Tuesday, February 02, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter February 2016

by Mario C. Veo

Ever since I can remember I've questioned 'Authority' - no, I was not a brat, nor was I a 'rebel' - I was just looking for Truth... and with that I also wanted Trust... and here lies the problem: you can get 'truth' as defined by others, you can even get 'trust'(as long as you accepted it as 'faith')... but you seldom get a Higher Truth... or selfless Trust.

Why is this important??

Well, just take a look around you - from political propaganda, to GMOs... from declining educational standards to self-serving(read selfish) enterprises... and the never-ending corruption and self-serving ethics... you wonder why the world is so full of hatred and conflict?

But, what about YOU?... what about your opinions... your beliefs... your perceptions...?
Are you so ready to simplistically accept the so obvious trashy propaganda that is all around... or do you put your trust(faith ?) in a personal spiritual guidance...? (and, if that is the case, how much effort do you spend on it - is it daily... weekly... or just whenever you're in need...?!)

So... (with apologies to Jabberwocky) - "the time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things... to not play the game of greed and lack, or fear of endless things... but to love and live with Radiance within... for with each breath the last one comes far too soon... and would you stand at that final door and decree: alas, alack, I just wanted more..."

CHOOSE!... do not be a puppet...

... find the Power within you and change your Life to be a true reflection of your own Radiance - no, it's not for the elitists, nor for those 'blessed with Special Gifts' (actually, they are the most at-risk... they just don't know it yet). What do you fear... what do you have to lose...? This year has the potential to be very productive, to offer you many unexpected opportunities... and equally, demand that YOU(once and for all) be in charge of your Life.
So, what say you: are you in or out...??

We are dedicating February's classes to Power and Self-Empowerment... to understanding Choices... and what they require of us, but be warned... this stuff about 'being in charge' is not for everyone... far too many are quite happy just drifting, drifting like a leaf on a pond... ah, what a simple Life.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Monday, February 01, 2016


© 2016 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter February 2016

by Sally Shotwell

As the month begins, the Sun(our consciousness) is in humanitarian, individualistic Aquarius. Although it is an air sign, its image is that of the Water Bearer who is pouring water from a jug. This moisture is being shared with the beings of the Earth to introduce the water of new life. It is also a necessary component for generating electricity which Aquarius rules. Uranus, The Great Awakener, is the planet we look at to understand the motivations at play here. The message is: Aquarian insights are brilliant, impersonal and aimed at instigating a new order.

February 1 we find ourselves dealing with Uranus in fiery, aggressive Aries clashing with Mercury(our thought processes) in traditional, earthy Capricorn. This may cause us to feel conflicted in our decision-making since there's a mental tug-of-war going on. Let's pend on rushing to judgement until the dust has settled.

Also in the picture, we have the Moon(our emotions) in watery, intense Scorpio joining hands with aggressive Mars(the traditional ruler of Scorpio) offering us access to previously unconscious material. This should ring a bell since we've been unearthing all sorts of stuff for a LONG time. The strategies we've developed during our self-analysis continue to serve us well and will continue to receive aid from the Cosmos. Case in point, February 6, Mercury joins optimistic, spiritually oriented Jupiter in guiding us to gain a clear perspective regarding our beliefs. Fiery Jupiter, associated with religion, is now going backward in discriminating, earthy Virgo(retrograde until 5/9) asking us to consider and review where we have made commitments and where we're heading.

How have our perceptions and values evolved through the years?
Are we comfortable with a particular belief system at this time?

The February 8 New Moon(new beginnings) in Aquarius picks up the theme of our spiritual well being with its Sabian Symbol message. "A large white dove bearing a message; the answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained, and victorious individual efforts." The impact we exert upon our environment is closely related to our ability to integrate the inspiring influences available to us.

This New Moon coincides with the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Yang Fire Monkey. The Monkey is associated with intelligence while Fire represents initiative and courage. We experience sparks as Mars in Scorpio interacts with the Sun and Moon, contributing passion to our endeavors. Greater understanding of ourselves is promised but detachment to all stimuli will serve us well. When we feel ourselves drifting into drama, let's focus on our breathing!

February 13 Mercury finally enters Aquarius bringing an airy, creative take on our daily routines. Two days after Valentine's Day on February 16, relationship-oriented Venus joins Mercury in the sign of the Water Bearer and this pairing suggests ways we may direct our efforts to promote humanitarian goals within our environment.

Is there some group or organization which has captured our attention and admiration?
February 18 the Sun enters watery, empathetic Pisces bringing a strong element of compassion to the fore. This supports the symbol's message for the February 22 Full Moon(culmination) in earthy, responsible Virgo. "Black and white children play together happily; the overcoming of cultural pressures." Mercury in futuristic Aquarius fuels the theme of our need to transcend societal and personal illusions which limit our ability to break through outmoded viewpoints.

The last two days of the month, we are treated with planetary aspects involving balm-like energies. The 28th the Sun and dreamy Neptune, who dissolves ego boundaries, are mated in imaginative, watery Pisces. Let's aim at submerging ourselves in creative, artistic ventures which nurture our soul. The 29th beautiful Venus interacts with responsible Saturn who assists us in channeling the ethereal into our daily existence. When we remember to arrange for stillness in our routine, we're doing ourselves the favor of courting peace. During this transitional time we're living through, we deserve a break!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.