Thursday, August 03, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Mario C. Veo

Palmistry is a fascinating and unique study -  it is both an Art and a Science  -  a science for it is a ‘language’  which any one call learn … and an art which expands your creativity, and helps you balance and manifest your Life as you best wish it to be. Basically Palmistry is a messages from your Soul written as the lines in your hand, guiding you towards happiness and fulfillment … and also shows you whether you are still ‘on-track’ or have deviated from your Destiny. It clearly shows you your Karmas, challenges and obstacles … not to limit you, but to help you resolve them.

Palmistry offers you great insight into your Gifts and Abilities, and how they have become affected  -  positively or negatively  -  by your Thought and Actions … and what you can do about it all. Palmistry is one of the most powerful tools we can develop to help us shape our Life, to help us not only grow, but flourish and be truly happy.

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Mario C. Veo

As has always been the case since the very beginning of Time, the Hunter rises early in the day, even before the Sun, so he can stalk his prey … and calls this ‘the circle of Life and Death’, and with such a belief he feeds himself. So today the Hunter has risen even as the Moon still shines, for he needs not only food but also furs, for the bitter winds of winter quickly waken – the trek down to the river will take a good long while but it will all be worth it for many animals will be drawn to water.
And now here he sits, hidden up a tree, waiting patiently for his chosen prey … bunnies approach cautiously, quickly darting in and out, but they are too small for such a mighty hunter … next comes a shy young fox, but too scrawny for his taste … no, he’s looking for something to match his prowess, something that will offer fame as well as food … and thus he also lets go of a young doe, after all, what is the skill in acquiring such puny adversary … Ah … but look there, following the doe is a mighty stag, proud of horns and with such a haughty demeanor [some would have said ‘majestic’, but such is not the way of this hunter]. And so he lifts his mighty weapon … carefully takes aim … his breath suspended … and just as he’s about to strike the rebellious stag is alert … and with a snort and a flash of hooves he dances away, soon hidden by the forest.
Disgusted the hunter is about to lower his weapon, but just then a great bear breaks through the clearing … thundering it moves to the water’s edge, carefully lowers its muzzle to drink of the saving waters … The mighty hunter cannot believe his good fortune … with blood thundering in his veins and lust in his eyes, he strikes the fatal blow… just one, that’s all is needed to end such a [can we say it] majestic beast … Victory at last, indeed a proud kill, for few other hunters have ever made such a catch … Ah, the glory that awaits him, and the great tales that will be told in the village upon his victorious return …
But just as he’s about to descend from his perch, there comes stumbling out a bear cub, looking for his mother … rushing forward towards her still figure … crying, uncomprehending why she lies so still …
“How well the gods favor me” says the hunter “Look they gift my skills not only with fur and food, but also with a play toy !  He shall make a fine dancing bear, and earn me much coin at the next fair … and when he’s too old for cuteness, then he can be baited for sport.  Oh, yes ! the gods truly favor my mighty prowess” and in so saying he clubs the cub unconscious [the better to restrain him].
A year has passed, the cub now half grown is chained to a post, brought out for drunken pleasure and for easy coin  –  yes, this mighty hunter has grown fat and soft – he no longer hunts … No, why should he when so many are willing to pay good coin to see his dancing bear [well, it stands and growls, and when you poke it with a stick it lounges trying to strike at the offending humanoid … I guess you could call this ‘dancing’]
Ah … the mighty hunter has developed a taste for liquor – such noble deed, such snoring finesse, such deep slumber … Has he forgotten the circle of Life and Death … ?  Has he forgotten the patient stalking, waiting for just the right moment for that single strike … well tonight is the refresher course … You see, the post which once was strong enough to hold a mere cub has long been wearing down … and the mighty chain that so imprisoned the beast is now tired with rust … and tonight he shall learn that bears don’t dance … tonight the circle will be complete …
Ah, the sweet taste of Karma …

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017


© 2017 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2017

by Sally Shotwell

It's Eclipse Season which creates a feeling of anticipation as to what is in store for us personally and globally. Fortunately, long ago astrologers identified the astronomical points called the North Node and South Node, whose placement by sign determines where, when and how long the duration of an eclipse will be. We know that Closure and Letting Go are issues we face at this time, they are followed by the possibility of Creative Renewal in our lives. This series of eclipses present this polarity with the South Node in intellectual, airy Aquarius and the North in noble, fiery Leo. Aquarius represents 

Detached Humanitarianism which, when carried too far, can cause us to lose sight of value of the individuals we are and our contributions to the greater good. Leo, at his best, reveres the long process we engage in, striving to identify and embrace our unique potential. We see how reconciling these different influences within ourselves is tricky and we need a push to grow beyond influences which restrict us. Change is now the name of the game, prodding us to grow and engage in the excitement!

