Thursday, March 31, 2016


© 2016 Roy Neal - used with permission of Roy Neal, Astrologer
by Roy Neal

Aries by Josephine Wall
    A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra occurs on Wednesday, March 23 and sets the tone for a recalibration of how we experience ourselves in our relationships with others.  
    Our quest for inner peace invites us into a different perspective of Good Friday and the Easter weekend.  A time of internal transformation is at hand.  The Universe is preparing us for a great awakening.  All of these planetary activations lead up to the potential for a new experience of our self and our greater purpose for living.
    We begin April like the Fool in the tarot card; stepping out in faith into a new adventure. The New Moon in Aries on the morning of April 7 invites us to own and express the new version of our true self. This “awakened” version of self will likely perceive things differently when it comes to making decisions about what is of most value.
Taurus by Josephine Wall

    Emotional issues involving home and family are likely to arise on Wednesday, April 13 at the First Quarter Phase of the Moon in Cancer. Mars goes retrograde in Sagittarius on April 17 so we may want to be flexible about plans for travel, especially to foreign countries.  Pluto going retrograde in Capricorn on April 18 will give us time for internal reflection regarding the wise use of power and the next steps forward for our personal and business success.
    A Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio on Thursday, April 21 reminds us to pose a question:  What do we need to let go of in order to manifest what we truly want and value?  
    Mercury will go retrograde on Thursday, April 28 in the sign of Taurus and will not return to direct motion until Sunday, May 22. During the time while Mercury is retrograde we will have ample time to re-evaluate our attitudes and decisions about money and what we perceive to be of most value.  
    Venus entering Taurus and the Last Quarter Phase Moon in Aquarius on the eve of Friday, April 29 will support us in attracting money and partnership for a worthy cause.  
    Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area.  If you would like to know more about how this time period impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.  
    This and other articles are found on the web at:  

Thursday, March 03, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2016

by Mario C. Veo


I have spent the early part of my Journey seeking to study 'Magic', actively looking for Teachers to satisfy my insatiable curiosity... I wanted to know all the deepest secrets - "how things work... what makes them tick... and , above all, WHY...?!" ... and in my (not so innocent) youth, thought that 'Magic' would, finally, grant my answers. Well, it didn't quite work out that way... you see, the more answers you get, the more questions arise... (it's truly never-ending - but the Journey was fun).

So, in my quest, I studied with great Shamans, Medicine Men(and Women), Spiritual Teachers of different Lineages... and they all demanded that I first master two things:

1) Learn how to Meditate... for it would grant me Peace, and teach me to be Still.
2) Learn how to Heal... for in any 'search for Power, it is too easy to hurt another'

And so my Journey went forth, bringing me more information than I ever thought possible... and here's the most important thing I learned:

Pain and sorrow, grief and tears, are unfortunately far too common in Life... Man is NOT the wonderful Enlightened Being he believes himself to be... he stumbles around, unconscious of the hateful thoughts and dismissive words that he casts so easily around him... and how often these hurt another... especially those sensitive of Heart.

While many may say, "This may well be... but certainly I do not..." to them I would ask, "Have you not watched the News recently... and had you not a strong response... Be aware that even a Thought is Power Projected... and, whatever you send forth, so it shall come back to you..."
So my training progressed - a bit of study on Magic, and a lot of study on Healing... until, finally I understood Why...

We are all 'Beings of Power', yet most is locked in our pain and sorrow... and only once we are fully integrated, will we be granted access to our own Gifts, and only now able to craft a Life of Love and Wonder... to do otherwise is to risk becoming a Black Magician...

Which brings me to the purpose of this account - for the next two months I will be offering a workshop on Healing and Desire, to explore not only various techniques for healing self or others, but also to understand the Spiritual Causes behind Disease... (lest it repeat itself).

We meet every Saturday, from 11 to 12:30, at the Center for Alternative Therapies (4155 East Jewell Ave., Suite 1102, Denver 80222), starting March 12. Registration is through the Shining Lotus Bookstore (303) 758-9113... class size is limited, so pre-registration is advised.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2016

by Mario C. Veo

I have always been fascinated by 'people' - no, not you 'n me, or those who Walk the Path... for they are not 'common folks' by any means... I'm talking about 'the good ol' joe', the neighbor next door, the guy who is happy to simply put one foot before the other as he meanders through Life... for he is truly Blessed! (did that get to you... were you expecting me to sprout forth on some kind of Higher Spiritual ego... No?! good for you!)

The reason why they are - indeed - Blessed, is in the clarity they have reached in life. They are much more direct, more open, and approach life plainly... they know what they want, and go after it without qualms... even 'though it may not be what you or I would consider "Esoteric", still, in its materialism it brings them fulfillment and even satisfaction.

So now I ask you - "Are we, the self-styled Seekers of a Higher Truth, in any way 'better', are we living a simple, direct Life? Are we happy in our Search, and, more importantly, are we satisfied...?!

