Saturday, April 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter April 2016

by Mario C. Veo

In my many years as a counselor, I have been intrigued by how people are so easily led astray by how others see them... and through all this, fail to recognize all their wonderful gifts and abilities.
Think about it for a moment: "Do YOU really know yourself...?"
No, I'm not talking about your level of education, not even your job, money, age, health, disease, or relationship status... no, not even your Astrological Sign. If you take all this away, what is left...? WHO are you...?!
Most people will struggle to find a proper answer (and for all you New Agers, please do not respond with that trite comment, "I am a Soul having a Human Experience". Until you have achieved a proper Soul-Fusion, and are fully enlightened, then - at best - you are a Seeker who is trying to walk the Path of Light... but hey, so are we all...
To get back to the Question - this search to 'know our Self' is not posed in vain (no, I'm not that much of a tease, 'though I may from time to time)... This is a very, very(are you paying attention?) very important Question... for within you is your True Essence, the Power you have fought so hard to achieve over the many Incarnations(and if you are one of the shy violets who isn't comfortable with 'power', it's just Light... pure, radiant, joyful, glowing
Light, through which so, so much can be revealed and achieved).
So, if it is so simple, (hey, just go within and check out the bright lights...), then why aren't we all 'Enlightened'?! (and just an FYI - if someone tells you that they are enlightened, there is a sure-fire test: just ask them to walk on water... after all, it's been done before, so we know it's practical proof!)
But I digress - We are not 'Enlightened' because we have been caught in that sticky mess which we call Life... not that wonderful, joyous, loving, prosperous, laugh-my-head-off Life... but the other kind. The one where we bitch and complain, gossip and moan about all that is wrong... until, at the very end we are so tired, so depleted of energy that all we can do is imbibe one more drink so we can go to sleep... blotto... no one is home...(not a pretty picture... alas, far too common...).
So - just to pique your interest - this month's classes are dedicated to YOU... the struggles you may have with Life, with energy vampires, a wounded heart or a torn aura, and how to find your Center once again... and, just for fun, how to create two talismans for blessings and protection... Oh yes, there is also a Rejuvenation Process... in case you were interested.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, April 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter April 2016

by Sally Shotwell

Spring, and its promise of renewal, is here and the Sun(our consciousness) is in the dynamic sign of Aries. He is joined by mental Mercury(until 4/5), eccentric Uranus, and relationship-oriented Venus(as of 4/5) and we are picking up this cardinal signs commitment to enthusiasm, independence and adventure. With the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, we encounter the bravery which is attendant to pursuing heroic goals. Jason and his companions traveled far to liberate the Golden Fleece from the possession of an evil dragon. Success was achieved but we are reminded of the pitfalls which may follow success if we are impetuous along the way. Jason relied on the assistance of Medea, a very iffy ally/sorceress/princess and, in the end, tragedy ensued. The moral of this story is that courage is admirable but the repercussions of our actions must be considered. Karma, anyone?
The planet Mars, the Cosmic Warrior, rules Aries and has an intimate relationship with each of us. We are charged by his essential, fiery energy and need to calibrate this formidable part of our make-up to serve us well. This requires us to understand our instincts and how we may incorporate them into our efforts to achieve personal and sociatal goals. He is now in fiery, spiritual Sagittarius so we're experiencing his influence in this area of our life. As the month begins, he is slowing his pace before actually turning backward April 17. This ushers in a period of reflection which, in turn, leads us to reassess belief-systems from the past which may need to be overhauled.
Venus, Goddess of Love, enters fiery Aries April 5, offering us a passionate take on relationships while Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, moves into earthy, affectionate Taurus at the same time. Venus rules Taurus in her value-oriented capacity which includes a huge commitment to Nature. Mercury, in this practical position, plugs into her appreciation of material beauty, guiding us to embrace opportunities of natural beauty, suggesting we should open up to our environment.
The April 7th New Moon(new beginnings) in inspirational Aries supports this expansive trend. The Sabian Symbol states "The 'magic carpet' of oriental imagery; the use of creative imagination" alludes to a viewpoint to which we aspire. Creative detachment opens us up to input beyond our logical thought. Thoughtful Mercury cooperates with ethereal Neptune in watery, transcendent Pisces, April 12, encouraging us to arrange for quiet time to entertain our daydreams.
Where do we find an environment conducive to ruminating?
How do we honor our personal space?
April 18, the day after Mars turns backward, transformative Pluto in serious Capricorn follows suit, further stressing the emphasis on our turning inward to review the implications of the changes we've been processing for years now. Whether we like it or not, the structures in our lives are shifting and we need to ponder how we're dealing with this. Both Pluto and Mars rule watery, profound Scorpio and healing is this sign's ultimate aim for all of us. Delays we now face promise to bring us future rewards. Let's think of our greater awareness and current confusion as good investments in expanding our perceptions.
The Sun moves into earthy, Venus-ruled Taurus April 19, closely followed by the Full Moon(culmination) in Scorpio April 21. The Moon is always associated with our emotions and in Scorpio our feelings may become intense. Let's take to heart the Symbol's message lauding the benefits generated when we participate in activities which support us all. "A house-raising party in a small village enlists the neighbors cooperation; the feeling of community demonstrated in a basic joint effort." We are not alone on our journey so let's have fun sharing this wild ride.
April 22 Venus expresses an interesting facet of her multi-layered nature. She embraces unconventional Uranus in Aries, forging an alignment based on their common appreciation of individual autonomy. We may find new alliances ourselves by extending our interpersonal reach while practicing discernment, always keeping in mind the over abundance of glamour surrounding us.
Mercury(thought) joins his colleagues retrograde April 28. His presence in earthy, methodical Taurus asks us to rethink issues affecting our home territory. He's also bringing up unfinished issues relating to how we value ourselves. Venus arrives in her home sign April 30 to guide him in tackling where our perceptions need to be recalibrated.
Should we gently begin a new health program?
Do we want to enlarge our social circle?
With five planets being retrograde by the end of the month, it's likely that we have the sensation that we're in a tug-of-war, being torn between expansion and contraction as each day goes by. Beside the planets we've observed to change course in April (Mars, Pluto, Mercury), we have two giants who have been retrograde for some time. They are expansive Jupiter in perfectionist Virgo and strict Saturn in spiritual Sagittarius. These energies don't co-mingle well and continue to require a nuanced approach for their goals to be reconciled. This will take time and in the meantime, we have our own projects to keep us busy!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.