Sunday, January 03, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2016

by Mario C. Veo

We all want to communicate better – it is the single most important Key to Success – and absolutely fundamental to developing a true, long lasting love relationship… but how can we even begin if we don’t really know Who we are…?

Consider this – most of us look to our achievements as a reflection of our Self – indeed, our jobs, education, financial security… all play an important role in defining us… heck, even our struggles and challenges do this. But, as each Personality IS different, then no two people with exactly the same ‘achievements’ will give them the same value… and this shapes life accordingly. And more – determines the state of health, happiness or wisdom they will manifest in this and the next life!

So, understand this clearly – How YOU perceive any one thing, reflects back on you, and shapes your Life accordinglySuccess or Failure lies in how you see and interact with Life… and all of it is strongly demonstrated by your Communication Style.

Let’s make this even more complicated – Mankind is numbered in billions – everywhere you go there are people… each looking at the same thing, BUT seeing it differently… how can you hope to work as a team, to have the same values, to yearn for the same goals if you don’t know how they see the world…!? Yes, you can study  cultural behaviors, body language, and even social psychology… but if you don’t know how each Personality communicates it perceptions, then you can never really understand what makes them tick

Enter The Enneagram —

The Enneagram is an ancient system first devised by a Spiritual-Mystical Group (which later became the Sufis). They discovered that no matter race, age, or culture, all of Mankind expresses one of 9 different personalities… (and here’s the wonderful insight) each with their own perceptions, different communication style, and different way to process information!!!

Imagine what you can do with such information – team building… easy, loving relationships, even easier(no more of that ‘Women From Venus’ stuff…)… seeking out your best, most rewarding career… bliss… no more struggling to find the most suitable work environment/neighborhood/city/country… they all have a personality and a corresponding Communication Style. Once you know this, you can be much more effective in getting your point across, even as you finally understand what is important to them – success is now easy to achieve!
The Enneagram is a unique system – not only is it very effective, it is also easy to understand. It is a powerful tool for transformation on all levels – whether you want to better understand who you really are, or wish to deepen your relationships… there is nothing better…

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Saturday, January 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Yes, I know “it’s the season for new resolutions”… to be created and declared (emphatically), just to be discarded once Life emerges once again! Wouldn’t you want – just this once – to make a new year resolution… and be given the opportunity to stick with it!?… but nooo! Life must rear its ugly head, and force you – yes, force you – to give up all your glorious dreams for yourself!

Well, NO MORE! I say (and loudly declare) that you CAN have your cake, AND eat it!!… what? you don’t believe it!?

O.K., consider this – it’s the New Year, a time of Change and New Beginnings – a time when the whole of Mankind is making plans – be these simple business plans, or one for a well deserved vacation… organizing how to spend your well deserved bonus… or just dreaming of the unlimited possibilities that may still come. Well, here’s the ‘secret’ – you can use this Universal Energy to help you achieve whatever you want… still don’t believe me…?

O.K., O.K… here’s more – my Shaman Teachers taught that at certain times of the year, the planet reaches a ‘Confluence’ – an alignment which potentially offers a Gateway to changes (nope, nothing to do with Astrology… although it can offer you some of the same) – we are talking about a Communal Thought Form, a crystallization of energies… it happens simply because so many people are all jumping aboard and making ‘New Year Resolutions’, and now you can tap into this Flow, and let it facilitate your resolutions…!

Sounds too good to be true… well, there is a small catch (hey, there’s no such thing as Free Lunch, so hear me out).

You must be clear on What exactly you want to manifest… Who do you want to be, or become… and What all is implied in this (after all, you can’t manifest a wonderful, loving Soul Mate, and still be the same old slob, can you!?)

So, yes, there is more information you need, more guidance and insight… but don’t despair… that what our seminars are all about – we are dedicating January to a series of teachings on Manifestation (but these are not your Grandma’s classes – nope, they ain’t like nuthin’ you seen before. No ‘Secret’, no Law of Attraction… this here is Pure Energy, pure Power, and Self-Empowerment… so, are you ready for it…? (hey, if you are truly created in God’s Image… then why are you not demonstrating it…!?

