Friday, December 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Ah… what a fearful thing is Change

Yes, of course it is… but consider this – would you still want to be the teenager you once were, ‘safe’ in your parents’ (rigidly structured) loving embrace… would you still want to be stuck in your first job/first kiss/ first love…? Yes, some of it is very romantic… but seriously, is it not better to grow, and change, and discover a brand new world out there, one filled with greater joy, better jobs, and even more passionate kisses…?
O.K., I can hear some of you saying, “But what if it isn’t? What if the future is NOT filled with Love, Light, Beauty… and passionate kisses? What if it is filled with frogs and snails and puppy-dog’s tails… and all I ever cared about gets taken away?” Well, so what if it is… YOU don’t have to meekly accept this very dire picture… (what? did you read too many Grimm’s Tales as a kid!?… you should have stuck with Aesop, he was much better at ‘morality’… ‘though I must confess to the thrill of Grimm’s dark visions… but I digress…)
No future is ever going to be ‘perfect’… no future abounds with easy love and prosperity, filled with French pastries and wonderful chocolate… but… you CAN seek these out, and fill your heart with all you desire… and more! (even if you need to move to France to get it… true story that!)
Sorry, again I digress!!
O.K., you are not a kid anymore, not a helpless infant at the mercy of the big, bad bogyman… Nope, not at all, in fact you are far tougher, stronger, more capable than that… for YOU are the Child of Spirit, filled with Light and Power… and able to manifest all you desire… Wanna know how? Easy…
Begin by first contemplating all that is ‘right’ about you… all your wonderful gifts/abilities/achievements… these are your Truth, your Foundation, your Power!
Next, figure out what blocks this… sometimes it is an unresolved Heart Wound, at times a belittlement/betrayal/sabotage. So, do something about this! Cleanse, heal, release… and don’t forget to once again center in your Radiance… And through this now Manifest all you desire… with no limit or restrictions (yummm, chocolate and kisses…)
Yes, you cannot stop Changes… things grow and prosper… or fail and are removed… this choice IS yours to make… so what say you? Wanna go for a ride? (there’s shopping at the end… but only if you find your Power!)
This month is dedicated to Self Empowerment, to Transformation, and to Manifestation… classes abound or those who are ready… (and for the rest of you… well, it’s still gonna be one hell of a ride!!)
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Thursday, December 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2016

by Sally Shotwell

We are in the last month of unpredictable 2016 and wondering what lies ahead for us. The unprecedented shifts in perspective we are working through may be the result of confusion and disillusionment which are no fun at all but we must not be discouraged. Change precedes growth and we are fortunate to be in Sagittarius season which is noted for its optimism and expansive vision. The Sun(our consciousness) in this fiery sign is ruled by judicious Jupiter who excels at teaching and sharing wisdom. The Archer, Centaur Chiron, is the sign’s symbol and is noted for aiming his arrow into the unknown, seeking new territory to explore. His goodness and brilliance earned him immortality but he still retained his animal/human nature, being half-man, half-horse. His continual efforts to integrate his multifaceted self remind us of our own challenges in reconciling our own complexities. We may take heart that the journey is universal and we aren’t flowed, even as we have work to do. The fact is that astrological cycles which indicate influences we have at our disposal, to facilitate our intentions. Let’s check out what’s currently taking place as we venture forth.
December 1 dynamic Mars in airy, intellectual Aquarius consults with benefic Jupiter in harmony-loving Libra. They’re asking us to focus our thoughts with our physical efforts. On the 3rd, Mars gets even more support from serious Saturn in belief-oriented Sagittarius, verifying that we’re moving toward a worthwhile goal. To add juice to this process, December 6 liberating Uranus in fiery, assertive Aries checks in with the Red Planet to lend his formidable spark to boost our exploratory tendencies.
The Sun cooperates with our game plan by fraternizing with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus between December 9, 12 and 13. This activity prepares us to be responsive to Sagittarius’ call to welcome the new in our lives as we enter a necessary shift represented by the Full Moon in communicative Gemini, December 13. The Sabian Symbol is: “A group of immigrants as they fulfill the requirements of entrance into the new country; consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience in readiness for the opportunities it will present.” This ‘new country’ is internal and it is our responsibility to acclimate our emotions and thought processes to our new ‘reality’.”
Are we exposing ourselves to a broader range of interpersonal experiences?
Are we seeking out new avenues of thought which stimulate us?
Brainy Mercury entered Capricorn December 2 and value-oriented Venus sailed into Aquarius December 7. Their being positioned in signs traditionally ruled by Saturn offers a substantial element to our efforts and indicates boones for hard work!
December 19 Mars(our vitality) enters watery, dreamy Pisces and our goals may morph into a broader, more inclusive framework at the same time, Mercury steps into his retrograde motion. We’re reminded that during this period our communication and relationship issues may take on a slightly out-of-focus dimension. We need to review, rethink and delay any decisions which seem iffy.
December 21 is Winter Solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn. It’s the shortest day of the year and has historically been considered a sacred time when the return of the Light is honored. Many traditions that we embrace today trace their origins to Pagan Festivals; think the mistletoe of the Druid Priests and the gift giving of Saturnalia. The promise of the rebirth of the Sun(Son) was, and is, a holy time as our own Christmas ceremonies reflect. December 24 Saturn and Uranus connect stimulating us to garner our resources to successfully parlay farsighted ventures using our organizational skills and discipline.
December 25 is delivering a lovely Christmas Day swimming in the essence of relationship-oriented Venus who has a very full dance card, beginning with the attention of magnanimous Jupiter. After their graceful turn around the floor, exciting Uranus jazzes things us, culminating with a subdued waltz with Saturn. Let’s tap into the enthusiasm, magic and reassuring experience their example presents to us.
How are we honoring this sacred time of year in our schedule?
December 26 continues to promise opportunities as Jupiter dialogues with Uranus and Mercury chats with Neptune. All these contacts indicate that unusual insights are available to us and we must welcome the unexpected. The Sun and Mars also get in the act urging us on.
December 28 the Sun and Mercury use their time in Capricorn sharing with us the clarity of thought and purpose we need to apply to our course. Mercury then tracks Mars down to guarantee the energy we need to have available.
This preparation enhances our ability to envision the intention we seed during the December 28/29 New Moon in Capricorn. The Symbol is: “In a sun-lit home domesticated birds sing joyously. The wholesome happiness which subservience to ideals and patterns of a well-established culture brings to those who accept them unreservedly.” Uranus, the Great Awakener, is prominent in this lunation as he begins his forward motion after many months of being retrograde. He assists us in cutting through the extraneous, granting us the guidance to concentrate on what is essential. Through this we safely investigate new boundaries.
New Year’s Eve we experience a happy meeting between the Sun and Neptune, triggering our imagination which, in turn, lights up our conscious thought. Isn’t this a nice gift to carry with us into the New Year? Added to this December 31, January 1 Mars and Neptune get together to share other-worldly revelations which can’t help but be interesting!
We’ve experienced a great deal this year and we’ve evolved through this challenge. Congratulations to us!
Happy New Year and Love!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a healthy curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2016

