Monday, September 03, 2012


by Jody Schmidt

This easy-to-use deck of 35 inspirational cards serves as a wonderful tool in providing personal transformation and insights into the secrets of living an inspired existence. Influenced by our canine companions, principles such as thriving naturally as social creatures, loving unconditionally, prevailing in the present, and playing with boundless zest, remind us all how to live better and welcome into our lives the true gifts the universe offers.  Awaken your love for life with these inspirational cards designed to guide you toward living a more fulfilled life. What a better world it would be if we all consciously followed our dog’s lead!
Transform your life into an adventure filled with love and personal change – opening your heart for more compassion, forgiveness, appreciation and meaningful experiences. Unconditional Love transformational cards can help you realize your life is a precious gift, to be experienced in the present and shared with others. Use this deck as a guide and a way to foster support while inviting curiosity, play and wonderment into your life. Allow these cards to accompany you on your journey through life as your own personal coach and inner cheerleader. Your options on how, and when, to use them are as endless as your potential. These cards are inspired by observing our canine companions, gentle teachers living the true meaning of Unconditional Love.
How to Use this Deck – Shuffle the deck and turn it over so all you see are the back sides. You can select one card a day, or one a week, and consciously infuse the message into your life. Or, hold a thought or situation in your mind and pull a card randomly, and then ask your heart to provide clarity of its meaning. You could also arbitrarily pull three cards; the first represents the past, the second is the present and the third is the near future, and contemplate how the cards you chose integrate into your life. Another option is to divide the deck into three mini-decks, all with the same corresponding symbol. Unique only to the Unconditional Love transformational cards, are three symbols that resemble dog collar tags. Each card has one of these three symbols on it: a star, heart or circle, all of which serve as action items to enhance your experience with each card. If you feel you want to target one of these three key areas in your life (Play, Love, Grow), just select from these cards and set the others aside.
Accompanying Journal – Each Unconditional Love transformation card deck comes with a 50-page notepad. This adorable journal is a special place to capture authentic moments of awareness, inspiration and transformation. Record your observations, experiences and results to track your journey.
About the Author – Jody Schmidt holds a BA in Speech Communication and a minor in Psychology. Her experience blends 20 years in the corporate sector working with Fortune 500 firms, midsize growth organizations as well as start-up companies with her talents immersed in sales, recruiting, training, and Talent Acquisition Management. She is also certified as a Reiki Master and has extensively studied many other modalities including Healing Touch for Animals and The Reconnection. With an unwavering desire to seek greater understanding of human potential, living a more holistic life style, and honoring our bond with animials, Jody has spent the past 12 years immersed in exploring spirituality, expanded consciousness, personal awareness, self development and transformation, all the while still actively working in the corporate realm. She is compassionate about sharing her insights and teaching others about their own untapped potential and abilities just waiting to be awakened. To honor her passions divinely woven with a blend between corporate, alternative, and genuine love for animals, Jody created the Unconditional Love cards as a fun and uplifting tool for others.

Saturday, September 01, 2012


© 2012 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Sep 12

by Marci McCaffery

Marci McCaffery
There are many changes occurring at this time within people and without.The energies affecting the Earth increase in their intensity as the Earth prepares to alter its vibrational resonance. This sudden alteration of the earth’s energy field is causing a great deal of physical challenges and imbalances within the body.  –  A message from Archangel ArielTo better adapt to these changes, we are reminded to make ourselves our number-one priority, giving conscious care to our body, mind and spirit each day. We can adjust to these waves of intensity by deepening our meditation and breathwork practices. Body movement through yoga, tai chi, dance, exercise, and qigong are also helpful. Vibrational and emotional release therapies are also highly recommended. The objective is to find a regime that works best, to reduce stress levels and maintain heart-centered connection.
As the transiting Sun moves into to the industrious, self-disciplined earth sign of Virgo, our awareness turns to health, work and finding meaningful ways to be productive through humble service.
The Virgo New Moon conjoins with Mercury, the natural ruler of Virgo. On September 20th it forms an exact t-square with Uranus and Pluto. (at 7 degrees Libra, Aries and Capricorn.) indicating that non-traditional, intuitive ways of thinking may be the best approach.  The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 24 degrees Virgo encourages us to nurture and watch over each other. Use this time to attend to details, get organized and make improvements accordingly.
by Josephine Wall
Pluto, the most powerful planet of transformation, ends its six month retrograde phase and starts to move forward on the 17th.  Its energies are intensified, as it reveals our next steps forward.  Any major transitions that have been on hold since last April, slowly begin to progress.  The ongoing Uranus/Pluto square forms the second of seven exact squares on the September 19th.  This configuration once again causes major upsets to the status quo. Evolutionary change is its mission. We are advised to choose love instead of fear. Remember to stay calm and breatheeeeee!!
The Fall Equinox, on the 22nd represents time when day and night are equal, reminding us of the need for a dramatic re-balance in our world of extremes and between the masculine and feminine energies. (the Sun and the Moon).The Aries Full Moon aligns within a degree of an extremely powerful convergence with the Uranus/Pluto conflict on September 29-30th. Our energies are directed towards personal challenge. All aspects of our consciousness that we hold in separation from the concept of “Oneness”  must be balancedThe Sabian symbol for this Full Moon reminds us that as we venture into new territory, we are guided and supported by invisible forces.               
The goal for this month is to use these strong energetic forces and increased perceptions, to flow with change, as we allow others to do the same. This will be a time to clear out old remnants of anything that holds us back, such as limiting beliefs, past memories, persons, or things.  There are no quick fixes, we must do the work. We are advised to love with detachment, by understanding that detachment does not mean disconnection.  All issues that block our light are resurfacing now for release. We are shifting to a higher vibration of conscious awakenings and truth.
© Star Direction 2012
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, an author and an accredited Conscious Change coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at
For free, valuable resources visit her web site at