Sunday, October 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Yes, yes, I know... the correct saying is 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again', and, if you are Buddhist, that's correct and proper... but, if you're Taoist, that's not quite right.
Taoism considers that all Life is about Flow - a spontaneous movement created first by Nature, then by Man(provided that 'Man' here represents all that is wise and noble... and not what some politicians would have you blindly accept... but I digress...)

So, Life is Flow, and as it moves it should guide us - gently - to be part of this movement... they say that "if it's time to work, then work... and if it's time to rest, then rest." Sounds simple, doesn't it...? but here in our wonderful world we are rewarded for doing just the opposite - early bird, work late, 60 hour week, miss your kid's birthday, and show the boss you're a team player... and you'll be rewarded with more money, a promotion, and that coveted corner office with all those nice windows... wow... what a trade-off!

O.K., I'm not trying to dismiss those of you who are deeply invested in working hard... just trying to give you a different(better?) perspective. Here's the deal - "After all you've said and done, what have you gained... and, what did it cost you...?" (I actually met a man who claimed that cheating on his wife made him feel more like a 'man'... well, I guess that he's never heard of Karma... but let me reassure you, Karma has heard of him!)
Sorry, I digress... again!

Often we are fooled by society that we should(must) follow the conventional path, that it's really the only way to 'succeed', that to do otherwise is to be 'weird'(a 'Hippie' in my time)... so you bow down and comply... and after 30 plus years of being a good little boy or girl, you take a good look at your Life... and find that, somehow, it's not all guns and roses, not all Disney World, not all innocent expectations, but more like Truth-or-Dare. If it wasn't 'Truth' and you didn't 'Dare', then Life becomes just this lukewarm, placid, kinda spiceless, bland concoction. Yes, not truly 'bad', but not all that it could have been.

So, here's the deal - if you're O.K. with the way your Life turned out, then 'good for you', you're one of the few that have managed right(must have been some good-charm Karma from a previous Life)... but, if you think - just a little - that you could have more... then know this clearly - "YES, YOU CAN!"

See, Life is just about Energy... which has a vibration, a resonance that expresses Qualities - positive or negative, they are not 'good' or 'evil', but simple are. If you know how to change this, well heck, you now can change the world...(well, at least, your world)... all you need is the desire to change... And that leads me to the title of this little story... If at first you don't succeed...

For those of you who are ready, this month offers you a series of intriguing classes on personal transformation and self-empowerment... so join us... if you dare...

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Saturday, October 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2016

by Sally Shotwell

It's Libra Season and we've just experienced a New Moon(new beginnings) September 30 which afforded us harmonizing influences after a really hectic spate of eclipses and planet retrogrades. Libra is the airy, cardinal(assertive) sign which promotes harmony, balance and justice, guiding us to incorporate these qualities into our own lives.

The symbol of The Scales reminds us that to achieve equilibrium, we must be alert and adjustable wending our way through polarizing situations. We're helped out in this dilemma through our relationships, personal and societal, with the support of loving, beautiful Venus. 

She is at home here and serves as a gracious example as we strive to develop egalitarian partnerships and diplomacy in the face of conflict. When mental Mercury enters Libra October 7, he adds his gravitas to our crusade to see beyond our subjective viewpoints and to entertain diversity. This is not to be PC, but to enrich our circle of friends and activities which make life a lot more interesting. Venus in Libra wants us to bask in aesthetic pleasures and romance. This does lift our spirits and we're supposed to share our happiness with others.

Now let's look at her in a different light since she is now finding herself in a situation requiring her to step up her game. She's in watery, intense Scorpio until the 18th and has the opportunity to re-calibrate the flow of energy to create a real intimacy which may feel intimidating. There are big rewards possible but we must remember to not lose our perspective. October 1 we may find ourselves feeling particularly dreamy and tender toward loved ones as Venus connects with sensitive Neptune in watery, compassionate Pisces. 

October 5 she relates to transformative, earthy Pluto, the ruler of investigative Scorpio, and a sense of mystery may pervade our dealings with others. This is intriguing but let's maintain our emotional equilibrium as we venture forth.
Are we comfortable discussing differing points of view with those close to us?

Mental Mercury in Libra as of October 7, is excited to rendezvous with majestic Jupiter on October 11, creating an inspiring environment which radiates optimism and, perhaps, the motivation to start a new course of study. If we're in negotiations with someone, now may be the time to wrap things up. By October 14, when Mercury shakes hands with conservative Saturn, we're preparing for the Full Moon(culmination) in fiery Aries who is at odds with the Messenger of the Gods. Let's be low key in our dealings.

The October Full Moon in cardinal Aries  is not only opposite the Sun in Libra, but before landing there, she tensely interacts with other planets in cardinal signs throughout the day. The Moon(our unconscious) agitates warrior Mars in somber, earthy Capricorn, moves on to offend Mercury in compatible Libra before opposing Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, who is also in earthy Capricorn. These hostile incidents may be picked up in the atmosphere causing us to feel somewhat frayed at the edges. However, when things calm down, we may find obstacles holding us back are now cleared away to make way for the new. 

The Sabian Symbol message is; "Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopias; the openness to the flux of spiritual energies." The cornucopia is the symbol of the blessings of the Harvest and we may open our arms to our own spiritual bounty.

Venus enters adventurous, fiery Sagittarius October 18, shedding her intensity and she's ready for pretty much anything. Depending on how we processed her time in Scorpio, we may or may not proceed with our current significant other as partners, but innovation in any relationship is important. Let's not get too carried away, however, since October 19 fiesty Mars cuddles up with ruthless Pluto and their ambition and power grabbing can be contagious.

October 20 Mercury interacts with unpredictable Uranus and the air clears to introduce a renewal of enthusiasm in preparation for the arrival fo the Sun into watery Scorpio October 22, soon joined on the 24th by Mercury. This is the darkening time of year when we're reminded of this sign's creative power, activated by our delving into the darkness in order to discover and retrieve treasures that heal.

As the month winds down, light-hearted Venus in Sagittarius connects with expansive Jupiter in Libra October 26. This pairing encourages us to make the most of the opportunities presented to us to celebrate the love, beauty and ubundance which are available to us.
How and where are we spending our free time?
What gladdens our heart?

Reflective Mercury may help us in our musings as his path crosses with the Sun;s, revealing what is opening up to us as we prepare for the time leading up to Halloween. As Messenger of the Gods, he has access to various realms and shares crucial information if we make ourselves aware of it. This requires that we seek stillness and quietude. He joins forces with Mystical Neptune October 30 heightening our ability to receive the information being shared with us. With a broadened perception we're granted increased self-knowledge and compassion for others.

The New Moon(new beginnings) in deep, watery Scorpio, also October 30, verifies in its Sabian Symbol message that we're on the right track and have the Cosmos on our side. "A calm lake bathed in moonlight; a quiet openness to higher inspiration." Lake or no lake, we have within ourselves the calm which will carry us through.
Happy Halloween and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.