Saturday, September 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2017

by Mario C. Veo

India - a spiritual pilgrimage  ~~~~  We had traveled non-stop for eight hours on a road that had forgotten its identity, and was doing its best to once again merge with Mother Earth. Coconut tress sprung around rice paddies and dotted the countryside in a picture that held a primitive beauty in its hand … the hot, humid climate, no longer a sticky annoyance, was now an appropriate touch that completed our sense experience. The trail that had once been a road now ended at the edge of a forest which skirted a sacred mountain … and there it was - the ashram that was going to be our spiritual retreat for the next two weeks.

Carved out of the woods, it rose with exotic architecture, painted in turquoise, aqua, pastel pinks and white  -  a temple [unique in the whole of India] dedicated to the Great Mother and Her many forms - a dozen flower gardens scenting the morning, lotus ponds, parrots and the inevitable monkeys [and insects like I’ve never seen before] … a place to inspire fairy tales … But greater than all this was the breath of Nature, heavy in the air with Her pulsating life, gently drawing us in, Her lost city children, back in Her arms.

I would get up at 3.00 am simply to be with this holy land, to walk the grounds in quiet solitude, trying, once again, to remember a long forgotten truth. At 4.00 I would enter the meditation hall, pleasantly to find that one or two others had preceded me, and would spend the next hour in my private spiritual practices. We would start formal meditation at 5.00, greet the sunrise at 6.30 and take a short break. At 7.00 we would meet in Amma’s private garden to chant and find within ourselves the tone of our day.

Breakfast was a simple affair, followed by teachings on spiritual consciousness, and more meditation. Sometimes we would go into the forest to meditate, at other times the locals would put on a festive program of song and dance - beautiful little children in multi-colored saris and silks.

Lunch was sumptuous, dozens of dishes both eastern and western, inviting us to ‘gain spiritual weight’… and very difficult to resist. We would meet four hours later for more teachings, meditation and final chants before retiring to a light dinner and sleep, usually by 10.00 pm.

For two weeks I filled myself with something I never knew I lacked: Beauty. Everywhere I looked there was a natural beauty which came from within … a peacefulness which glowed and radiated with a vibrant vitality, removed from the artifices of modern compromises, a beauty of thought and form  -  a truth I had forgotten in my ‘modern’ setting.

I watched myself and my fellow westerners struggle with our little egos to find our new [true ?] identity … and fervently hoped that whatever insight I gained would stay with me as I returned to the other world.

Two weeks pass too soon, and here I am, looking at my environment, my life, my work, my relationships … with new eyes, trying to rekindle the Beauty, the Truth, that I know is there …
what a great gift, what glorious experience … Thank you Great Mother - I will be back.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Friday, September 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2017

by Sally Shotwell

The Total Solar Eclipse may have come and gone but its impact on our lives is yet to be determined. Although its fiery Leo energy is intriguing to ponder, we're being called to deal with the requirements of our practical existence right now. The Sun (our consciousness) in realistic, earthy Virgo helps us sort through the material we're considering and to determine what's either relevant or perhaps misleading. This sign, ruled by brainy Mercury embraces the task of concretizing the creative energy generated by the Sun while in Leo. This September, however, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation since Mercury (our thought processes) begins the month retrograde commingling with the recent Eclipse point. Until he completes his journey and totally reemerges from his shadowy trip, we must review all pertinent information before making important decisions while making sure our communications are clear and our travel arrangements are in order. September 19 he's back in action and welcomes lovely Venus who is just arriving in Virgo. The New Moon takes place during the evening so let's pay particular attention to this date.
In the meantime, it's worthwhile for us to check out planetary activity since it sets the tone of the fluctuating environment we find ourselves in. September 2 Mars (our vitality) is in Leo happily commingling with rebellious Uranus in fiery Aries, urging us to experiment and venture beyond our comfort zone. The 3rd he and Mercury join forces to produce new ideas. Both being in Leo, their childlike delight in finding adventure may rub off on us. Enjoying ourselves is actually a good thing.
Are we allowing ourselves to relax and welcome whimsy into our lives?
September 5 the practical Sun gets in a tussle with otherworldly Neptune in watery Pisces. Our inner life may flourish but our purpose may be blurry. However, warrior Mars enters service-oriented Virgo and we may feel compelled to reach out to others who are in need. Mercury, still in Leo, turns direct and continues the slow trip to his release. This calls for patience on our part.

September 5/6 the Full Moon (culmination) in compassionate, watery Pisces opposes the Sun in precise Virgo and we realize that feelings and logic can, and must coexist if we are to connect with life fully. The Sabian Symbol is "A lady wrapped in a large stole of fox fur: The use of intelligence and mental subtlety as a protection against storms and trials." The Fox has been considered a symbol of cleverness and his being aware and adaptable are attributes which serve us well as we confront charged situations ourselves (and they do come up!).
September 9 the Sun connects with transformative Pluto in earthy, ambitious Capricorn, encouraging us to formulate career goals which have real substance and promise of future success. Mercury meanwhile is returning to his home base of Virgo, one step closer to his comfort zone.
Venus in Leo, Goddess of Love and Money, is on a roll between September 15 and 17 when she connects with serious Saturn, moves on to flirt with magnanimous Jupiter and wraps up her adventure dancing with Uranus. Are we basking is the exuberance beautiful Venue is sharing with us?

September 19 she enters Virgo and her focus turns to an intellectual approach to pleasure and a concern to serve others. We may be tempted to veer towards a tendency to perfectionism so let's make it a point to avoid self-criticism or being too judgmental of others.  Mercury's now back on track and helps us take a detached view while setting us up to experience the New Moon (new beginnings) in Virgo.
This New Moon of September 19/20 connects with Pluto and Saturn who each epitomize power and the Symbol states "A baldheaded man who has seized power: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision." Dane Rudhyar's commentary expresses that when patterns of order and refinement are challenged, personages emerge whose decisions alter structures. For us it means cathartic changes which motivate us to make meaningful personal decisions. Our self-reflection is a strong resource in helping us as we confront surprising developments which require action. Isn't it helpful to feel we're being proactive?

September 27 heavy hitters Jupiter and Uranus clash with each other (again) and we may notice tension in the air since they both want their own way. Let's rely on our discernment in avoiding unnecessary drama which swirls around.
September 28 Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, moves forward giving us some leeway in the continuing excavation of our psyches. The thing is, we are bringing up treasure and growing in our self awareness which helps us become more sanguine observers of what is playing out around us. Are we monitoring being overexposed to the media?
September 29 Mercury enters Libra and our thoughts turn to how we create balance in our lives and share it with others. Justice and fairness are concerns of ours as well as cordial socializing - let's encircle ourselves in this ambiance!
Happy Fall and Blessings!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.