Monday, January 05, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2015

by Marci McCaffery

The season of light is upon us, even though the darkest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere), is almost here. The Winter Solstice and the New Moon are among two of five celestial events taking place. The Winter Solstice, which falls around the 21st of every December, is the Sun’s final turning point. It represents the shortest day of the year and the celebration of the return to light. The energy is PERFECT for setting our intentions and letting our light shine brighter than ever in 2015.

The New Moon falls just after the Solstice, at 0 degrees Capricorn, the most ambitious sign of the zodiac.  It’s time to toughen up and create new beginnings for personal and professional growth.
A supercharged cosmic force results, when unpredictable Uranus in fiery Aries, collides with cerebral Mercury and relationship oriented Venus, as it forms a conjunction with Pluto. This intense impact pushes us past the limits of ordinary logic, making the end of 2014 seem more like a new beginning. 

The next 4 weeks will profoundly affect the months ahead!
Expansive Jupiter’s retrograde shift, on December 8th  limits our external expression of confidence and enthusiasm, as we search to find creative inspiration from within.

On December 24th, Saturn, the planet of karma and responsibility, enters a new cycle in Sagittarius for the next 2 ½ years.  Taking personal responsibility for our beliefs and our actions is crutial.  We can no longer be remain indifferent, during a time requiring discipline  and commitment to achieve a goal of a higher vision.

Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological advisor, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited business/ life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has had lifelong involvement with meditation and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. Contact Marci at

Sunday, January 04, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2015

by Drusant

The human spirit has fought eternally for the right to express itself openly and freely without fear of oppression or reprisal. I now fear again for our tomorrows, for our near future of regimented control and of this new and expanded science that can influence with programmed technology the direction of our thoughts and the formation of our beliefs.
The liberation of our soul is the life-long struggle of our being; it’s the natural instinct inherited from our source. It’s what every life form yearns for as it grows through dirt toward the sun, toward the light.

I believe light is the natural and all pervasive condition in the cosmos, whether the light is emitted from our own sun or from the great central sun. Darkness is only a veil that blocks the light. Darkness is the shadow of light whether expressed in metaphor in describing thought or in physical reality.
Mystics of the ancient past all speak of growing toward the light, of becoming less confused about what is—to see reality more clearly without bias or false belief. It is our inborn right and destiny to eventually seek more light, more clarity and more truth.
We evolve our individual spirit through many centuries of expression and experience. Wisdom seems to sprout slowly through these many eons of time but wisdom brings with it the respect and reverence for the life process.
As the depth of wisdom grows, so too do our perception of the greater shades of color grow. Wisdom shows the vast differences and similarities of one object compared to another. As our wisdom grows, so too do our fascination, imagination, ethics and integrity grow. These many qualities of the human soul are the natural by-product of wisdom, understanding and maturity.

As I look at the human experience today, I feel a foreboding as if this veil of darkness may be intentionally spread over the heads of our world population by unseen hands. I must first ask the question, “Is the author of this supposed veil still the product of a divine awareness such that as the veil becomes more heavy, more obvious, then will the human spirit fight back with greater vigor against darkness?”
Or, as seems more the case, is the human spirit being romanced into yet a deeper state of slumber? Sages of the past have left many carvings in stone so that the future may be reminded of this path toward the eternal quest of enlightenment and awakening from our slumber.
There are many reminders that life does have purpose and that it really does have value. We are not just tiny drops in this soup of creation. We are indeed capable of understanding creation and of being an active participant in that creation process rather than merely the insignificant and forgotten by-product of creation.

The natural objective and purpose of our life is to gain joy, to gain pleasure and caring for all life forms. We have the capacity to ask the questions: “Do those stars out there have awareness; do they know that I am asking these questions? Is there an unseen link between them and me? Where does this feeling inside me come from when I look out at them?” We may never know the answers to these multiple and varied questions but what is so magical is that we can at least ask the questions.
Our thrust of curiosity will always carry us to newer questions and newer horizons. May those many questions always burn inside our chests; may we forever look to the stones and trees and stars and ponder the magnificent mysteries; may we forever find the source of joy buried deep within our being and may the fountain of inspiration bubble from the beat of our pulse, from our heart. May we forever make those choices between sadness and happiness; may we forever be free to choose the path of our desire. May we forever ask the questions, “Can the stars hear my thoughts and do they smile when I tell them how beautiful they are?”

We are all explorers. We are all sailors of the sea riding on these waters of deep mystery. May the winds be forever at our backs and may we find peace from turbulence and may we sail through these confusing waters toward grater clarity and solid understanding. May we come to enjoy our differences with honor and respect and may we value the path that brought us to this point of appreciation.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Friday, January 02, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2015

by Mario C. Veo

When I first started on my Journey, I was a very enthusiastic Seeker – more accurately I was a ‘Workshop Junkie’. I couldn’t wait for the local New Age Newsletter to arrive so that I could hold my pen – poised with quivering anticipation – and select the classes I so hopefully thought would lead me to ‘Enlightenment’ (or at least to Ascension)… ah, the good old days of innocent desire.
So, now that I am older (and not necessarily ‘wiser’) I have learned to pace myself and , while I may not fully agree with the facile adage (“You seek for the Truth to the Ends of the World, only to find yourself there“), still I have uncovered a few, small morsels of ‘Truth’… so, here goes:
  • You cannot ‘find’ yourself until you Know who you are
  • Stop looking for answers outside of yourself…you are the Key to Happiness
  • Only by knowing who you are can you choose what works for you
  • Once you are firmly centered in you Beauty/Gifts/Radiance… only then are you Empowered
  • Only when you are Empowered can you Attract/Manifest whatever you desire… effortlessly
  • and another thing (this one IS important, so pay attention) -
If you are struggling with something – be it pain, sorrow, woundedness, lack – and you try to ‘Manifest’ whatever you so deeply yearn for… then the only thing you can attract is more of the same!
(sorry, the Law:
As Within, so Without does not lie)

So, are we doomed to forever walk this Earth like some Ancient Mariner with an Albatross around our neck? (for those of you without a classical English education, this is a reference to quite an ominous piece of poetry about the Karma generated by some misguided Innocent who did not know better) Sorry, I deviate… to get back to our little talk…
No, we are not quite so ‘powerless’… yes, we can Manifest, quite effectively actually… but only if you know ‘the Rules'(which, of course – as so often happens – ‘They’ do not want to share with you. “hey, you are not part of ‘The Secret Circle‘… nor do you know ‘The Secret Handshake’…“, ehm, as I was saying…)

Well, if you know anything about me, then you know I am not too fond of stupid Rules… in fact, I take quite a pleasure in breaking them (I am nothing if not constant). In fact, I find it quite titillating to teach these so called ‘Secrets’ to those who are now ready. As this IS the New Year, we are dedicating this month to exploring the ‘Truth’ about Manifestation… Self-Empowerment… Happiness and Prosperity. Heck, there is sooo much Beauty and Joy out there, why should you be without? Join us… if you dare…

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.