Sunday, December 03, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2017

by Mario C. Veo

All Life is about Cycles … something must end so there may be a new Beginning – but only if we’ve made space for it …
But most of us don’t  –  we hang on to the disturbing news, the harsh words, the offensive actions… and even the brutal memories… and never once question what these Energies are doing to ourselves, and our Life.
Remember the Law of Attraction…?  Whatever you focus on, so you shall receive…
Now, some of you would say that we can just stay focused on Life’s joys, the pleasurable acts, the loving memories, the smiles and gentle touch… and while this is better than focusing on the negative, still, it doesn’t make space for the New…
You see, if you fill yourself with past memories [no matter how pleasant] you get just that: ‘memories’, and nothing else can come in… In fact, you will compare everything and everyone you come across to your Past… and that’s just not fair…
Why?… Because your memory is not perfect, and while you can – and often do – remember only the good things / good times, this is not a true reflection of how you felt at that time… in fact, you create an ‘idyllic fantasy’ of what it once was…
And there’s more –  who you are today is not who you once were … so the way in which you embraced and appreciated the past is not how you would respond today  [remember the endless parties, and how you’d just bounce right back … well, can you still do that now …?]
While it is good to have these wonderful memories, still you must live ‘in the Now’ – be present, here, today – and appreciate what you have … be grateful for the good things that are available to you now, no matter how small, for these are the riches upon which you can build an even greater, more rewarding Future.
Look forward to the New Year… choose what you will do with it… and what you will become, because of your choices… Remember – everything changes… it is up to you – and only you – to guide these changes towards that which is filled with Love, Beauty, Health, and Wealth… after all, we do live in a world of Infinite Possibilities… if you so believe…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Saturday, December 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2017

by Mario C. Veo

The young man stood at the beginning of the trail, his backpack firmly on his shoulders, and took one small sip of water … contemplating the journey ahead. “It’s a n easy one” they said …  “Just a few miles … you’ll be there before sundown … just don’t wander off, and you’ll be fine”  [like that was reassuring – what would happen if he did ‘wander off’ … and how far would he have to go off trail before ‘it’ happened …?!]

But he curbed his distracting thoughts, squared his shoulders … and took the first of many steps … His eyes firmly on the horizon, his breath strong and even, the journey began … This was not just a frivolous escapade, but one that would determine his future … well, at least as he thought his future should be …
You see, she was waiting for him at the end of the trail … a final gesture, a hope for reconciliation, a ‘test’ of his resolve …to find out if they should have a Life together … Did they quarrel ? well, not any more than other couples…and, he thought with secret satisfaction, the make-up sex afterwards was great … so, all should have been forgiven … should it not ?! After all, he didn’t cheat on her, drank very moderately, and only on social occasions, did not go off ‘with the boys’, in fact they often planned outing together … but noooo, she felt that it wasn’t enough, that he worked too hard, and staid way too late most nights …
Well, you tell me how he was going to pay for all the gifts, and jewels, the fancy cars, the mortgage, and the holidays abroad … never mind that he did it all for her … couldn’t she see that he was a good – no scratch that – a great provider …?! that anything she wanted, anything at all, he would move heaven and earth to get it for her… That all these sacrifices had to be done now, while he was still young, and strong, and could work hard … and that if he didn’t do it… well, no-one else was going to do it for him…!
So, why was she so contrary, why was she complaining so much… WHAT DID HE DO WRONG…?!!!
And with each step his mind rose in turmoil, clouding not only his reason, but also his vision… No longer was he seeing the beauty of the trail, no longer did he appreciate the fresh wind, the pretty flowers, or the birds on the wing…
Closed within himself, he stomps with each step, glowering at each pebble that twists his foot, or the branch that dares encroach upon his path, or the warm sun upon his back… No joy in this journey … what started off as a path of self-examination, and a desire to strengthen the bond that might still exist, now has simply turned into the oldest ‘blame-game’ of all “I’m not wrong, because you are not right !!”…
After all”, he rationalizes, “both of us can’t be blameless, and I know that I did nothing wrong … so the fault must lie with her” … even if he cannot think what this might be… And as he plods along, the sun begins to set, the temperature cools off… and he realizes that he isn’t anywhere near the end of the trail… in fact, he seems to have gotten himself turned around  [was he not paying attention ?] for there, I front of him, is the very starting point, the beginning of his journey… “Oh, what’s the point of it all” he mutters to himself as he steps off “It wouldn’t have worked out – she just isn’t grateful enough … just doesn’t appreciate me !”
… and so, secure in his own unsullied pride, he once again moves towards the glittering lights of his Life …while at the end of the trail she waits … and even as the last rays of the setting sun give way to night, she hopes that he’ll realize that all she ever wanted was him – not his gifts, money, or jewels… just him…
Now you, the reader, must decide – was the journey fruitful… did it accomplish anything… and what did it reveal…? … but before you pass so quick a judgment consider that this is your perception, and so reveals more about you, than the poor protagonists of this sorry tale…
There is no ‘right’ and there is no ‘wrong’… there is simply ‘Perception’… and thus we create our Reality…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, December 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2017

by Sally Shotwell

We’re now in the last month of the calendar year which offers us the transitional events of the Winter Solstice mid month and the entrance into 2018 not long after.  The demands of the Holiday Season can be daunting but we have the Sun (our consciousness),  Teacher Saturn, Mercury(our thought processes), and Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Money, all in Sagittarius.  This fire sign is ruled by expansive Jupiter and his  symbol is the Archer, a Centaur (half man, half horse) who always aims his arrow upward to the stars, striving to connect with universal understanding.

