Thursday, December 04, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter Dec 2014.

by Drusant

“This one was written after I had camped out for a few days in Moab. As I kayaked down the Green River in the deep canyons, a voice came out of me telling the stone canyon walls the entire history of earth with all her wars and sorrows. It was promised that the ancient voice would return to tell the earth we are now ready to move forward into awareness.” ~~Drusant 2009

Share the voice.
The voice has been spoken after these many thousands of years.
I am the stone pillar with a voice and I ask you now to spread the word
From one pillar to the next,
From one canyon to the next and into one country into the next.

Let it be known that today
The ancient voice has been spoken.

You have stood, sentinel, all these many years,
Waiting and longing, wondering if your purpose has been forgotten.

Walking people come and go
Taking your picture not knowing who you are.
They stand beside your megaliths with empty pride and empty minds.
And yet they want your memory for their treasure map.

Your silent voice now shouts to be heard
And I am here to say you have been heard…. and recognized.

For I am in you and you are in me.

We share the common bond of silence
And the longing of those magnificent years
When all wisdom, all knowledge was shared.

When the dark days came
And your treasures were locked up inside stone pictures,
Carved by tearful hands that knew someday these marks will be remembered,
We knew, you and I, that many winters, many seasons would pass
Before it was safe to reunite again.

You stood through countless days, alone, with no one to touch you.
You could sense your distant brothers and sisters that were also carved with tearful hands
On many continents and many cultures,
And on the many islands that came and went when some were lost forever.

I could feel your fear
That I would never return to embrace your courage,
But I am here…. now.

Share the voice for now it has been spoken.
Your instincts know the language
And your vision knows our cause.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2014

by Mario C. Veo

There are many – and even effective – techniques for creating Positive Changes – you can visualize… pray… chant Mantras… do rituals… engage in Shamanic Ceremonies… talk to your Angel or Spirit Guides… have a ‘professional’ do it for you… they will all work, provided you have taken care of a simple little thing called ‘Clearing’.

You see, every day you only have so much energy, and it is up to you to use it and direct it – so, if you are busy contemplating your Life challenges, worries, lack, poverty… then YOU are now directing your own Life Energy to flow in this direction! (and you have just become the very problem you are trying to resolve).
But this is nothing new – you’ve known this concept of the ‘Self-fulfilling Prophecy’ for a long time… so, why are you still struggling to find Love, Happiness, Wealth, Prosperity, Peace…!? That one is easy to answer (even if some of you will not believe me) – You have to make space in your Life for what you desire… meaning, as everything IS ‘Energy’ – which has Quality AND Purpose – then, if you spend time worrying about a problem, all you will create is an Energy Matrix which can only hold the problem and not its solution… if you are so invested in a diminishing Life, how can you embrace Positive Changes – your very Identity will deny it!

O.K., don’t look so glum – there is a solution, here it is – no matter the technique for Manifestation, you must first “cleanse and release your past wounds or offenses”… and here is where most of you will shout, “But I have already done that… and I am still struggling… so surely this is not it!”
Ah, but that’s where you haven’t been taught the full story…
The French put it very clearly – “The more it changes – the more it stays the same” (No, it’s not one more weird French puzzle… like, ‘why do they like cheese so much?) The Key is actually quite simple – The more you Grow, the more refined you become, the more you have to go back and clean up your Past.
Sounds weird, right… well, consider this – here you are, fresh out of school and newly ‘in love’… and, wouldn’t you know it, you get dumped for a newer model. Broken-hearted you rally on, pull yourself together, and bravely find your next target…(ah, the joy of youth…).
Now, years later, you wonder how come you’re not married to a wonderful ‘Soul-Mate’ – you’ve done all that has been suggested to you – journaled, vision-board, smudged, wrote to the Goddess… heck, you’ve even danced ‘Sky-Clad” under a full moon, all to no avail. And yes, you have cleansed yourself of your past heart-breaks… (or so you think…).

The very act of ‘cleansing’ yourself has shifted your Vibrational Rate, making you more sensitive, more ‘pure’ – thus, what was sufficient before now needs to be redone to match your new found Refinement… AND, you will keep doing this until, finally, there truly is nothing more to cleanse/release.
So let me be clear – until you have finally released all limiting Vibrations, you simply have not created the right ‘Space’ for your New Life… (and for those of you who are still bitching about this being ‘nonsense, or too much work, or unnecessary’… I will simply ask you, “What are you worth… and why so much resistance to the solution to finally achieving all your Heart’s Desires… ummm. someone has more work to do…)
I am dedicating this month to creating Positive Changes – wonderful, joyful, blow-your-socks-off-changes… after all, I am not only worth it, but I’ll take that with two dollops of extra whipped cream…!!

