by Mario C. Veo
I usually teach my students that ‘Life is for living… joyfully‘… sounds good, right?! I mean, after all who would want to live ‘unhappily ever after‘… and yet so many people do. I can’t tell you how many people come to me with just that problem – a bad relationship… and even worse divorce… abusive or neglectful parents, rude bosses, the list goes on and on…
And I always ask them how long ago did they realize this was going on?… would you believe ‘5 years’!! So, for the last 5 years they simply sat there, allowing it to go on… with feelings getting more and more abused, and the offenses mounting… and for what!?
Oh, they have many, many excuses: I did it for the kids (and what did they learn from all this?) He got a shark-lawyer (there are plenty of those, get one yourself)… It’s difficult to find work (try a temp job, they are plentiful). These are just excuses for their own lack of action… so, instead they waited until things got so bad that their very survival was at stake… and NOW they must do something to save themselves.
O.K., better late than never… but really, wake up and smell the roses (or in this case, the stinky compost). YOU make all the difference to the quality of your Life… not them, not the economy, not the bosses… YOU DO… so, do something about getting some of the joy you so rightfully deserve! (and if you don’t believe you ‘deserve’ it, I’ve got some very good counseling techniques to share with you).
Oh, one more thing, Whatever you create in this Life, will follow you in the Afterlife AND in your next Incarnation… yeah, you just can’t get away from it… Karma is a bi*#* (but you do have choices, they’ve always been there!”). Which brings me to this month’s classes – we are dedicating November to a unique understanding of Creation and Manifestation… much, much more advanced than your lil’ ol’ granma’s… and to teach you how to write a better Life’s script… so that which you choose will shape your Afterlife to be a much, much more pleasant experience. (if you thought your relationship was hell, what did you think your Afterlife would be….? a trip to Hawaii?!?).
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.