We ourselves can integrate into our attitude  this big picture approach as we tackle the demands which swirl around us this time of year.  Lovely Venus has arrived on the scene December 1 and she quickly embraces an exuberant approach to interpersonal exchanges.  We may find ourselves becoming more adventuresome in our own relationships – what can we lose?

Also on December 1, we have assertive Mars in airy, harmony-loving Libra at odds with with unpredictable Uranus in fiery, in “me first” Aries and it’s best if we take care of our business and avoid this clash of wills. Fortunately,  December 2  our detachment pays off  when optimistic Jupiter in watery Scorpio gets together with compassionate Neptune in watery, transcendent Pisces create a benevolent environment, striking a spiritual chord for us to tune in to.  This promotes our faith in each other and the courage to pursue our dreams.

Are we allowing ourselves time to relax and receive the information our inner voice is sharing with us?

December 3 mental Mercury turns retrograde in inspiring Sagittarius, calling on us to refine our perceptions. Although may we interpret  this to be a set back in our progress, the need for us to rethink and review what we’re engaged in can save us from avoidable missteps.  This reflection pays off as the Full Moon(culmination) in mental Gemini is in a lively dialogue with the Sun in philosophical Sagittarius as dreamy Neptune enters in, muddying the communication.  The Sabian Symbol comes to the rescue, pointing us to the importance of our pursuing our self-awareness and independence. It uses an image which predates the Civil Rights Movement and states “A Negro girl fights for her independence in the city:  Liberation from the ghosts of the past.”  She didn’t have the resources we have at our disposal but he courage saw her through.  Let’s  work on how we can move beyond what aspect of our past stands between us and freedom.  Where do we feel blocked?
December 9 assertive Mars enters watery, driven Scorpio and enters the arena where Jupiter is holding court, investigating all things hidden. There’s a lot of emotion attached to the revelations which are surfacing, both in our personal lives and the avalanche of material from the public realm. Processing yucky stuff can be very draining and we need to be mindful that any time Scorpio is in the picture we must remind ourselves to compensate the dark with exposure to enlivening circumstances and material.  What lightens up our lives?

December 10 Venus and Neptune rendezvous and share idealistic expectations of how interpersonally we can flourish.  Let’s ponder what they bring to mind as we bask in this warm atmosphere.
Between December 12 and 15 Mercury socializes with the Sun and Venus easing us into the Holiday Season.  December 16 the Sun and innovative Uranus add an element of
excitement but we may need some down time to avoid a feeling of overwhelm.  Let’s not forget deep breathing and Rescue Remedy!

December 17/18  we want our wits about us as the New Moon (new beginnings) in Sagittarius encourages us to embody this inspiring sign’s essence.  The Symbol is “A sculptor at his work:  The ability to project his vision upon and give form to materials.”   The more we understand ourselves the more we can contribute to others. 

What resources do we have to share?

December 19 Teacher Saturn returns home to his home to earthy Capricorn for the first time in 29 years and it is a BIG DEAL.  He’s all about our taking the insights gained during his time in Sagittarius and putting them to practical use.  We become ambitious to get organized and improve our circumstances and those of others. Flexibility is also in the works since this is a cardinal sign and automatically takes initiative when changes are unavoidable (which we are experiencing now).  December 21 the Sun meets up with him during the Winter Solstice, perhaps the most important turning point of the year.  It’s seen as a special time because  it promises the return of the Light and throughout history celebrations both sacred and profane have been observed.  How might we pay homage to this event?

December 22
 Mercury turns direct but it’s a good idea if we off on making important decisions, etc. until next month when important information appears.

December 24
 Venus changes gowns and her mood becomes more serious as she enters Capricorn and helps the Sun celebrate on December 25, Christmas Day.  This isn’t a recipe for hilarity but we experience their commitment to love and loyalty which extends a sense of security and  comfort which is welcome.  Saturn is also on hand, keeping things real.

December 31 is a date filed with symbolism and it may be bittersweet for us as visions from the past appear in our mind’s eye.  The Moon (our emotions) is in airy, bright Gemini and he ends up spending time with Mercury and Uranus so our thoughts my branch out in intriguing directions, setting the stage for a revitalized New Year. Isn’t it nice we’ll be able to compare notes as 2018 unfolds!!!

Happy New Year and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell
 is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