by Mario C. Veo

So... if you thought that this was a time of Light and Enlightenment, then I have a piece of seaside property in the Bayou that you'll just loooove...
Ready for a reality check?
Nope, it's not all candy corn and no cavities... no calorie-free chocolate and wealth for all... no leaders filled with wisdom, or justice free of corruption...(does it feel like I'm just a little wee bit peeved at the state of the land... yeah, I guess I am all that, and more...)

OK, so we're not all 'perfect'... and are certainly triggered by the nonsense sprouted by our "Fearless Leaders" in their attempt to obfuscate our rational mind(that means they're clouding the issue, and feeding you a lot of bull... yeah, it's called propaganda... or politics-as-usual).
So, what are you going to do about it...? NOTHING!

Why?? Because this is your Spiritual Test... Can you resist the foolishness that's all around you... or, are you going to join in the blame game, wallow in the gossip, and point a finger at all that's wrong... because, after all, it isn't your fault that it's all so messed up...
Well, is it???

Consider this (you're not going to like it, but take a step back from your emotions, and really think about it before you reject it, OK?)

Everything is Vibrations... these clump together creating bigger and bigger Energy Fields, which then move out dominating everything else around them, attracting more of the same until finally we have an'unstoppable avalanche'... chaos and destruction ensues...
No, it's not a doomsday fantasy, it's basic Energy Anatomy... look it up if you don't believe me.

Which brings me back to you --- you can either participate in the craziness, bitching and complaining with the best of them(in which cas you'd better brush up on Karma)... or, you can choose to be a Center of Light (yes, you!!)

How's this done...? by standing still, centering in your own Inner Radiance, choosing to not gossip or participate in negative, belittling comments... and realize that this too shall pass. Where it goes depends on who wins -- Light or Darkness!!
So, focus on the beauty that's around you, on the joy of friendship, on the kindness of strangers... and if Spirit moves you, do somthing nice for others.

Become a Beacon of Light so that this negative nonsense does not root in your Heart, too..., in the immortal words of the Bards: "I get by with a little help from my friends...", and to help y'all out there who might not have the 'right' friends, we've put together a few classes which are guaranteed to awaken your own Inner Light... from Secret Chakras, to Meditations for Personal Transformation, to Aura Cleansing, and the Higher Mind... and yes, even a wee bit of healing...
So, what do you say...? shine on... or shine off...? (hey, there's always Karma!!)

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2016

by Sally Shotwell

This month we are in Scorpio Season and both the Sun (our consciousness) and Mercury (our thought processes) are sharing with us the intensity of this sign. It is the only one represented by three symbols, the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Dove (or Phoenix), illustrating our ascent toward consciousness. Relentless Pluto, God of the Underworld, rules this fixed, watery territory and he challenges us to confront our hidden issues. These include universal taboos (our instincts) and the tricky questions of Life, Death and Rebirth. We see how Scorpio is considered the sign of our transformation through the inner work we're required to do. As we remove our emotional/psychological blocks we are blessed by a greater capacity to engage in true intimacy with others. Let's just be sure we aren't lured into obsession via this daunting commitment.

