Wednesday, May 04, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter May 2016

by Mario C. Veo

There are times in our life when we must be more aware, more cautious of our thoughts and words, more sensitive to Energies and what causes them... for here we stand at the very crossroads of Life, and the future is ours to shape ... if [and only if] we are aware. So, give up your mewling... your common complaints ... shrug off the past, with its losses and lacks, and once and for all claim your Right to live fully and joyfully.

No, it's not a slogan, nor a political platitude - yuck!
It is a call to clean yourself off of all those negative energies, those contaminating thoughts and feelings, to brush off the belittling people in your Life... and figure out what you really want what will make you happy... and, if for some weird reason you believe that you 'don't deserve', then it's well past time for you to change... to grow and see the True Beauty that you are.

It all starts with your Aura - that simple conglomeration of the Energies given off by your thoughts and feelings... add to this its magnetic properties and you have a recipe for success or absolute catastrophe... the choice - as I have been telling you many times over - has always been up to you...
No one has more power than you and your Aura - together you can create miracles.
What? you don't believe me...?

Consider this simple statement - All is vibration [Quantum Physics proves this] and is very fluid, shifting and changing, creating Flows of Infinite Possibilities... until fixed and crystallized by Thought or Belief, now becoming rigid and immovable, it shapes Reality in its own image[for all you metaphysical practitioners out there the Law is 'Energy follows Thought, and is crystallized through Word and Action'... thus you free - or damn - yourself... no one else does it!].

So ... it's time to pay attention - not only to Who and What we are... but also to what we give off... are you a kind, nice, gentle, loving Being... then "Whatever you give off shall be returned threefold"... or, are you still caught by Lack... starving yourself when abundance is all around you - free, just for the taking.

OK, it's time to do something about all this ... so, this month's classes are offered to teach all of us how to be more prosperous, how to embrace Life's riches, how to cleanse [or heal] our Aura ... and there's even a little Magic thrown in there...
Now is the time... choose... what will it be... ?!?

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Monday, May 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter May 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Ah, the good old days, when you could leave your front door unlocked... your bike on the porch and even misplace your wallet AND have it be returned intact!! Ah... those days of pure innocence, when people were kind, gentle, and trust was rewarded... not so much anymore! Today you are strongly advised to install an alarm system / close-circuit cameras / keep a watch-dog and even put bars on your windows..

Because the world is going through a dark patch, where just being dissatisfied is no longer a stimulus for getting better, but a justification for violence and abuse... where 'those that have' do not feel any responsibility towards 'the have-nots', but keep exploiting them, all in the name of 'entitlement' And I could go on and on, but you get the picture - it's no longer a 'nice' world...

So, why am I ranting...?
Simple -we must all learn how to protect ourselves, and our loved ones... else suffer the consequences. Now, most of you will say that you do lock your doors, buy insurance, keep yourself as safe as possible... and to these I say: "Good job... for baby-steps !"
You see, it's not enough to take care of the obvious, material things... nope, you must equally pay attention to the Energies you have around you [after all, paranoia may well turn your home into a fortress, but that ain't no way to live, bro!]

Look, it's quite simple - the other day I was at a my favorite grocery store [yes, organic], shopping for ingredients for my famous lasagna... looking forward to a delicious week-end... and... I just kept getting more and more aggravated, stressed, brusque, and even downright snippy[now - those of you that know me, would reassure y'all that I may well be many things... but 'snippy' is not one of them!]
So, in the end I left my shopping temple, frustrated and upset [for no apparent reason!]... and guess what... I forgot to buy the cheese... !!! [of all things !]

Yes, there is a point to my rumblings... hold on to your horses...
Visible acts of violence or abuse are seen clearly... they are obvious... but we always forget that there are more 'invisible' negative / contaminating! corrosive energies... AND that these are ALL around us, at all times... we literally [yes, I use the word correctly] literally 'swim' through the most yucky energies you've ever see... everyday !!!

They are not necessarily 'evil'... just your common everyday 'worry', stress, illness, concern... or just a lovers' quarrel... all this gets dumped, willy-nilly, where-ever you go... and you step on it without even realizing it... now trekking it back into your home... all because you are not aware![no excuses bro ! you still got s**t on your shoes]
Which brings me to my final point [yes, you can relax now... well, just a little...]