Thursday, November 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2017

by Mario C. Veo

This is the story of a young man, and his search for “a glorious Life”
The story starts in a small mountain village, you know the kind, where everyone knows each other, you call all grownups ‘Uncle or Aunt’, and Life is peaceful … well, some may even say a little boring … what with all the healthy natural foods grown right there, and good, hard work following the seasons, there really isn’t much that can lead you to trouble, you know… [except boredom, perhaps]
You were all expected to provide for your family, and with a little left over to share with neighbors and the elderly – after all, they did the same for you, in your times of need, so it’s only proper that you should too … youngster would hunt for small game, or fish in the swift rivers, or even raise bees if they fancied … while grownups worked the fields, and some felled mighty trees for the local mill …
As I said, it was a peaceful Life … for most …
And so it happened that this particular young man decided that such a ‘simple Life’ was, after all, much too simple … and that he yearned – oh, so deeply yearned – for ‘adventure’ !
And his parents, who loved him very much, thought that if he really, really wanted to go … well then, they should not make him miserable and hold him back unduly …
The day of his departure swiftly came, and all the uncles and aunts gathered at the village square to see him off… many with small tokens and little gifts – a few dollars here and there “To buy you something sweets to remember us by…” or a healthy sandwich to have on the way “You never know what kind of food those outsiders may have… certainly not as good as ours…” and those that had too little to spare, well then, it was hugs and kisses, and loving embrace… [and maybe even a tear or two]
And so he left, to find ‘Life’ in the big world out there… first by train [that beast surely could move !], later by bus [oh, what sticky seats !], and finally he reached his destination – the Big City [oh, what a foul smell !]… but he didn’t care, for he had arrived , and finally he could start living !!!
He was young, he was eager, and strong to boot [never said he was lazy], and soon found a job – a little menial perhaps, but he was well liked, and soon was on track to be promoted…
Harder and harder he worked, saving every penny so he could buy a car [must have one of those, you know, town is too big to walk !], then more money to buy a house… no, a ‘condo’ [it’s more upscale, and who has time to mow the lawn and plant flowers – God forbid !]… then it was girls and dates, and oh the glorious sex !
Yes indeed, he had arrived – this was Life ! as he always wanted it to be !! of course there was so little time that he no longer called home every week, actually, not even every month… What could he say to them, they wouldn’t, couldn’t understand his Life – no longer walking barefoot on the river bank, or swimming butt naked in the creek… nope, he now wore Italian shoes and swam in a proper swimming pool… he had nothing left to tie him to his ‘rural’ [shudder !] background…
Now he found the ‘perfect girl’, and soon will be married… and when she asked about his parents he told
everyone that he was an orphan, raised by the State in different foster homes, until he was old enough to find his own way in the world…
Oh, how they admired him then, the orphan who made it rich ! the boy wonder! the man who forged a Life of wealth and success!… and how he gloried in this adulation, preening himself here and there … [he even overheard someone say that ‘men wanted to be him, and women wanted to sleep with him’… imagine that!]…… …….. ……..
And so he grew in wealth and power, buying up properties, industries, and even a bank or two … and if anyone opposed him, well then, they got what they deserved … [he was friends with some very influential people … and even some who could ‘convince’ others not to cross him … if you know what I mean]
His wife grew fat, his sons spoiled brats, and his many mistresses younger and younger… Ah, what a Life!
Now he nears his final days, surrounded by lawyers and board of directors, jackals wanting to make sure they get their share before the old man dies [his sons too busy playing golf with the mayor, already got theirs]…
Do you think he made the right choice ? was this a Life worth living ? was he truly happy ?
Oh, one more thing, his parents died surrounded by loving friends …all bewildered that the son was not there…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2017

by Sally Shotwell

The month  begins with the Sun (our consciousness), Mercury (our thought processes) and Jupiter (expansion) in watery, formidable Scorpio.  It is ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, who delves deep into the mysteries hidden below the surface of our lives, from personal to global.  The emphasis now is on our emotional wellbeing as we are exposed to new information which can change our expectations do to the material that's dug up.   When we discover  the source of our  behavior which is surprising and not welcome, it's  a blessing  if we can remain connected to our meaningful relationships and activities.  Here's where we rely on our common sense and  ability to determine  what deserves our attention and focus.

Fortunately,   Benevolent Jupiter, now placed in this profound sign,  is cooperating with it's ruler Pluto who is in serious, responsible Capricorn.  Their influence promises to offer us valuable insights which can help us is our transformation but they are intense.  Here' where the other planetary cycles give us the assistance we need to keep our eye on the ball as change swirls around us.
November 3/4 the Full Moon (culmination) is in earthy, practical  Taurus, ruled by sensuous Venus, opposes the Sun in relentless Scorpio and  the issue of what we most value may come up  when our assets are involved.  The Sabian Symbol states;  "A young couple window-shopping:  The fascination of the youthful ego with the products of the culture."
What is our personal relationship to our material possessions as well as the social/cultural  contacts  which define our circumstances?  Are we concerned that they may be distracting us from  addressing meaningful issues in our life?
November 5 mental Mercury enters fiery, optimistic Sagittarius, directing us to expand our horizons and have fun in the process.  This is a good antidote to the wistfulness  we may feel as the encroaching darkness descends  ( Daylight Savings Time ends).    November 7  Venus enters Scorpio and she raises  the ante on our desire to develop intimacy in our close relationships.  This requires a true sharing of our inner most feelings and this is where the courage of the Scorpio Sun helps us to venture into unknown territory.  Are we inspired to deepen communication and reveal more of ourselves to promote mutual understanding?
November 11 this comes in handy as persistent Saturn, soon to leave Sagittarius, is sparked by electric Uranus in fiery Aries to seriously combine innovative vision with sound strategies to help us achieve our goals.  Fast forward to November 13 when Venus and Jupiter commingle and promote a generous attitude and share their inclination towards good fortune . Mercury in Sagittarius and Neptune in otherworldly Pisces are not getting along but  let's not allow their problem keep us from basking in the blessings the Goddess of Love who expects us  enjoy  each other.   The  16 she connects with Neptune and compassion is the name of the game.  Are we nurturing ourselves and others?
November 18 the New Moon (new beginnings) in resourceful Scorpio telegraphs that the power of regeneration is available to us if we are resourceful.  This requires diligence on our part to resist the superfluous diversions which bombard us.  The Symbol states:  "A military band marches noisily on through the city streets.  The aggressive gratification of cultural values."  The key word here is "aggressive" which connotes an ego orientation which we can do without.
November 19 presents us with an opportunity to detach as Pluto irritates Mars which means a power play is probably in the works.  The 21st our spirits are lifted when Venus and Pluto, now in a good mood,  support each other as passionate feelings surface and the Sun slips into adventurous Sagittarius.   The ruler of this sign is Magnificent Jupiter and  its symbol is the centaur whose bow and arrow are aimed at the sky with its unlimited possibilities.  We're  gearing up for the holiday season and this optimism is welcome!
November 22 Neptune, in watery, transcendant  Pisces is moving forward, after spending months taking us on an inner voyage, guiding us to redirect our subliminal  dreams  to those we can manifest  while recognizing our  spiritual yearning.    Jupiter is joining forces with him so we may feel particularly idealistic as we gather with others to celebrate Thanksgiving the 23'd.
November 25 Mercury happily consults with unpredictable Uranus in fiery Aries and they come up with unexpected avenues for us to pursue.  This is promising since the 27th the Messenger of the Gods consults with stable Saturn to vet any decisions we make and leads to success due to the beneficial melding of tradition with inspiration.  This bodes well for us as we branch out and  keep an open mind to all the options  available to us!
Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