November 7 the Sun and Pluto, now in earthy, serious Capricorn, enjoy each other's company, inspiring our will power to kickstart our drive to focus on personal accomplishment, freeing us from the temptation to get involved in the chaos swirling around us. November 8 Mars (our energy source) helps us get our ducks in a row as he enters cerebral, airy Aquarius which fuels our altruistic motivations promoted by innovative ideas. But before we get too carried away, lovely, relationship-oriented Venus steps into Capricorn November 11. Following her placement in scintillating Sagittarius, she encourages us to be mindful of the attractiveness of longevity and sustainability in commitments.

After the shifts we're used to, stability may offer the reassurance we long for as we approach the Holiday Season. The shorter days brought on by the end of Daylight Savings the 6th also enhances our need to feel cozy.
Are we taking advantage of this time to be gentle with ourselves as we readjust?
When in doubt, are we remembering to deep breathe?

That being said, mental Mercury enters the sign of the Archer November 12 and he sets forth to counteract any droopy tendencies we may be succumbing to. He's cooking up ideas that put the word FUN back in our vocabulary. This mental agility serves us well as we prepare to take advantage of the approaching Full Moon in Taurus.

This Full Moon (culmination) November 14 touches the theme of our values, including shared assets. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the aspect of Venus representing material, physical beauty. The Moon finds herself opposite the Scorpio Sun and evolutionary Pluto, reminding us of the importance of our relationship to the physical world. The Sabian Symbol's message is, "A jewelry shop filled with valuable gems; the social confirmation of natural excellence." It alludes to the connection we share with what we're exposed to and how we benefit through being united with others in this appreciation.

November 15 dynamic Mars in Aquarius is friendly with Mercury in Sagittarius as he continues to encourage us to wrap our minds around strategic planning, resulting in productive action. However, he may be somewhat led astray the 18th by dreamy Neptune in other worldly, watery Pisces. Neptune's influence can be misleading. We need to hold on to the tried and true expectations we're refining.

November 19 Neptune finds himself busy courting Venus before stopping in his retrograde tracks, preparing to go direct again. Like Venus under his mesmerizing spell, we may feel somewhat disoriented as realms beyond our ken enter our musings.

November 21 the Sun enters lively Sagittarius joining Mercury, creating a fiery combination which dissolves our misty thinking. Sagittarius personifies the archetype of adventure and the search for the meaning of Life. Mercury positioned here shares his enthusiasm with the natural ruler of the sign, Jupiter, belief-oriented King of the Gods, who is now passing through airy Libra. He then moves on to commune with Teacher Saturn the 23rd in a problem-solving mode. He's not named the Messenger of the Gods for nothing.

November 24, Thanksgiving Day, the results of his brain storming comes under the scrutiny of a Jupiter in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn confrontation and the message is for us to keep our own counsel as intense, dogma-based discussions may rear their ugly heads. Let's keep Rescue Remedy handy and remember to deep breathe should the occasion arises.

The iffy situation may carry over to the 25th when Venus and Pluto churn up emotional sparks directed at our affections. The 26th Venus is confronted by exuberant Jupiter and we must be wary about becoming overwhelmed. Mercury and Uranus contribute insightful ideas preparing us to warmly embrace the promising New Moon (new beginnings) in Sagittarius November 29.
We need time alone now.

This New Moon deals with our desire to expand our horizons and spiritual boundaries. The Symbol states: "Within the depths of the earth new elements are being formed; the alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of a man's inner life." When our imagination comes into play, we tap into that which is possible, guiding our quest for the state C. G. Jung described as "individuation".

The 29th is a very busy day in the Heavens as Uranus spurs Venus to investigate fascinating new opportunities. The Moon interacts with Neptune, Mars and Jupiter churning up material we'll find useful as we initiate our own transformative programs. The 30th the Sun and Neptune interaction stimulates us to formulate ways for us to successfully walk the line between reality and the ephemeral.
We're on our way to further clarity and let's breathe a sigh of relief!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a healthy curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.

Sunday, October 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Yes, yes, I know... the correct saying is 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again', and, if you are Buddhist, that's correct and proper... but, if you're Taoist, that's not quite right.
Taoism considers that all Life is about Flow - a spontaneous movement created first by Nature, then by Man(provided that 'Man' here represents all that is wise and noble... and not what some politicians would have you blindly accept... but I digress...)

So, Life is Flow, and as it moves it should guide us - gently - to be part of this movement... they say that "if it's time to work, then work... and if it's time to rest, then rest." Sounds simple, doesn't it...? but here in our wonderful world we are rewarded for doing just the opposite - early bird, work late, 60 hour week, miss your kid's birthday, and show the boss you're a team player... and you'll be rewarded with more money, a promotion, and that coveted corner office with all those nice windows... wow... what a trade-off!

O.K., I'm not trying to dismiss those of you who are deeply invested in working hard... just trying to give you a different(better?) perspective. Here's the deal - "After all you've said and done, what have you gained... and, what did it cost you...?" (I actually met a man who claimed that cheating on his wife made him feel more like a 'man'... well, I guess that he's never heard of Karma... but let me reassure you, Karma has heard of him!)
Sorry, I digress... again!