You see, if you are not 'happy', if what you do does not truly, 100%, fill you to the brim and back... then I think this Life is merely a 'potential' and not all that it could be, (and by being so, I wonder of the Karmas left unfulfilled... and more still to come). Do we, as Seekers, understand that we are to be "the living examples of Spirit-in-Form", and as such must hold ourselves to a much higher standard...? Not because of any fear, or punishment (Karma is more than enough)... but simply because "that is the Life we have willingly and joyfully embraced... and as such, can do no other..."
... so, I ask you again, "are you happy...?"

Things to think about... not with remorse, or even anger or frustration... but with peaceful clarity. Whatever... but DO think about it.

This month's classes are offered as an invitation for deepening this self-exploration... from Love and Fear, to healing "Lack"... from sabotage and self-sabotage, to Energy Vampires... so that, in the end, we may know ourselves - not through our Ego - but by our Radiance, now fully able to Walk the Path with Love, and Light... and above it all, with Wisdom, (hope to see you on the Journey... just don't get lost, please...?)

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2016

by Sally Shotwell

We are now in Pisces Season which means that Spring will arrive soon. This also indicates that it is time for us to tie up the loose ends which remain from the astrological year which is coming to a close. This water sign stresses sensitivity and tolerance so, hopefully, we employ these qualities with ourselves as we sort through our own issues.

Right now the Sun(our consciousness), inspirational Neptune and mental Mercury(beginning 3/5) are hanging out in the sign whose symbol depicts two fish swimming in opposite directions, in the depths of the ever-changing ocean, surrendering to the flow of the great unknown. This gives us a clue that we are encouraged to release our dependency on strictly rational thought. This can be scary but we're needing to turn to our feelings and instincts to be able to pick up the nuances of mysterious Neptune(ruler of Pisces) is sharing with us. To pick them up, we need to be quiet and pay attention to our inner voice.

Pisces and Neptune, as a team, are fully capable of guiding us into marvelous realms way beyond our ken but they can also conspire in misleading us through illusion and glamour. When we deal in ideals, we are frequently disappointed and feel we have been misled(propaganda anyone?). Our challenge is to remain functional in this world, free from the temptations of escapism, while embracing an expanded world-view, making room for the transcendent in our lives. Artistic and other types of creativity access energy which opens all types of doors to our potential. Sometimes this leads us to feeling ungrounded and confused.

To help us keep in mind the need to be aware of our fuzzy thinking as we experience reliable boundaries dissolve before our very eyes(through a fog), assertive Mars enters fiery, wise Sagittarius (March 5) somewhat shifting the focus from our inner realm to our outer obligations. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 8 further helps us hone in on what is of the most import to us as we forge ahead. Solar Eclipses happen during a New Moon, initiating changes arrived at by turning inward and sorting through our past in order to clear the decks for new projects.
Haven't we  heard about this process ad nauseum?

Well, it's still important for our journey to self-empowerment and the mystical is now a strong component. The Sabian Symbol gives us a glimpse of this: "A master instructing his disciple; the transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original and spiritual creative impulse of the cycle active and undeviated".

Are we allowing ourselves time to explore new avenues of thought?
Are we retiring to stillness on a regular basis?

March 12, the planet of personal love, Venus swims into Pisces adding an emphasis on our earthly relationships. This is a happy melding of Venus' devotion with the transpersonal inclusivness of Neptune's universal love, leading to expanding our horizons.

Do we nurture our heart-connections to allow for us to grow in mutual understanding?

Our active engagement in getting our act together pays off big time when we welcome the Vernal Equinox March 19. The Sun enters fiery, dynamic Aries ushering in the New Astrological Year, seen from ancient times to epitomize rebirth. The first day of Spring is equal in length between night and day and represented the reappearance of both spiritual and physical shoots of life. Gatherings were held to celebrate the resurrection of Persephone from the annual tenure in the Underworld. In modern times, it is the time the faithful around the world congregate to honor the resurrection of Jesus.

Three days later, March 23, we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse(culmination) in airy, harmony-loving Libra. The Symbol refers to the need of individuals to convene to share with each other their deepest longings to connect: "Around a campfire, a group of young people sit in spiritual communion; the necessity to unite with kindred spirits as one enters unbeaten paths illuminated by still-insecure light of a dawning intuition of new values".

How are we acknowledging this fertile time to initiate new beginnings?

This renewal requires increased energy to fuel our new ventures and March 21, communicative Mercury enters Aries to assist in this sign's message of change and progress, leading to inspiring new ideas. Fiery Mars, the planet that rules Aries is in equally hot Sagittarius, and the Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Uranus are also contributing their flames to the furnace. To temper this potentially volatile confab, we have lovely, airy Venus still hanging out in compassionate Pisces connecting with transformative Pluto in stabilizing, earthy Capricorn on March 29. Just to be on the safe side however, let's have our soothing music and Bach Flower remedies at the ready!

Blessings and Happy Spring!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.