Monday, October 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2017

by Mario C. Veo

In the most ancient of times, long before even fabled Atlantis, this land was united, linked in Brotherhood and the wisdom of respect.  Man was free to walk this Earth, and the Earth embraced and nurtured him.  He had nothing, and needed nothing, for the bounty of the fields were always ready to be shared, and the soil would turn soft to present him with a bed, and even the mountains offered caves to shelter him from the rains.... it was an idyllic time, truly based on Oneness.

So Man walked, exploring this Land of Plenty, never once desiring more than his needs, never once hoarding against a dire future ... why should such a  darkness arise, when the Land was so gracious, and all freely given. This very thought was one that could cause confusion, and in this confusion could be the seed of fear, and even of resentment.

Many ages went by, and Man, content in his bliss, became more and more radiant ... his very cells shone forth with an inner light, his voice became song, his vision one of pure beauty ... until the day he met ‘the others’.

Even though they were not of his tribe, Man embraced them as brothers, and with true innocence guided them to the most bountiful fields, showed them where the purest streams ran, and where the safest caves were to be found ... and having completed his proper duty, left them to continue his travels [for still much was to be explored, and  even greater beauty to be found]

This he did for many a year, and great was his joy as more of Earth’s bounty revealed itself ... Life was filled with seeming endless delight ...Yet as decades went by he found less and less, and that only of lesser radiance ... and some even rejected him ... him Man of pure light was being shunned by the very Land he once called brother ...

Confused by his new found lack he now turned to this puzzle, and began a different search to try to find the cause, the reason for such unpleasant divide ... And so he walked, for many days and many miles, but instead of uncovering less he found only increasing strife ... and at times even outright disowning, for that which once was one, now stood against him  “You no longer belong here ... go away Betrayer ... You did this to us all ... No place, no place, no place left for you ...” ... and no matter how much he tried, and begged to have the Land listen to him, he was Outcast ... No other choice but to move on and continue his search ...

So many more years passed, and for him who once was Eternal Youth, now found himself puzzled as he grew older and older ... not yet feeble, mind you, just ... ageing [as if the Land which once sustained him, now refused but the most basic sustenance]

And now, today, he finds himself once again in the valley where he first met ‘the others’ ... and tears sprang to his elderly eyes, for before him no longer lay the beautiful valley, filled with pure streams and bountiful trees ... no, now there were only crude buildings, sterile walls guarded by hard men with weapons, and even animals who once roamed free were now incarcerated in dirty pens, simply kept for slaughter ...With tears streaming down his wrinkled face he moved forth, still yearning in his innocence to he talk sense to them, to show them Union, to teach them the Way of the Land ...

And so he was brought in to stand before their ‘King’ - a fat man gorging himself with flesh, already half drunk with rotting fermented juices and surrounded by toady sycophants: “Have you come back to admire my kingdom, old man ... or to steal the jewels you forgot behind ... This is MY land now ... I own it, body and soul ...  I am King -  not you anymore ... I am the one who claimed it, and now hold it with fist and claw   ...

With each sentence his words grew louder and louder, his whole being shaking with suppressed anger, his body bloated with infected power, his eyes bloody with near madness, spittle foaming at the mouth and his jowls all aflutter ...  ...  ...  And when Man saw this he knew he was too late, too late to change what had taken just a few lost years to corrupt and destroy ... He now understood that there was only one thing left to do ... to let them go, and fulfill the destiny which they had set in motion ...For the last time he stared at the corruption that had once been a Living Land, and as he turned around he softly said: “I leave now, and let you embrace the world you’ve created”.

And so the Man who once was Pure Light turned away, and walked out into the greater world, the one that still survived beyond these tainted walls ... and as he took his light with him, he became aware of thousands of Shadows emerging from every crack and cranny of the dying earth, all rushing to the hall of the foolish King...

Mario C. Veo
is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Sunday, October 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2017

by Sally Shotwell

As the month begins we find the Sun (our consciousness), Mercury (our thought processes) and gigantic Jupiter (our belief systems) in airy, congenial Libra. Its ruler is lovely Venus, its symbol is the Scales of Justice and it is associated with the art of diplomacy. This is dependent upon our ability to be dispassionate as we weigh the merits of the different sides of an issue in order to come to a constructive conclusion. To find balance and harmony can be a tricky business but, as we remind ourselves, being detached helps us make good decisions. October promises to give us plenty of opportunities to practice this strategy!