Often we are fooled by society that we should(must) follow the conventional path, that it's really the only way to 'succeed', that to do otherwise is to be 'weird'(a 'Hippie' in my time)... so you bow down and comply... and after 30 plus years of being a good little boy or girl, you take a good look at your Life... and find that, somehow, it's not all guns and roses, not all Disney World, not all innocent expectations, but more like Truth-or-Dare. If it wasn't 'Truth' and you didn't 'Dare', then Life becomes just this lukewarm, placid, kinda spiceless, bland concoction. Yes, not truly 'bad', but not all that it could have been.

So, here's the deal - if you're O.K. with the way your Life turned out, then 'good for you', you're one of the few that have managed right(must have been some good-charm Karma from a previous Life)... but, if you think - just a little - that you could have more... then know this clearly - "YES, YOU CAN!"

See, Life is just about Energy... which has a vibration, a resonance that expresses Qualities - positive or negative, they are not 'good' or 'evil', but simple are. If you know how to change this, well heck, you now can change the world...(well, at least, your world)... all you need is the desire to change... And that leads me to the title of this little story... If at first you don't succeed...

For those of you who are ready, this month offers you a series of intriguing classes on personal transformation and self-empowerment... so join us... if you dare...

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Saturday, October 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2016

by Sally Shotwell

It's Libra Season and we've just experienced a New Moon(new beginnings) September 30 which afforded us harmonizing influences after a really hectic spate of eclipses and planet retrogrades. Libra is the airy, cardinal(assertive) sign which promotes harmony, balance and justice, guiding us to incorporate these qualities into our own lives.

The symbol of The Scales reminds us that to achieve equilibrium, we must be alert and adjustable wending our way through polarizing situations. We're helped out in this dilemma through our relationships, personal and societal, with the support of loving, beautiful Venus. 

She is at home here and serves as a gracious example as we strive to develop egalitarian partnerships and diplomacy in the face of conflict. When mental Mercury enters Libra October 7, he adds his gravitas to our crusade to see beyond our subjective viewpoints and to entertain diversity. This is not to be PC, but to enrich our circle of friends and activities which make life a lot more interesting. Venus in Libra wants us to bask in aesthetic pleasures and romance. This does lift our spirits and we're supposed to share our happiness with others.

Now let's look at her in a different light since she is now finding herself in a situation requiring her to step up her game. She's in watery, intense Scorpio until the 18th and has the opportunity to re-calibrate the flow of energy to create a real intimacy which may feel intimidating. There are big rewards possible but we must remember to not lose our perspective. October 1 we may find ourselves feeling particularly dreamy and tender toward loved ones as Venus connects with sensitive Neptune in watery, compassionate Pisces. 

October 5 she relates to transformative, earthy Pluto, the ruler of investigative Scorpio, and a sense of mystery may pervade our dealings with others. This is intriguing but let's maintain our emotional equilibrium as we venture forth.
Are we comfortable discussing differing points of view with those close to us?

Mental Mercury in Libra as of October 7, is excited to rendezvous with majestic Jupiter on October 11, creating an inspiring environment which radiates optimism and, perhaps, the motivation to start a new course of study. If we're in negotiations with someone, now may be the time to wrap things up. By October 14, when Mercury shakes hands with conservative Saturn, we're preparing for the Full Moon(culmination) in fiery Aries who is at odds with the Messenger of the Gods. Let's be low key in our dealings.

The October Full Moon in cardinal Aries  is not only opposite the Sun in Libra, but before landing there, she tensely interacts with other planets in cardinal signs throughout the day. The Moon(our unconscious) agitates warrior Mars in somber, earthy Capricorn, moves on to offend Mercury in compatible Libra before opposing Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, who is also in earthy Capricorn. These hostile incidents may be picked up in the atmosphere causing us to feel somewhat frayed at the edges. However, when things calm down, we may find obstacles holding us back are now cleared away to make way for the new. 

The Sabian Symbol message is; "Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopias; the openness to the flux of spiritual energies." The cornucopia is the symbol of the blessings of the Harvest and we may open our arms to our own spiritual bounty.

Venus enters adventurous, fiery Sagittarius October 18, shedding her intensity and she's ready for pretty much anything. Depending on how we processed her time in Scorpio, we may or may not proceed with our current significant other as partners, but innovation in any relationship is important. Let's not get too carried away, however, since October 19 fiesty Mars cuddles up with ruthless Pluto and their ambition and power grabbing can be contagious.

October 20 Mercury interacts with unpredictable Uranus and the air clears to introduce a renewal of enthusiasm in preparation for the arrival fo the Sun into watery Scorpio October 22, soon joined on the 24th by Mercury. This is the darkening time of year when we're reminded of this sign's creative power, activated by our delving into the darkness in order to discover and retrieve treasures that heal.

As the month winds down, light-hearted Venus in Sagittarius connects with expansive Jupiter in Libra October 26. This pairing encourages us to make the most of the opportunities presented to us to celebrate the love, beauty and ubundance which are available to us.
How and where are we spending our free time?
What gladdens our heart?

Reflective Mercury may help us in our musings as his path crosses with the Sun;s, revealing what is opening up to us as we prepare for the time leading up to Halloween. As Messenger of the Gods, he has access to various realms and shares crucial information if we make ourselves aware of it. This requires that we seek stillness and quietude. He joins forces with Mystical Neptune October 30 heightening our ability to receive the information being shared with us. With a broadened perception we're granted increased self-knowledge and compassion for others.

