Saturday, April 04, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter April 2015

by Norma Mitchell

When we are first born, we remember our connection with God as wholeness, without separation. As we come from our mother’s body into the world we have agreed to experience for our lifetime, we feel that true sense of separation as an individual body in a world that is designed for us to experience an individual identity. By the time we are learning how to use our voice, our limbs, our senses of space, time, realities of this planet which helps us understand the illusions of separation, we begin to forget the awareness of our oneness with our Source.

These conditions are further complicated by the emotions we experience in the people around us. We feel their love and their pain, their joy and their sadness, their peacefulness or their anger, ­­any emotions that expand our awareness of who they are as people. When we, as infants, become overwhelmed by the emotions of others we may retreat within ourselves and experience the unity with our Source again.

Sometimes though, we react to our distress at being wet, hungry, isolated and ignored by crying for attention and help in the outer world rather than within. We also may turn to others who are a part of our spiritual connections, the beings who are there to help us remember our spiritual origin and that we are never abandoned to being in the conditions we as a soul have chosen to experience.

Some of these beings are there to guide us through our own emotional responses. Some are there as playmates to remind us that we are here to experience joy, love and laughter. And some are angelic beings or masters who help us remember that we are divine beings who have chosen to be here to utilize love to show ourselves and each other how to live that love in a world with its illusion of separation. When we accept that we are always connected through love with our Source, we can also accept that we are a part of that Source at our core.

Even if we don’t understand exactly why we’ve chosen to be here­­in a planet whose people pride themselves on individuality and separation­­we are going through the process of remembering who we are and getting closer to that Oneness that is our truth. This isn’t easy to practice, since we are taught to compete and isolate ourselves from each other in the pursuance of individuality and excellence as people .

Scientists have told us this whole universe is made up of Energy. That this Energy simply is. That even though we have accustomed ourselves to the idea that we “see”, “touch”, and experience the various items in our planet as solid or material forms, they are actually atoms and molecules in a perpetual state of motion.

Many of us don’t see this Energy, much as we don’t see the air we breathe. We accept that air is the one substance that our bodies cannot do without for more than several moments. Let’s consider that this Energy is also something that we cannot do without. Without It, nothing is (including us).

This Life Force is the whole of life and everything that is. We see Its love for us in the opportunities and guidance It has provided throughout our lives. We may not always want to hear or follow that guidance, yet we see that when we do, we are able to accomplish our dreams, find the peace we search for within, and experience love in various ways throughout our lives.

In a world where we are accustomed to having what we want more and more instantly, do you trust The One to provide what you want even when you may not receive what you want at the moment and in the way you want? This is called faith. Without it, we are at the mercy of our fears and our issues with control.

What we can do is to accept that The One is within us, as well as around us, and that we are part of Its expression of life. This allows us to trust our Creator and to remember who we are.

Norma Mitchell has been working with clients at the Shining Lotus™ since 2008. She provides Intuitive readings every Monday from 12pm to 5pm and also works from 12pm to 5pm on the second Saturday of every month.

Norma will be continuing her Hypno-Regression Therapy Group that meets on the second Thursday of every month. Each participant is encouraged to work within their own experience to identify, analyze and clear whatever traumas, difficulties, or challenges they encounter during the two-hour regression session.
She also has a spiritual discussion group that meets on the third Thursday and brings about topics that come up in our everyday personal spiritual journeys. This class has been very popular while Norma was conducting it in her own home and now she is bringing this opportunity to our neighborhood.

Thursday, April 02, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter April 2015

by Mario C. Veo

In my misspent youth all I really wanted was to study ‘Magic’ – it didn’t matter what Lineage, I devoured books on Spell-craft, on Shamanism and rituals, on Kahunas and Spirit Communication… heck, I even used Ouija Boards and Trance-Work (I don’t recommend these… it’s true that Spirit protects the innocents… but what about the foolish…!?) I attended workshop after workshop, met with Kahunas in Hawaii and Native American Medicine Men and Women in New Mexico, studied with Shamans in Africa and Gurus in India… and in the end had to do my own Inner Search… all in the attempt to find this elusive ‘Magic’.

Later I found out that what I was really looking for was to understand how Energy works, how Creation comes about, and what my role is in all this.

So now, many, many years later, I found that the Key which makes ‘Magic’ possible is quite simple – “get rid of your hurts, pains and sorrows, clean up your hot buttons, really look deep within yourself so you know, 100% who you really are, and live from that True Joy that is you – the Radiant Self… only now can the Energy of Creation flow – unimpeded – within and through you”.

I can just see some of you shaking your head, thinking that this is just some New Age BS that I’ve made up… well, you discontented cynic, consider this: ALL in Creation is Energy, and this has a range of Properties which defines What it is, and How it must work… what’s more, it is Magnetic; meaning that the more it is active, the more it attracts the same (until it crystallizes and upsets the Balance, and now attracts its opposite).

OK, now consider the many Principles of Manifestation – no matter the Techniques, most people forget that it’s the Preparation which determines IF it’s going to work… or, have an opposite effect (yes, Karma plays a big role in all this). I have shared this with many of you: if you’re struggling with Love, Money, Health… and you try to Manifest Changes, the only thing you can attract is more of your struggles… until you first learn how to release your blockages… for always “Like calls to Like”.

…and don’t despair, you can succeed if you’re willing to do the work… and please don’t think that there is something wrong with you… or that you’re ‘cursed’… or that ‘God’ has it in for you, if you want Changes, then do something about it! You see, my original ‘search’ was really correct, ‘Magic’ is simply knowledge of the Laws of Creation, and the Initiations required to be able to access and use them correctly.

So, what’s it going to be, are you willing to wake up the Magician Within you (yep, it’s in all of us!)… or, are you quite content to sit in your pessimistic cynicism, sneering at the World for your lack… hey, it’s easy to blame others for our misfortune, that’s what kids do.

This month is dedicated to the many processes of Manifestation – the do’s and do not’s… and what must be done to get there… ( and still be young enough to enjoy it!!)… so join us, if you dare…

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.