October 1, energetic Mars in precise, earthy Virgo connects with focused Pluto in earthy, productive Capricorn to motivate us to hone our skills to achieve our goals. On the 3rd Venus, also in Virgo, shares her constructive insights with Pluto,  helping him soften his  stark take on relationship issues. This element of flexibility helps us prepare for the October 5 Full Moon (culmination) in fiery, independent Aries. The Moon is, of course, opposite the Libra Sun who is committed to resolving the dilemma facing us all. How do we reconcile our need for independence with while satisfying our desire for togetherness?  Both Mercury and Pluto are also in the act, further confusing issues. This suggests that we pend on any action until we're better informed.
The Sabian Symbol states: "An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest! An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming the status quo." Venus and Mars do rendezvous briefly and send us the message that, no matter what, we must have faith in the Power of Love.

October 8, somber Saturn in fiery, adventurous Sagittarius is being rude to Venus but Mercury and the Sun deliver harmonious interactions which lift our spirits. Pluto is acting up with Mercury and the Sun on the 9th and it's important for us to resist being dragged into this volatile clash of wills because we have a big event we want to be fresh for. It's the October 10 arrival of Jupiter, King of the Gods, into watery, transformative Scorpio! We are privy to an adventure in which we explore mysterious and profound aspects of ourselves. Pluto is Scorpio's ruler and, as we've experienced many a time, he is all about unearthing everything concealed. This includes stuff we need to get rid of but, also, tremendous treasure we can now only imagine.

October 15, captivating Venus comes home to Libra and draws our attention to the aesthetic beauty and charm which is available to us if we seek it out. This is a great antidote to a lot of the unsettling input which swirls around us. Are we taking time to schedule pleasurable activities with like minded companions?

Keeping this in mind helps us as Mercury opposes unpredictable Uranus in Aries October 15. This temperamental association has the potential to either guide us to brilliant new perspectives or unnerve us with unexpected revelations. Let's deep breathe, detach and go along for the ride.

October 17, mental Mercury enters Scorpio, further emphasizing our focus to get down to business in delving into taboo topics, including instincts we are uncomfortable with, death and sex. The 18th he joins forces with Jupiter who shares his largesse and nurturing us with compassion as we venture forth into this unknown territory. All this leads up to the October 19 New Moon (new beginnings) in Libra with authentic Uranus on hand to stir up the pot. The Symbol's message is "An airplane sails, high in the clear sky: A consciousness able to transcend the conflicts and pressures of personal life." In our quest, let's avail ourselves of the tremendous wisdom of those who came before us.  
October 22, Mars enters Libra and we may feel a push to become more involved with those we count on. Are we interested in enlarging our circle of friends?

The same day, the Sun enters watery, emotional Scorpio, the sign whose three symbols represent serious transformation (the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix, respectively). Our psyches are already processing a lot so we should be prepared when Mercury joins forces with intuitive Neptune in other worldly, watery Pisces. This combination encourages us to honor our imagination and daydreaming. Emotional intelligence is also at our disposal and let's find a way to nurture it through stillness.

October 27, Venus and Pluto are at cross purposes so let's have an escape plan should our interpersonal experiences go south, but clever Mercury appears and soothes the Dark Lord's ruffled feathers. October 29, the Moon (our unconscious) enters Pisces which makes for a slew of planets in watery, psychic signs. This should make for a very interesting Halloween and let's be ready for anything!

Happy Halloween and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

Saturday, September 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2017

by Mario C. Veo

India - a spiritual pilgrimage  ~~~~  We had traveled non-stop for eight hours on a road that had forgotten its identity, and was doing its best to once again merge with Mother Earth. Coconut tress sprung around rice paddies and dotted the countryside in a picture that held a primitive beauty in its hand … the hot, humid climate, no longer a sticky annoyance, was now an appropriate touch that completed our sense experience. The trail that had once been a road now ended at the edge of a forest which skirted a sacred mountain … and there it was - the ashram that was going to be our spiritual retreat for the next two weeks.

Carved out of the woods, it rose with exotic architecture, painted in turquoise, aqua, pastel pinks and white  -  a temple [unique in the whole of India] dedicated to the Great Mother and Her many forms - a dozen flower gardens scenting the morning, lotus ponds, parrots and the inevitable monkeys [and insects like I’ve never seen before] … a place to inspire fairy tales … But greater than all this was the breath of Nature, heavy in the air with Her pulsating life, gently drawing us in, Her lost city children, back in Her arms.

I would get up at 3.00 am simply to be with this holy land, to walk the grounds in quiet solitude, trying, once again, to remember a long forgotten truth. At 4.00 I would enter the meditation hall, pleasantly to find that one or two others had preceded me, and would spend the next hour in my private spiritual practices. We would start formal meditation at 5.00, greet the sunrise at 6.30 and take a short break. At 7.00 we would meet in Amma’s private garden to chant and find within ourselves the tone of our day.

Breakfast was a simple affair, followed by teachings on spiritual consciousness, and more meditation. Sometimes we would go into the forest to meditate, at other times the locals would put on a festive program of song and dance - beautiful little children in multi-colored saris and silks.

Lunch was sumptuous, dozens of dishes both eastern and western, inviting us to ‘gain spiritual weight’… and very difficult to resist. We would meet four hours later for more teachings, meditation and final chants before retiring to a light dinner and sleep, usually by 10.00 pm.