The New Moon(new beginnings) in deep, watery Scorpio, also October 30, verifies in its Sabian Symbol message that we're on the right track and have the Cosmos on our side. "A calm lake bathed in moonlight; a quiet openness to higher inspiration." Lake or no lake, we have within ourselves the calm which will carry us through.
Happy Halloween and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.

Saturday, September 03, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Life happens... and with it are all the tears/pain/offenses... and yes, also the many smiles, the joyful laughter, and perhaps even a little 'love'.

In the end whichever Energy was strongest is the one that will shape you and your Life... except for those cutting Heart Wounds which have managed to bury themselves deep within you!
Now you are 'leaking Life'... and no matter how hard you try, or how deserving you've become, you still struggle to achieve your deepest desires...

 Here it is easy to give in, to change and become a 'distortion' of your True Self - to see Love becoming dismissed as a 'romantic notion', Inner Peace as something talked about in Asian Scriptures(but that really has no place in
your real world), politics as serving Special Interest Groups, and those in Authority wallowing in corruption... not a pretty picture, but unfortunately a very real Dark Energy which surrounds our whole planet.

So what are you to do... yes, you who is committed to Spiritual Growth, who still embraces the Qualities of Compassion, Understanding, and strives to find the Brotherhood of Man.
Do you allow this corrosive environment to twist into a better version of yourself... or to turn your back to all this infantile behavior and become a hermit...or seek shelter in a monastery(hey, I tried that so often in my past lives... I can tell you the food isn't very good, and they have
no chocolate...!... well, so much for 'the Food of the Gods').
...but if you do nothing then what happens to you...?

As you grow Spiritually, your Vibration becomes more 'pure', more refined... and now this precious Self Image becomes bright and radiant with Loving Energies... and at this point you need to be more aware of Who and What you surround yourself with, for many will be jealous, and even angry, at your success... and if you blindly and innocently just go about your life, then all you have achieved may be brutally shattered by their negative, corrupting Energies.

So what can you do about all this? Well, there are Shields and Filters and Higher Spiritual Practices... there is your personal Evolution, your clarity and sensitivity. Ultimately it all comes back to Choices... for you are not some powerless simpleton who is easily swayed by all that is shiny and glittering...

No, you are a powerful Force in your own Right... if only you'd claim it.

This month's classes are dedicated to you honoring your own gifts and power... to awakening a Higher Radiance within, and to show you how to empower yourself to create the very best, most rewarding Life ever... (after all, the best 'revenge' IS success!).

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Thursday, September 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2016

by Sally Shotwell

September offers us several opportunities to reconcile important issues which have arisen in our lives during the recent purging we've experienced. The contradictory aspects of ourselves which temperamental Mars has dug up from our unconscious may actually become resources, if we play our cards right. This means that we need to put ourselves in the loving care of the earthy, discerning and practical influence of Virgo. This sign is ruled by mental Mercury and its symbol is the self-contained Harvest Maiden whose commitment to serving others is not diluted by the pressure of outside influences. If we also become discriminating in what thoughts we hold dear and focus on the real, rather than the glamorous and illusory, much that appears to be in conflict with our values and beliefs may be integrated. Two eclipses, which always bode some shift in our circumstances, take place during the first of the month, encouraging us to assume our objective mode to grow through these inevitable changes.

The first one, the New Moon(new beginnings) Solar Eclipse in Virgo, takes place September 1. The Sun(our consciousness), the Moon(our unconscious), Mercury(our thought processes) and Jupiter(our optimism) are all in earth Virgo, opposite dreamy Neptune in transcendent, watery Pisces. The Sabian message is: "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows; the growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." We live in a chaotic world but this doesn't prevent us from finding peace within ourselves if we work at it, challenging as it may be!
Are we pausing to give ourselves time for introspection?

September 9 expansive Jupiter enters the sign of relationships, airy Libra. Beautiful Venus is its ruler and she's on hand to welcome him warmly. With this combination we should e ready to extend our efforts in partnership-driven area of our life.
Are we feeling comfortable in expanding our circle of friends?
Do we want to deepen our involvement with someone already in our life?

September 10 we experience the final official duel(of three) between Saturn and Neptune. They are both committed to expanding our spirituality but approach the subject in very different ways. Reality-based Saturn in fiery Sagittarius has taken a dim view of other-worldly Neptune in Pisces' insistence on the transcendent. With synergy these two disparate approaches bridge their differences allowing us to benefit from the truths they offer us. Here's where our acuity of thought and clear vision direct us as we venture forth.
Are we separating the wheat from the chaff?

September 12 our reasoning ability is given a boost as Mercury gets chummy with the brilliant Sun. Even though he's still going backward, he is wise and reminds us to review and check details in all our involvements. This includes care in arriving at any decisions during Eclipse Season when focus is our best friend.