I am offering a 4 week course on "Protection" - from the most essential Aura Cleansing to the most advanced Psychic Attacks, from simple contaminants to deep purification... we'll examine it all.
The course starts on May 14th, for 4 consecutive weeks. We meet on Saturdays, from 11 to 12.30 registration is through the Shining Lotus™ [303.758.9113]... but the program will be held at The Center for Alternative Therapies, 4155 E. Jewell Ave, # 1102, Denver 80222 ...
See ya'... and, careful where you step...

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Sunday, May 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter May 2016

by Sally Shotwell

May 1 has historically been a day when people throughout the world celebrate and offer thanks for the gifts Mother Nature bestows upon us. The creative energies which Aries unleashed are now manifesting in earthy Taurus where we find the Sun(symbol of our consciousness), mental Mercury and beauty-loving Venus hanging out. Her presence here is appropriate since she rules this sign which guides our relationship to the natural world and our own physicality. This requires us to be in tune with our senses, creating pleasure in our lives. Dreamy Neptune in watery Pisces(5/1) and expansive, inspiring Jupiter(5/3) kick off the month joining the Sun  in an optimistic environment and encourage us to think big in forming future plans.

Here we must pause for a moment because there are major astrological influences insisting we pull ourselves together before venturing forth to implement our ideas. We have five planets going backward(retrograde) sending us the message that there is work to be done before we'll have the resources available needed for our ultimate success. They are thoughtful Mercury, aggressive Mars, expansive Jupiter(until 5/10), controlling Saturn and ruthless Pluto, requiring us to refocus our efforts at integrating their energies within ourselves.

This inner realm consists of our belief systems which we're asked to closely scrutinize. As we traverse the minefield of our chaotic environment, perceptions and values we once considered sacrosanct are dissolving. Can we Distinguish between our personal beliefs and what our conditioning dictates? Jupiter, now in earthy Virgo, representing higher education and religion, is at odds with aggressive Mars and somber Saturn, both in his home sign of Sagittarius(philosophy) and their unease is contagious.

The May 6 New Moon(new beginnings) in stable Taurus offers advice regarding how we interpret our confusion and how to move beyond it. "A symbolic battle between 'Swords and Torches'. Refusing to depend on the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting the eternal 'Great War'." Our challenge is to channel the interval friction we feel into productive outlets, otherwise we face frustration with delays, and more.

May 9 Jupiter turns direct, as sensuous Venus takes a turn on the dance floor with other-worldly Neptune, we should bathe in their soothing ambiance. Also the Sun conjoins brainy Mercury, emphasizing the Taurus stabilizing effect. May 10, 12 and 13 we have Venus and Mercury actively engaging in earthly delights. Let's use them as role models and follow their lead.
What would delight us?

May 20 the Sun enters airy, communicative Gemini and it's a new ball game. This is the sign ruled by a Mercury who is sometimes equated with the Trickster. The atmosphere lightens up and sparks are in the air. May 21 is the Full Moon(culmination) in inspirational Sagittarius. The Symbol alludes to the "Big Picture" which is appropriate for this sign. "White-capped waves display the power of the wind over the sea. The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of super-personal motives." In our search we encounter unusual developments which aren't always fun but their challenges expand our horizons and present us with new life choices.

May 22 Mercury turns direct still fueling the grounding Taurus energy we need to balance our emotional reactions as delays continue to plague us. The Gemini Sun gets in a tussle with Mars since he;s ready to indulge himself in his massive curiosity and isn't interested in soul-searching. Let's strategize the means by which we can deflect Mars' frustration by keeping calm. Whether we find time alone to regroup, resort to Rescue Remedy or have another means, be kind to ourselves, it's important to defuse unwanted energy.

Lovely Venus joins the Sun in lively Gemini May 24 bringing a breath of fresh air to our attitudes toward our relationships. One note of caution, Gemini's symbol is the Twins, one human, one divine, and there's always duality in any equation involving them. There's fluidity which doesn't necessarily promise permanance but a lot of fun can be had by all. May 28 Mars slips back into watery, penetrating Scorpio, returning to territory be covered during February and March. Issues which were left dangling may now be resolved as we revisit them. Scorpio always reminds us that our instincts generate our Life Energy and understanding our viceral responses allows us to integrate them.
When our buttons are pushed, are we gentle with ourselves in investigating the source of our response?

May 30 we encounter a cordial meeting between thoughtful Mercury and profound Pluto(the higher octave of Mars) which enhances our ability to understand our motivations in order to approach our authenticity. We are on the right path in embracing this goal and our mutual support makes all the difference!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a healthy thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.