August 2 Uranus, The Great Awakener, turns retrograde fiery Aries and assists us in turning inward to reflect on the staggering changes we've experienced in recent years associated with his ongoing confrontation with ruthless Pluto. Pluto himself in structure-oriented earthy Capricorn is harassing bountiful Jupiter, in relationship-minded, airy Libra and digging up psychic material which may be painful but necessary for us to acknowledge. Otherwise it continues to fester like a low grade infection. Yuck!

With a revised perspective we are alert to the possibilities the August 7 Full Moon(culmination) Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, opposite the Sun in Leo, hold for us. The Sabian Symbol is; "A big business man at his desk: the ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of human beings." As we consider the principles of the Age of Aquarius, let's not minimize our own power and ability to contribute to group cohesion, valuing our unique contributions to a general wellbeing. Total uniformity is really boring!

August 12 Mercury(our thought-processes) turns backward(retrograde) in practical, earthy Virgo and we know the drill. We're reminded to show patience with ourselves and others and not allow ourselves to rush into any decisions. During this period we can address already existing projects and clear the decks for future ventures. August 13 a reassuring connection between the Sun and serious Saturn in belief-oriented, fiery Sagittarius put their heads together and prod us to have fun while remaining aware of our actions. Let's take advantage of this opportunity since August 15 lovely Venus in sensitive, watery Cancer is confronted by Pluto, destabilizing her emotional equilibrium. Let's keep in mind his penchant to dig up long buried material of our own which surprises us.

Are we allowing a space in our schedule during which we can just chill out and let ourselves slowly process what is going on within and around us?
Are we being gentle with ourselves and not judging ourselves harshly?

August 20 Mars(our vitality) in confident Leo touches base with optimistic Jupiter and share their good cheer with us. Their energy, combined with the self-reflection we are practicing, pays off big time when the benevolent Sun and brilliant Uranus also arrive on the scene. They inspire us to release restricting thought patterns which inhibit us from welcoming the unexpected. We're being prepared to really benefit from the astrological highlight of the year!

This, of course, is the August 21 Total Solar New Moon(new beginnings) Eclipse in Leo. Leo rules the heart and heart-centered creativity which transcends our rational minds, bringing to the fore our yearning to become complete beyond the fragmentation our realm of duality imposes upon us. The Symbol presents a hopeful message for us. "A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form; the stage at which an intense feeling - intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought." As we nurture and trust our instincts to venture into the symbolic world of archetypes, new horizons and dimensions await us. Heres where our interest in the symbolic language of astrology can guide us.

For the time being, however, we have the Moon(our emotions) entering Virgo followed August 22 by the Sun. Their "feet on the ground" take on things helps us to not get off track as we approach the demands we face from our every day lives. Mercury is retrograde until September 5 and reminds us that restraint is helpful while we assimilate our altered perceptions which may have surfaced during recent days. Change and growth are related and we're encouraged to honor and not rush the ongoing process.

What impressions do we have of our Eclipse experience?
Are you able to compare notes with others and discuss their observations?

August 25 Teacher Saturn turns direct and guides us to turn our attention from introspection to our outer circumstances. He always demands we be conscious of what we're doing with our time. He is responsible for guiding us to greater maturity and offers great rewards after our struggles.
Where have we refined our perceptions to become more inclusive and tolerant? 

Answers may come to us as Mercury returns to Leo August 31 and triggers the point of the Lunar Eclipse. This means that new energy is made available to us and who knows what this means for us? This whole month is jam packed with activity and a sense of mystery. It is so nice we're on this wild ride together!

Blessings and Love!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.