September 16 the Full Moon(culmination) Lunar Eclipse in Pisces challenges our emotional sensitivity. Here again we have the Sun involved with a Pisces-influenced aspect, this time the Moon, which has a tendency to create a mental fog. We're fortunate that we're in the process of releasing unfounded doubts and not swayed by superfluous pressure. The Symbol indicates the dilemma is universal and we are being guided toward clarity. "A religious organization succeeds in overcoming the corrupting influences of perverted practices and materialized ideals; the power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life and induce necessary catharses." We are not being abandoned to the mundane.

September 21 Mercury goes forward preparing us for the very big event of the 22nd. It's the Autumnal Equinox when the Sun enters Libra activating a time in the yearly cycle which is celebrated across the Northern Hemisphere with gatherings where people give thanks for the gifts of the harvest. Equinox means 'equal night' and ushers in a time when our energy become more directed inward as the days become shorter.

September 26 lovely Venus enters intense, watery Scorpio. Adding to the mix is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, turning direct in somber, earthy Capricorn September 26. He and communicative Mercury have been in close touch since the 21st and we can't help but wonder what they're cooking up. Mars(our vitality) enters Capricorn on the 27th which ups the energy level.
Are we continuing our centering programs?
Are we limiting our exposure to sensational stimulation?

September 30 the New Moon in Libra is warmly welcomed by recent arrival Jupiter. The Symbol for the second New Moon this month is: "Three 'Old Masters' hanging on a wall of a special room in an art gallery. The need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society." Our efforts are not in vain as we strive to live authentically. Let's be gentle with ourselves as we forge ahead!


Sally Shotwell
is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.

Thursday, August 04, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Remote Viewing is the ability to project your 'vision' beyond Time and Space.

In practice this means that the person can 'see' Past Lives, examine the many different Paths of the Future, achieve Clairvoyance, and for some, it includes the ability to 'see inside objects' (a very useful gift for Medical Intuitives).

The origins of Remote Viewing go back to the very beginning of Time, when a Gifted Person would 'look into a bowl of water' and see/communicate with another person... no matter how far away they were.

Later this developed into 'gazing at a crystal ball', looking at black mirrors, or just any shining surface... at times this induced a mild Trance which allowed the Practitioner to get past his own limited perceptions - often with phenomenal results(consider the profound work done by Edgar Cayce).

Even the military(especially US and Russian) considered the value of training people as Remote Viewers, debasing them to be 'peeping toms'/spies...(thankfully the very mindset of such a rigid environment effectively prevented the development of such a high Intuitive Ability). Today many Healers spontaneously develop part of this wonderful Gift, now able to guide you towards an easier, more rewarding Life.

We are starting a 3 month workshop where we will examine many different techniques used to develop Remote Viewing, and its various applications.
We meet every Saturday from 11 am to 12:30 pm, starting September 10 and continuing through November 26. The workshop is held at The Center For Alternative Therapies, (4155 East Jewell Ave. Suite 1102, Denver 80222 - on the North-East corner of the Frontage Road, I-25 and Colorado Blvd).
Registration is through the Shining Lotus Bookstore(303-758-9113). Class size is limited, and pre-registration is advised... once the workshop series begins, no late registrations will be accepted.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016


by Mario C. Veo

Freedom... to be yourself in Truth and Essence, is not achieved by adding more and more to your Life, but by taking away all that is no longer fruitful... until nothing else needs to be removed...

Now you are Free to be You... and Life shall reflect this, abundantly...
This is such a powerful concept that it is held as a vital 'secret' by many who are in power...
Our current material life is deeply shaped by how many things we must have in order to function...

Seriously, could you do away with your car, your phone, credit cards, TB, computer, internet... Most of us consider these to be 'essential' things which allow us to operate in this modern world, without which we cannot function, cannot work, nor 'live' (well, at least until you visit a third-world country, and then realize that 'Life's Basic Necessities' are still food, shelter and respect.)

But we are not talking about such backwards societies, we are talking about Life in the good ol' USA, where if you are without the latest technology... well, what are you?... some kind of rebel, left-wing trouble-maker...?! Don't you know that to be a consumer is the very foundation of our Democracy...?! (ehrr... sorry, that's a 'republic', right...?!)

Anyway, not to get too deviated from the main point - We all live a life bound by the demands of materialism, and these instantly affect how we are allowed to live... in turn, this affects how well we understand Freedom - and the Spiritual Path... (and what's on the other side of this Life... which reminds me of this silly joke - about the guy that was so filled with 'power' that he made a pact with Spirit that at the time of death he was allowed to take with him any one thing... and he chose all his gold... The Angels were puzzled, asking, "Why would he want to take paving stones with him...?" - told you it was silly...)

Anyhoo - It's not about how much you can have that defines the Happiness in your Life, but how much you can get rid of that will reveal the True Value in Life... and yes, that includes YOU(what are YOU worth... and does your Life demonstrate this...?)

So - this month's classes are offered around this concept of your True Essence... your True Value, and how it has been taken away from you... often with your innocent participation.
But don't despair... if there's one thing I'm good at is to show you what all you can do about it... (what, I never said I wasn't just a little bit of a rebel... well, in a good way...)