For two weeks I filled myself with something I never knew I lacked: Beauty. Everywhere I looked there was a natural beauty which came from within … a peacefulness which glowed and radiated with a vibrant vitality, removed from the artifices of modern compromises, a beauty of thought and form  -  a truth I had forgotten in my ‘modern’ setting.

I watched myself and my fellow westerners struggle with our little egos to find our new [true ?] identity … and fervently hoped that whatever insight I gained would stay with me as I returned to the other world.

Two weeks pass too soon, and here I am, looking at my environment, my life, my work, my relationships … with new eyes, trying to rekindle the Beauty, the Truth, that I know is there …
what a great gift, what glorious experience … Thank you Great Mother - I will be back.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, September 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2017

by Sally Shotwell

The Total Solar Eclipse may have come and gone but its impact on our lives is yet to be determined. Although its fiery Leo energy is intriguing to ponder, we're being called to deal with the requirements of our practical existence right now. The Sun (our consciousness) in realistic, earthy Virgo helps us sort through the material we're considering and to determine what's either relevant or perhaps misleading. This sign, ruled by brainy Mercury embraces the task of concretizing the creative energy generated by the Sun while in Leo. This September, however, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation since Mercury (our thought processes) begins the month retrograde commingling with the recent Eclipse point. Until he completes his journey and totally reemerges from his shadowy trip, we must review all pertinent information before making important decisions while making sure our communications are clear and our travel arrangements are in order. September 19 he's back in action and welcomes lovely Venus who is just arriving in Virgo. The New Moon takes place during the evening so let's pay particular attention to this date.
In the meantime, it's worthwhile for us to check out planetary activity since it sets the tone of the fluctuating environment we find ourselves in. September 2 Mars (our vitality) is in Leo happily commingling with rebellious Uranus in fiery Aries, urging us to experiment and venture beyond our comfort zone. The 3rd he and Mercury join forces to produce new ideas. Both being in Leo, their childlike delight in finding adventure may rub off on us. Enjoying ourselves is actually a good thing.
Are we allowing ourselves to relax and welcome whimsy into our lives?
September 5 the practical Sun gets in a tussle with otherworldly Neptune in watery Pisces. Our inner life may flourish but our purpose may be blurry. However, warrior Mars enters service-oriented Virgo and we may feel compelled to reach out to others who are in need. Mercury, still in Leo, turns direct and continues the slow trip to his release. This calls for patience on our part.

September 5/6 the Full Moon (culmination) in compassionate, watery Pisces opposes the Sun in precise Virgo and we realize that feelings and logic can, and must coexist if we are to connect with life fully. The Sabian Symbol is "A lady wrapped in a large stole of fox fur: The use of intelligence and mental subtlety as a protection against storms and trials." The Fox has been considered a symbol of cleverness and his being aware and adaptable are attributes which serve us well as we confront charged situations ourselves (and they do come up!).
September 9 the Sun connects with transformative Pluto in earthy, ambitious Capricorn, encouraging us to formulate career goals which have real substance and promise of future success. Mercury meanwhile is returning to his home base of Virgo, one step closer to his comfort zone.
Venus in Leo, Goddess of Love and Money, is on a roll between September 15 and 17 when she connects with serious Saturn, moves on to flirt with magnanimous Jupiter and wraps up her adventure dancing with Uranus. Are we basking is the exuberance beautiful Venue is sharing with us?

September 19 she enters Virgo and her focus turns to an intellectual approach to pleasure and a concern to serve others. We may be tempted to veer towards a tendency to perfectionism so let's make it a point to avoid self-criticism or being too judgmental of others.  Mercury's now back on track and helps us take a detached view while setting us up to experience the New Moon (new beginnings) in Virgo.
This New Moon of September 19/20 connects with Pluto and Saturn who each epitomize power and the Symbol states "A baldheaded man who has seized power: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision." Dane Rudhyar's commentary expresses that when patterns of order and refinement are challenged, personages emerge whose decisions alter structures. For us it means cathartic changes which motivate us to make meaningful personal decisions. Our self-reflection is a strong resource in helping us as we confront surprising developments which require action. Isn't it helpful to feel we're being proactive?

September 27 heavy hitters Jupiter and Uranus clash with each other (again) and we may notice tension in the air since they both want their own way. Let's rely on our discernment in avoiding unnecessary drama which swirls around.
September 28 Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, moves forward giving us some leeway in the continuing excavation of our psyches. The thing is, we are bringing up treasure and growing in our self awareness which helps us become more sanguine observers of what is playing out around us. Are we monitoring being overexposed to the media?
September 29 Mercury enters Libra and our thoughts turn to how we create balance in our lives and share it with others. Justice and fairness are concerns of ours as well as cordial socializing - let's encircle ourselves in this ambiance!
Happy Fall and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

Thursday, August 03, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Mario C. Veo

Palmistry is a fascinating and unique study -  it is both an Art and a Science  -  a science for it is a ‘language’  which any one call learn … and an art which expands your creativity, and helps you balance and manifest your Life as you best wish it to be. Basically Palmistry is a messages from your Soul written as the lines in your hand, guiding you towards happiness and fulfillment … and also shows you whether you are still ‘on-track’ or have deviated from your Destiny. It clearly shows you your Karmas, challenges and obstacles … not to limit you, but to help you resolve them.

