring or create their own challenges and joy.

I think that for now and in the long future (other lifetimes) there is going to be a critical, a social voice, a scale that will define through impositions who and what I am. Most of this answer is so concrete and tangible, and at the same time I am ever so aware that I am more than this. There is the spiritual Divine component of who I am and yes, to a certain extent, my concrete and tangible answer is somehow intertwined with my spiritual process of fulfillment, of the development of growth and expansion.
The extent that I define myself as a creator begins so far as accepting the responsibilities of my participation in the things I have accepted, that I have chosen, that I have decided upon, that I have enjoyed, that I have screwed up in my life. All of these and more have I created whether I have been aware of it or not.

So, it has taken a while in this lifetime to really become aware of claiming, truly claiming myself as a creator, and to be conscientious about the kingdom of Creationship which is mine because I am part of Creation Itself. Great Question! This answer, so far, it’s a very powerful beginning and continuation of experiencing, conscientiously, this integral aspect of who I am. Because of where I am on my Spiritual Path, on my Discipleship Path, I am learning and remembering with understanding and consciousness that I have always been a creator and that I can’t be otherwise. Sai Ram.

This essay was in answer to a homework assignment from Mario C. Veo’s Esoteric Studies Class. The assignment was to write about your definition of yourself as a spiritual being, the scale on which your definition is based and to what extent do you define yourself as a creator.

Pura Isham is a student of spirituality, metaphysics and esoteric subjects. As a very inquisitive person, Pura has been studying these areas for many years, most recently with her teacher, Mario C. Veo. We thank her for the inspiration she is to us, and letting us peek through this window to her personal spiritual path.

Saturday, May 04, 2013


© 2013 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter May 13

by Mario C. Veo

Jack was seen walking around New York City frantically beating two wooden sticks together.
“What are you doing?” asked the cop.
“I’m keeping the lions away!” replied Jack, striking the sticks even harder.
Bewildered, the cop said, “There are no lions in New York!”
To which, Jack wisely replied, “You see…it really works!!!”

So now I ask you: who is ‘right’ – Jack or the cop? Both of their belief systems were proven to be correct – in their own minds…but only because they believed in it. Now then is the next question for you: as the Wise Outsider to this outplay, what do you believe in…and why? It is the Mind which drives and directs us, frequently without us even questioning why…and through this, create the demands imposed upon us by ‘Life’.

I recently bumped into an old friend who was wearing a glorious purple coat – when I complimented her on it she told me that it was her favorite…yet I have never seen her wear it in all the many years I have known her. Was she wearing it now because she felt good about herself – thus wanted to ‘reward herself’…or did she do it because she needed ‘pampering’? We all have ‘favorite colors’ (and we know the powerful effect Color has on our wellbeing), yet we never stop to consider “why??
Much information is locked within our Minds – especially our Subconscious Mind – so this month I have dedicated a series of classes to explore this intriguing mystery…from the Obstacles it programs, to the Success it yearns for…from its ability to manifest (or not), to the Curses it attracts. Fascinating…simply fascinating.

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations. Mario is the featured reader on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 6pm at the Shining Lotus™. He is also available from 12:30pm to 6pm on the last Sunday of every month.

Thursday, May 02, 2013


© 2013 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter May 13

by Denise Montoya

Our true beauty can be found by enjoying what nature has to offer. For instance, thinking that winter has left us may bring us relief, but the surprise of a heavy spring snowstorm can be tranquil. As it falls in its perfect stillness, let your mind release all stresses and focus on the moment. Let us welcome any and all moisture as a blessing from the universe and feel it cleanse our soul. The snow can be a chore, but rejoice in what it does for our gardens. Furthermore, as moisture comes in those heavy spring storms, let your unproductive thoughts fall away to the ground with the snow. Welcome to your heart and mind what nature brings for a new season and winter has gone for now.
Let the radiance of spring come into your body, mind and spirit. The beauty peaks through our lives bringing inklings of plants. This freshness of spring can be encouraging to go forth and create favorable expressions for our life. Spring is the promise of the many blossoms we look forward to, but remember you too are a blossom in your own special way. See the differences in the bountifulness of flowers and colors which come forth for us to enjoy; recognize that you too are unique and have your own beauty. Stated by Rama Jyoti , “allow nature to fill our pores with its majestic beauty,” continue to  discover yourself with the transformation that spring brings. Finding peace in the beauty of a tree or a flower can give us grace and compassion for the creator of such blessings. In return you may receive more calm to your mind. Each thought we have today can inspire and make our tomorrow better, so let’s enjoy what we can and take on each challenge with fullness.
Notice how the air changes in spring, to a renewed light breeze; offering your body the song of “prana” (breath) take it in fully to let it rejuvenate you. As the rain comes it provides us with great moisture, find cleansing with the water to release and bring you more of your natural allure.
As wind blows in our spring months it brings renewed creation, let us listen to its howl hearing the song of the cosmos and unseen. Everything is there for us to enjoy, may your time in the outdoors rejuvenate you. Our lives can be happier if we use our senses, to take time to notice what has been put in our surroundings. This may make the challenges of everyday life seem a little easier. As you find beauty in the sky, clouds or plants which come to fruition in spring remember and capture your true beauty- within.
Denise Montoya has over 1000 hours of training and over four years experience teaching yoga, breathing, and meditation techniques. Let yoga be an avenue for your inner calmness, peace and tranquility. Yoga can offer many benefits for your body and mind. It regulates our heart rate and increases oxygen up take. It can increase your energy, improve digestion, and reduce stress.
OMYoga, LLC. 303-507-3388.