Mario C. Veo
 is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Monday, August 01, 2016


by Sally Shotwell

It's Leo season and the life-giving Sun(our consciousness) is basking in his home sign. The symbol for this sign is the noble Lion and the myths associated with the hero's quest to find his true self(think Percival). He triumphs over challenging, dangerous foes, and trials which require his bravery and the faith that all will end well. Leo represents the Heart and unconditional live we feel as innocent children before acculturation kicks in and our feelings become vastly more complicated.
This month we are fortunate to have a lot of fiery planetary support for Leo's novel mission to enhance our lives. Relationship-oriented Venus is in Leo, aggressive Mars enters fiery Sagittarius August 2 joining serious Saturn in the sign of the Archer and to top it off, Uranus is in pioneering Aries.
The energies they generate ensure that the August 2 New Moon(new beginnings) in Leo promises a fulfilling experience. The Sabian Symbol is "Children play on a swing hanging from the branches of a huge oak tree; the power of tradition as it shelters the beginnings of individual self-expression." Throughout history the tree has been revered as a divine symbol representing a transcendent presence always available to us in the midst of change. Happy children signify the potential inherent in our own development. The seeds we plant now blossom according to our intention and the quality of the nurturance we bestow upon them.
This energy is inspiring but with so much combustible material at hand, let's resolve to maintain an inner balance while intense change is manifesting around us.
Are we arranging for a quiet haven to retire to and practice stillness?
Are we remembering to take deep breaths, listen to tranquil music or do what ever relaxes us?

August 5, airy, social Venus enters earthy, practical Virgo, giving us a chance to ground relationships that may be frayed at the edges. Considerate gestures and low key communication go a long way in resolving differences. Let's remain aware of what stimuli we're exposing ourselves to since it can be insidious and really put us in bad moods!

August 13, serious Saturn turns forward in philosophical Sagittarius. Saturn's restraint may help us navigate a tense interaction between himself, expansive Jupiter in earthy, perfection-happy Virgo and dreamy Neptune in watery, escapist Pisces. Since there's no meeting of the minds in this group, it makes sense that we put our own judgments and decision-making on hold. Lest we forget, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all RETROGRADE  and we don't know what business they're up to sub rosa.
Still fueling the flames, August 16 we have the Leo Sun enjoying the company of unpredictable Uranus. This promises to stimulate us and guide us to think outside of the box, broadening our connections. This segues will into the theme of the August 18 Full Moon(culmination) in Aquarius which is a Lunar Eclipse(changes). The Symbol for this Full Moon Eclipse is "A garage man testing a car's battery with a hydrometer." This testing is for an electrical charge and Uranus is the planet of technology. His mission is to help us find our authenticity which, for him, depends on our vibrational level and how we share our light.

New options are presenting themselves to us as we consider altering aspects of our lives in order to progress inour awareness. This can be intimidating for ourselves as well as those around us. There's a new cycle beginning with the powerful September 1 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo and we may have some personal housecleaning to do in the meantime.
Are we taking time for introspection?
Do we have like-minded compatriots to discuss our musings with?

August 22 the Sun enters practical Virgo,joining Venus and Jupiter in encouraging us to employ analysis and organization in all our ventures. Virgo can get a bad rap for being critical but the high standards are meant to improve all of our situations. This desire to serve is paramount and we do well to embrace it but, let's remember to not neglect ourselves in the process.

August 24 and 25 we have forceful Mars interacting first with somber Saturn and then nebulous Neptune. These are awkward connections which cause frustration leading to the potential for volatile behavior. Let's be mindful of our surroundings and head for the hills if we feel uncomfortable.

August 27 we're rewarded for being alert as pleasure loving Venus glides around the dance floor in the arms of scintillating Jupiter. This influence is one we should pick up on. It carries over to the 28th when she moves on to frolic with Mercury before she twirls into her own sign of airy, beauty loving Libra on August 29. Here we benefit from her interest in relationships which are always in our purvue. She brings graciousness into the picture and strives for harmony. We're given a reprieve from some of the gritty stuff we're experiencing and let's take advantage of it.

August 30 Mercury, still in Virgo, turns retrograde until September 22. We well know the drill about reviewing information and zeroing in on details in our transactions during these periods. Let's also remind ourselves that, due to delays, we're givien the chance to slow down, regroup, and prepare for promising new developments. This is exciting!

Sally Shotwell
 is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.

Sunday, July 03, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2016

by Mario C. Veo

More and more I'm realizing how much better Life could be - simply by considering different 'choices'... and here's the kicker - most people do NOT - I mean, would you seriously stay in a job which does not really respect you... but the money is good... how about a relationship where the sex is fine... but not much else...?(O.K., so maybe for some of you that's enough, but really, is that all your old age will be about?!)

What about the many times when you could have made a different choice... what would your Life have brought you?... and, why didn't you choose differently? Where you are 'afraid of success'? or simply couldn't be bothered?... how about that you didn't believe you could have more... or simply didn't think that 'something better' was available... so you just did what? 'settle for less than you're worth'...?

Look, I'm not trying to make you feel bad... no, really, I'm simply getting you to consider that there is sooooo much more that's available to you(yes, indeedy!) Trust me, I've been half way round the world and back... and it can be a most amazing, wonderful, fulfilling, 'blow your granma's socks right off' kind of place... (to the point that you just might look forward to your next incarnation... just saying...)