Palmistry offers you great insight into your Gifts and Abilities, and how they have become affected  -  positively or negatively  -  by your Thought and Actions … and what you can do about it all. Palmistry is one of the most powerful tools we can develop to help us shape our Life, to help us not only grow, but flourish and be truly happy.

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Mario C. Veo

As has always been the case since the very beginning of Time, the Hunter rises early in the day, even before the Sun, so he can stalk his prey … and calls this ‘the circle of Life and Death’, and with such a belief he feeds himself. So today the Hunter has risen even as the Moon still shines, for he needs not only food but also furs, for the bitter winds of winter quickly waken – the trek down to the river will take a good long while but it will all be worth it for many animals will be drawn to water.
And now here he sits, hidden up a tree, waiting patiently for his chosen prey … bunnies approach cautiously, quickly darting in and out, but they are too small for such a mighty hunter … next comes a shy young fox, but too scrawny for his taste … no, he’s looking for something to match his prowess, something that will offer fame as well as food … and thus he also lets go of a young doe, after all, what is the skill in acquiring such puny adversary … Ah … but look there, following the doe is a mighty stag, proud of horns and with such a haughty demeanor [some would have said ‘majestic’, but such is not the way of this hunter]. And so he lifts his mighty weapon … carefully takes aim … his breath suspended … and just as he’s about to strike the rebellious stag is alert … and with a snort and a flash of hooves he dances away, soon hidden by the forest.
Disgusted the hunter is about to lower his weapon, but just then a great bear breaks through the clearing … thundering it moves to the water’s edge, carefully lowers its muzzle to drink of the saving waters … The mighty hunter cannot believe his good fortune … with blood thundering in his veins and lust in his eyes, he strikes the fatal blow… just one, that’s all is needed to end such a [can we say it] majestic beast … Victory at last, indeed a proud kill, for few other hunters have ever made such a catch … Ah, the glory that awaits him, and the great tales that will be told in the village upon his victorious return …
But just as he’s about to descend from his perch, there comes stumbling out a bear cub, looking for his mother … rushing forward towards her still figure … crying, uncomprehending why she lies so still …
“How well the gods favor me” says the hunter “Look they gift my skills not only with fur and food, but also with a play toy !  He shall make a fine dancing bear, and earn me much coin at the next fair … and when he’s too old for cuteness, then he can be baited for sport.  Oh, yes ! the gods truly favor my mighty prowess” and in so saying he clubs the cub unconscious [the better to restrain him].
A year has passed, the cub now half grown is chained to a post, brought out for drunken pleasure and for easy coin  –  yes, this mighty hunter has grown fat and soft – he no longer hunts … No, why should he when so many are willing to pay good coin to see his dancing bear [well, it stands and growls, and when you poke it with a stick it lounges trying to strike at the offending humanoid … I guess you could call this ‘dancing’]
Ah … the mighty hunter has developed a taste for liquor – such noble deed, such snoring finesse, such deep slumber … Has he forgotten the circle of Life and Death … ?  Has he forgotten the patient stalking, waiting for just the right moment for that single strike … well tonight is the refresher course … You see, the post which once was strong enough to hold a mere cub has long been wearing down … and the mighty chain that so imprisoned the beast is now tired with rust … and tonight he shall learn that bears don’t dance … tonight the circle will be complete …
Ah, the sweet taste of Karma …

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Sally Shotwell

It's Eclipse Season which creates a feeling of anticipation as to what is in store for us personally and globally. Fortunately, long ago astrologers identified the astronomical points called the North Node and South Node, whose placement by sign determines where, when and how long the duration of an eclipse will be. We know that Closure and Letting Go are issues we face at this time, they are followed by the possibility of Creative Renewal in our lives. This series of eclipses present this polarity with the South Node in intellectual, airy Aquarius and the North in noble, fiery Leo. Aquarius represents 

Detached Humanitarianism which, when carried too far, can cause us to lose sight of value of the individuals we are and our contributions to the greater good. Leo, at his best, reveres the long process we engage in, striving to identify and embrace our unique potential. We see how reconciling these different influences within ourselves is tricky and we need a push to grow beyond influences which restrict us. Change is now the name of the game, prodding us to grow and engage in the excitement!

August 2 Uranus, The Great Awakener, turns retrograde fiery Aries and assists us in turning inward to reflect on the staggering changes we've experienced in recent years associated with his ongoing confrontation with ruthless Pluto. Pluto himself in structure-oriented earthy Capricorn is harassing bountiful Jupiter, in relationship-minded, airy Libra and digging up psychic material which may be painful but necessary for us to acknowledge. Otherwise it continues to fester like a low grade infection. Yuck!

With a revised perspective we are alert to the possibilities the August 7 Full Moon(culmination) Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, opposite the Sun in Leo, hold for us. The Sabian Symbol is; "A big business man at his desk: the ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of human beings." As we consider the principles of the Age of Aquarius, let's not minimize our own power and ability to contribute to group cohesion, valuing our unique contributions to a general wellbeing. Total uniformity is really boring!

August 12 Mercury(our thought-processes) turns backward(retrograde) in practical, earthy Virgo and we know the drill. We're reminded to show patience with ourselves and others and not allow ourselves to rush into any decisions. During this period we can address already existing projects and clear the decks for future ventures. August 13 a reassuring connection between the Sun and serious Saturn in belief-oriented, fiery Sagittarius put their heads together and prod us to have fun while remaining aware of our actions. Let's take advantage of this opportunity since August 15 lovely Venus in sensitive, watery Cancer is confronted by Pluto, destabilizing her emotional equilibrium. Let's keep in mind his penchant to dig up long buried material of our own which surprises us.

