Wednesday, November 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2016

by Mario C. Veo

So... if you thought that this was a time of Light and Enlightenment, then I have a piece of seaside property in the Bayou that you'll just loooove...
Ready for a reality check?
Nope, it's not all candy corn and no cavities... no calorie-free chocolate and wealth for all... no leaders filled with wisdom, or justice free of corruption...(does it feel like I'm just a little wee bit peeved at the state of the land... yeah, I guess I am all that, and more...)

OK, so we're not all 'perfect'... and are certainly triggered by the nonsense sprouted by our "Fearless Leaders" in their attempt to obfuscate our rational mind(that means they're clouding the issue, and feeding you a lot of bull... yeah, it's called propaganda... or politics-as-usual).
So, what are you going to do about it...? NOTHING!

Why?? Because this is your Spiritual Test... Can you resist the foolishness that's all around you... or, are you going to join in the blame game, wallow in the gossip, and point a finger at all that's wrong... because, after all, it isn't your fault that it's all so messed up...
Well, is it???

Consider this (you're not going to like it, but take a step back from your emotions, and really think about it before you reject it, OK?)

Everything is Vibrations... these clump together creating bigger and bigger Energy Fields, which then move out dominating everything else around them, attracting more of the same until finally we have an'unstoppable avalanche'... chaos and destruction ensues...
No, it's not a doomsday fantasy, it's basic Energy Anatomy... look it up if you don't believe me.

Which brings me back to you --- you can either participate in the craziness, bitching and complaining with the best of them(in which cas you'd better brush up on Karma)... or, you can choose to be a Center of Light (yes, you!!)

How's this done...? by standing still, centering in your own Inner Radiance, choosing to not gossip or participate in negative, belittling comments... and realize that this too shall pass. Where it goes depends on who wins -- Light or Darkness!!
So, focus on the beauty that's around you, on the joy of friendship, on the kindness of strangers... and if Spirit moves you, do somthing nice for others.

Become a Beacon of Light so that this negative nonsense does not root in your Heart, too..., in the immortal words of the Bards: "I get by with a little help from my friends...", and to help y'all out there who might not have the 'right' friends, we've put together a few classes which are guaranteed to awaken your own Inner Light... from Secret Chakras, to Meditations for Personal Transformation, to Aura Cleansing, and the Higher Mind... and yes, even a wee bit of healing...
So, what do you say...? shine on... or shine off...? (hey, there's always Karma!!)

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2016

by Sally Shotwell

This month we are in Scorpio Season and both the Sun (our consciousness) and Mercury (our thought processes) are sharing with us the intensity of this sign. It is the only one represented by three symbols, the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Dove (or Phoenix), illustrating our ascent toward consciousness. Relentless Pluto, God of the Underworld, rules this fixed, watery territory and he challenges us to confront our hidden issues. These include universal taboos (our instincts) and the tricky questions of Life, Death and Rebirth. We see how Scorpio is considered the sign of our transformation through the inner work we're required to do. As we remove our emotional/psychological blocks we are blessed by a greater capacity to engage in true intimacy with others. Let's just be sure we aren't lured into obsession via this daunting commitment.

November 7 the Sun and Pluto, now in earthy, serious Capricorn, enjoy each other's company, inspiring our will power to kickstart our drive to focus on personal accomplishment, freeing us from the temptation to get involved in the chaos swirling around us. November 8 Mars (our energy source) helps us get our ducks in a row as he enters cerebral, airy Aquarius which fuels our altruistic motivations promoted by innovative ideas. But before we get too carried away, lovely, relationship-oriented Venus steps into Capricorn November 11. Following her placement in scintillating Sagittarius, she encourages us to be mindful of the attractiveness of longevity and sustainability in commitments.

After the shifts we're used to, stability may offer the reassurance we long for as we approach the Holiday Season. The shorter days brought on by the end of Daylight Savings the 6th also enhances our need to feel cozy.
Are we taking advantage of this time to be gentle with ourselves as we readjust?
When in doubt, are we remembering to deep breathe?

That being said, mental Mercury enters the sign of the Archer November 12 and he sets forth to counteract any droopy tendencies we may be succumbing to. He's cooking up ideas that put the word FUN back in our vocabulary. This mental agility serves us well as we prepare to take advantage of the approaching Full Moon in Taurus.

This Full Moon (culmination) November 14 touches the theme of our values, including shared assets. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the aspect of Venus representing material, physical beauty. The Moon finds herself opposite the Scorpio Sun and evolutionary Pluto, reminding us of the importance of our relationship to the physical world. The Sabian Symbol's message is, "A jewelry shop filled with valuable gems; the social confirmation of natural excellence." It alludes to the connection we share with what we're exposed to and how we benefit through being united with others in this appreciation.

November 15 dynamic Mars in Aquarius is friendly with Mercury in Sagittarius as he continues to encourage us to wrap our minds around strategic planning, resulting in productive action. However, he may be somewhat led astray the 18th by dreamy Neptune in other worldly, watery Pisces. Neptune's influence can be misleading. We need to hold on to the tried and true expectations we're refining.

November 19 Neptune finds himself busy courting Venus before stopping in his retrograde tracks, preparing to go direct again. Like Venus under his mesmerizing spell, we may feel somewhat disoriented as realms beyond our ken enter our musings.

November 21 the Sun enters lively Sagittarius joining Mercury, creating a fiery combination which dissolves our misty thinking. Sagittarius personifies the archetype of adventure and the search for the meaning of Life. Mercury positioned here shares his enthusiasm with the natural ruler of the sign, Jupiter, belief-oriented King of the Gods, who is now passing through airy Libra. He then moves on to commune with Teacher Saturn the 23rd in a problem-solving mode. He's not named the Messenger of the Gods for nothing.

November 24, Thanksgiving Day, the results of his brain storming comes under the scrutiny of a Jupiter in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn confrontation and the message is for us to keep our own counsel as intense, dogma-based discussions may rear their ugly heads. Let's keep Rescue Remedy handy and remember to deep breathe should the occasion arises.

The iffy situation may carry over to the 25th when Venus and Pluto churn up emotional sparks directed at our affections. The 26th Venus is confronted by exuberant Jupiter and we must be wary about becoming overwhelmed. Mercury and Uranus contribute insightful ideas preparing us to warmly embrace the promising New Moon (new beginnings) in Sagittarius November 29.
We need time alone now.

This New Moon deals with our desire to expand our horizons and spiritual boundaries. The Symbol states: "Within the depths of the earth new elements are being formed; the alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of a man's inner life." When our imagination comes into play, we tap into that which is possible, guiding our quest for the state C. G. Jung described as "individuation".

The 29th is a very busy day in the Heavens as Uranus spurs Venus to investigate fascinating new opportunities. The Moon interacts with Neptune, Mars and Jupiter churning up material we'll find useful as we initiate our own transformative programs. The 30th the Sun and Neptune interaction stimulates us to formulate ways for us to successfully walk the line between reality and the ephemeral.
We're on our way to further clarity and let's breathe a sigh of relief!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a healthy curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.