So how do we get there? Funny you should ask...
First, consider that EVERYTHING is within Spirit, so that everything is constantly available(even if poor little me ain't able to see it yet... just believe, O.K.?)
Next, take a step back from all your experiences, and the labels you gave them(good-bad-awful-never again... and, my favorite, what-was-I-thinking!?)... simply 'Observe'.
Now, ask yourself: "What caught me... why did I react so... what could I have done differently...? (and the most important one) "What was Spirit trying to tell me?"

With me so far?? Good! the solution is very close... look at all the wonderful, great, creative aspects that make you truly the unique person that you are... go deeper within your Radiance... and from this Center, look at the Choices that Life can bring you... and take the first step towards this new Future... (and don't be frightened!!)

Now, even as you read this some of you are shaking your head, saying things like; "Well, you don't understand... Life is not so simple... I just can't... I've tried, but no matter what, I simply never seem to...
Yes, I hear you... Life can be a bitch... but it doesn't always have to be... I also see that you really could succeed/love/live/prosper/change... and be ridiculously happy. So, for you I've created a series of seminars to help you get past your challenges... and that's what this month is all about... (Yup! I'm a nice guy... I want ALL of us to be our most radiant self)... so what say you, ready to blow the lid off this pop-stand?!?

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, July 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter July 2016

by Sally Shotwell

July begins with the Sun(our consciousness), Mercury(our thought process), and Venus(our values and love) sojourning in watery, nurturing Cancer. They are enjoying the company of Mars(action) and Neptune(the trancendent) who are also traversing the other water signs of Scorpio and Pisces. These signs create a trine in the Zodiac with Cancer being assertive and acting as the initiator of the group. All are known for their emotional, intuitive natures but Cancer is particularly sensitive, being ruled by the Moon. Noted for her cyclical monthly journey through all twelve signs of the Zodiac(2 per sign), she is also tied to our relationship with our actual and archetypal Mother. This is highly charged territory which holds many mysteries. With mystery comes a certain vulnerability which Cancer Moon children are able to articulate when not in retreat within their shell. We ourselves all experience emotions which go a long way in determining what we seek in offering security and for Cancereans, it is the Home. We too, see the possibilities of being nurturing and loyal while creating welcoming environments to share with our loved ones.

Are we comfortable in our home environment?
Do we see it as a peaceful location to retreat to or as a social space? Perhaps both?

"A hand with a prominent
thumb held up for study"
Let's enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the first few days of July in preparation for the July 4 New Moon(beginnings) in Cancer when the outside world joins the party. Because the Sun and Moon are in a cardinal(assertive) sign, their presence is triggering stormy interactions with two notorious transformative planets also in cardinal territory. They are ruthless Pluto in earthy Capricorn and unpredictable Uranus in Fiery Aries, challenging anything they come in contact with. Although annoying, to say the least, Cancer is known to personify steely determination and protective instincts which inspire confidence.
The Sabian Symbol for the 4th is "A hand with a prominent thumb held up for study; The power of the will is shaping character." The thumb is seen in palmistry to represent our will(vitality) and certainly is consistent with the spirit exhibited by our fore bearers who fought the Revolutionary War and established the United States.
Where in our life do we need to hunker down and take care of business?

Where are we asked to share our expertise with others?

July 11, lovely Venus enters fiery, dramatic Leo, followed by mental Mercury on the 13th. She welcomes him with open arms, soothing his frazzled nerves brought on by his July 11 confrontation with extreme Uranus. Leo, ruled by the Sun, shares heart-warming sensations that encourage playfulness. Let's take advantage of this invitation to succumb to whimsy. This is not indulgence since release of tension is good for the soul.
What do we do for fun?

The July 19 Full Moon(culmination) is in serious, earthy Capricorn. The Symbol describes "A large aviary; the enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications." In many teachings, birds are considered agents of spiritual forces. Here they are housed within a large structure, communicating their transcendent message to the ether and all who are open to it. Let's have that include us!

Right now, and for some time to come, we are in the midst of a powerful tug-of-war between restrained Saturn and unbounded Neptune, each promoting their take on what direction our spirituality should go. We realize that over-identifying with either message leads us to fanaticism and our challenge is to find a balance in our spiritual practices and commitments. This equilibrium is an ideal but certainly something we are required to commit our ongoing attention to.

July 22, the Sun is happy to enter his home sign of Leo. Besides stressing creativity, we're given a push to focus on relationships, guided in our efforts by sparkly Venus and brainy Mercury. Talk about sparks, Mercury experiences some July 27 when rubbing against Uranus. This promises that we receive stimulating and unexpected ideas. Let's entertain them but hold off until Mercury enters his home sign of earthy, stable Virgo on July 30. This bodes well for our plans to get organized and entertain ideas from a precise, measured perspective. We do need to remind ourselves that Virgo's perfectionism sometimes creeps into our consciousness and we need to have outlets to alleviate any tendency to over-extend ourselves.

July 31 offers an outlet for this as fun Venus connects with surprising Uranus and perks up the social scene in, perhaps, a bizarre way. Needless to say, with Uranus in the mix, our antenna is sensitive to monitoring our perceptions while enjoying ourselves.

Happy Summer and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.