Are we allowing a space in our schedule during which we can just chill out and let ourselves slowly process what is going on within and around us?
Are we being gentle with ourselves and not judging ourselves harshly?

August 20 Mars(our vitality) in confident Leo touches base with optimistic Jupiter and share their good cheer with us. Their energy, combined with the self-reflection we are practicing, pays off big time when the benevolent Sun and brilliant Uranus also arrive on the scene. They inspire us to release restricting thought patterns which inhibit us from welcoming the unexpected. We're being prepared to really benefit from the astrological highlight of the year!

This, of course, is the August 21 Total Solar New Moon(new beginnings) Eclipse in Leo. Leo rules the heart and heart-centered creativity which transcends our rational minds, bringing to the fore our yearning to become complete beyond the fragmentation our realm of duality imposes upon us. The Symbol presents a hopeful message for us. "A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form; the stage at which an intense feeling - intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought." As we nurture and trust our instincts to venture into the symbolic world of archetypes, new horizons and dimensions await us. Heres where our interest in the symbolic language of astrology can guide us.

For the time being, however, we have the Moon(our emotions) entering Virgo followed August 22 by the Sun. Their "feet on the ground" take on things helps us to not get off track as we approach the demands we face from our every day lives. Mercury is retrograde until September 5 and reminds us that restraint is helpful while we assimilate our altered perceptions which may have surfaced during recent days. Change and growth are related and we're encouraged to honor and not rush the ongoing process.

What impressions do we have of our Eclipse experience?
Are you able to compare notes with others and discuss their observations?

August 25 Teacher Saturn turns direct and guides us to turn our attention from introspection to our outer circumstances. He always demands we be conscious of what we're doing with our time. He is responsible for guiding us to greater maturity and offers great rewards after our struggles.
Where have we refined our perceptions to become more inclusive and tolerant? 

Answers may come to us as Mercury returns to Leo August 31 and triggers the point of the Lunar Eclipse. This means that new energy is made available to us and who knows what this means for us? This whole month is jam packed with activity and a sense of mystery. It is so nice we're on this wild ride together!

Blessings and Love!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

Monday, July 03, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2017

by Mario C. Veo

Much has been written about Manifestation – from the Law of Attraction to powerful rituals, to visualization and Will Power … yet we still struggle to achieve our highest potential!
We very clear about this: ‘We struggle to achieve that which is rightfully ours … !’
Why … ?
Because none of these valuable techniques are complete – they all leave out certain essential components to proper [and safe] Manifestation.
We all know the statistics – the great majority of people who win the lottery end up in a worse financial situation within two years … and most of them are not even actively practicing manifestation techniques, so imagine how much damage someone could create for himself if he was using any of the popular systems!
So, why do people end up so poor after winning millions in a lottery?
Because deep inside of them, in their very core, in their highest Truth of Truth … they are just not ready for the personal transformation this would require – essentially, they are simply not capable of being rich!
Sounds harsh ?! Well yes, of course it is, but it is self-induced … and so they can change it [if they know how].

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

THE VIEW FROM THE WINDOW… a tale of unfair proportions

© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2017

by Mario C. Veo

There is a small town, way over the mountains, where everyone is healthy, happy, and very, very  prosperous… in fact they lack for nothing… Well, all except one that is.

This is the story of Eve, the young girl who lives in a room on top of the tallest building in town.  From here she can see everywhere, all over town  –  she knows where the milk-man goes in his rounds, where the boys go to play their games, and when the market opens, and even who has the best produce.
Every day she sits by her window and looks out, and every day she follows, yearning to be out there, playing and greeting everyone she knows so well, but has never spoken to.
Alas, she cannot, for her window is nailed shut, and must never, never be open… or bad things will happen to her.
Why…? Because it is for the best – truly, for her own safety… you see, when she was very young, just a baby really, Eve got sick, so very, very sick, and she didn’t get any better, until they put her in this room…
“This magical room healed you”  or so they said with great conviction; and even though Eve was the only surviving child of the wealthiest people in town, her family now long gone, and only her guardians remained.
“It really is for the best” they said in unison,  “We’re doing this for you, to keep you safe, and healthy” they all agreed.
“But I want to go out and play, and be with my friends” Eve said, tentatively.
“Well, your friends don’t want to be with you” the eldest crone said, cackling all the while.
“If they were really your friends they would have been here already, wouldn’t they now ?”  said the other equally old crone  “You must listen to us; we are your guardians after all, and we know better than you”
“Yes, you must trust us… do you think it is easy for us to look after you after your parents died ? You are not of our blood, but still, we do our duty, and none can ask for more… you have your dolls and toys, what more do you need ?  Don’t be such an ungrateful child now”
And so they left, locking the door behind them, with only the maid to bring her daily food… until one day her old maid was gone, and a new, younger one took her place  –  and this one was different, a little stronger in character, a little too independent of thought, many would have said.
And after taking a good look at Eve, and her meager surroundings … well, she just turned around and left, without even uttering a word !! the wretched servant …but… she did not lock the door behind her… in fact, there it stands wide open, tempting one and all to go out and  meet the great, wide world outside.
Oh, there is Eve now, softly stepping to the door… and gently closing it shut… as she once again returns to her window, and resumes looking out to the world she’s grown so accustomed to… after all, she is not an ungrateful child… and they are her elders, and said they know better …

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.