Mario C. Veo
is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, January 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2016

by Sally Shotwell

January is a time to embark on a new journey to expand our horizons. The Sun, a symbol of our consciousness and Pluto, God of the Underworld, are in earthy Capricorn. This sign is known for its efficiency and ability to achieve its highest goals, both material and spiritual (the Goat doesn’t rest until he’s reached the mountain top). Keeping all this in mind, we are reminded that in winter we must somewhat withdraw to renew our vitality and wrap up any old business which is weighing us down. We are fortunate to have Mercury (thought processes) spend most of the month going backward in Capricorn(1/9 – 1/25) encouraging us to review, rethink and recheck all communications and agreements we find ourselves involved with the earthiness lends a stabilizing element to the equation. We do realize that Mercury, as the Messenger of the Gods, sometimes slips into his role of ‘Trickster’ and many people take a dim view when technical and travel glitches raise their ugly heads during his Retrograde phase. We should, however, be in good shape honoring his admonition to take things SLOWLY. Conflicting information and hidden agendas are circulating throughout the environment and we want our thoughts to be in line with our common sense. Our thoughts determine our perspectives and beliefs which shape our life experiences and direction. Mars(actions) in watery, intense Scorpio from January 4, infuses a little passion into this mix to keep our feelings interesting.

What new interest or activity now strikes your fancy?
In what environment do we find ourselves most comfortable?

Relationship-oriented Venus in fiery, adventuresome Sagittarius gets chummy with serious Saturn on January 8 and this promises to be helpful sorting out our interpersonal priorities. The brilliant Sun in a friendly position with magnanimous Jupiter on January 13 gives us further encouragement to relax, seek out amenable companions, and enjoy ourselves.

The January 9 New Moon(new beginnings) in Capricorn actually interacts with the transformative planets, Pluto and unpredictable Uranus, while the Sun’s life-giving properties shine on. The Sabian Symbol states: “A hidden choir singing during a religious service; the fulfillment of the individual’s creative function through his participation in a group concentrated to a transcendant realization of unity.” Jupiter is now  in service-oriented Virgo and we may find creative options to pursue in order to share our gifts with others.

January 14, the Sun and Mercury rendezvous, presenting us with material we may use to refine our perceptions we’ve been mulling over for some time. January 18, action-oriented Mars in profound Scorpio takes things up a notch by cutting through subterfuge and illusory trappings which can be so easy to buy into.

The Sun enters airy, innovative Aquarius on January 20. The emphasis is on humanitarian efforts, but there’s also a strong component to encourage us to radically look beyond the limits we place on ourselves. Uranus rules this sign and is still in the tug-of-war with Pluto as to how to best totally transform reality as we know it. January 22, Pluto and Mercury conjoin in staid Capricorn which seems like an affront to all that Uranus holds dear. As they battle out their differences, let’s make sure we take advantage of whatever grounding, centering strategies we’ve developed to keep us detached and comfortable.

Are we using Rescue Remedy or other Flower Essences?
Are we reading material which we find enriching?

By monitoring our exposure to the media and being wary of getting dragged into conversations destined to push buttons, we’ll be ahead of the game. The January 23 Full Moon (culmination) in fiery, dramatic Leo helps us reframe our expectations of ourselves when we look into our behavior patterns and why we adopt them. The Symbol is “A formally dressed elderly man stands near trophies brought back from a hunting expedition; the masculine will to conquer his animal nature and to impress his peers with his skills in performing the ancient power rituals.” Rituals are known to incorporate archetypes which we all tap into every day to access what our unconscious is trying to reveal (Pluto?).

Are we finding more interesting insights surface in our consciousness under certain circumstances?
Are we consciously participating in solitary or communal rituals?

As the Full Moon is doing its magic, Venus(beauty and values) is preparing to enter Capricorn on January 24 anticipating Mercury’s forward motion there the next day. This bodes well for a measured, thougtful influence to guide us in our important forays into interpersonal adventures. There, no doubt, will be some on the path ahead because we’re headed for even more surprises from the Cosmos. In the meantime…


Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.