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Monday, November 03, 2014


Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2014.

by Mario C. Veo

I was born in a small town in Italy, and as a good little Catholic boy, I had a deep yearning ‘to know God’… so what else could I do but join Seminary School. From day one I tried to be ‘good’ – truly I did – but became the plague of the Nuns with my never ending questions…”You ask too much… Don’t question your Faith… Why do you need to know – a good Catholic would not be so nosy…” (heck, all I wanted to know was “Who actually is this Holy Spirit”… and, “Did God have a Mother”… and, my favorite, “if God created everything, did He create Himself… and if so, why did He choose to be male“… I was not too popular…).
Chastised beyond logical response, I decided that ‘the Church’ either did not know… or did not want ‘me’ to know… and so began my Journey…
No, I did not turn my back to God, merely looked for Him (Her?) elsewhere… after all we are told that S/He IS everywhere.
In this wonderful (and sometimes painful) quest I began to explore many other Sacred Teaching, and discovered strong similarities in many (apparently opposing) Doctrines:- ‘Be Good, and Do Good'; ‘Don’t use or abuse others'; ‘Whatever you put out comes back to you’ (better known as Karma)… You would think that as clear and direct as these Universal Teachings are, that People would get along better… so I went further in my Quest, and look, there it was… Not everybody was following these Teachings!
But why, I asked? (yes, I know, I really haven’t changed much, after all, what do you expect from a good little – reformed – Catholic boy!?)
So, here it is –  There are Forces of ‘Good’, which we call ‘Light'; and Forces of ‘Darkness’, which we call ‘Black’…
Light encourages us to Evolve, to grow in Love, Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Wisdom… while Darkness binds us through Selfishness, Egotism, Corruption, Elitist Entitlement, and the Abuse of Power… (sounds like Politics to me).
Going further in my research, I also realized that much of what appears to be ‘right’ is in fact pure Propaganda… utter Manipulation… sheer Lies… often using guilt or shame to make us compliant to meekly abide by these so called ‘experts’… and, God forbid, that you should ‘question their facts’ or behavior.
The choice is simple:- you can be a sheep, safe in eating your GMOs, imbibing adulterated food while happily getting stoned on legal pot… or you can start your own Journey to self Discovery… and find out for YOURSELF what all this is about… what ‘role’ Spirit plays in this mess we call ‘civilization’… and ask yourself the greatest of all questions: “Who am I, really… or… Who is pulling my strings…!?”
This month is dedicated to the process of Self Discovery, to cleansing and healing our wounds and betrayals, and to reclaim our own Inner Beauty and Radiance… and through this awaken our Gifts, Powers, or Abilities that we may live a joyful and fulfilling Life. So, join our classes…if you’re ready!!
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Sunday, November 02, 2014


Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter November 2014.

by Drusant

Where is my Heart?
What misdeeds did I enlist to justify so fallow a soul as mine?
My people, my tribe, have conquered and pillaged everything they see and touch. That is the empty legacy I have inherited. As I look at all the remaining indigenous peoples, they have nothing and yet I envy them for they still have the heart that I am so lacking.
My people, my tribe have everything, everything they can see and touch. My science is now verifying the realm of the unseen, the realm of thought and soul and we will not rest until we subvert that too.
What pernicious crimes did I enjoy to leave me so cruel? I conquer, I enslave, and I destroy all that I see, all that I touch.  I despise your happiness and I hate your innocence. I can’t let you run free for I must capture your joy. I must subdivide it, dissect it, dismember it, and bury it from the light. How did I become so ugly with the stench of decay on my breath? Am I cursed or did I merit my savage attack all by my own skill? How can I repay my sorrow, my blind rage to seize your soul? I hide my face behind the makeup of my lie. I hide my shame behind the shed of my guilt.
My people, my tribe, all pretend that we are nice and noble and we all agree to keep our falsehood hidden beneath the cloak of forbidden lust. How do I repent to you my callous usage of your life, my hunger to control your mind?
I am so pathetic, so dismal, so vile, and so corrupt. In 1,000 lifetimes I can’t say I’m sorry to outweigh the pain I caused. Can I suffer enough to balance the harm I built inside your heart?
I take my sword and raise it high above my head and with all my might, plunge it deep within my heart. May my blood flow freely upon the earth to atone for what I have done. It’s not for karma, or praise, or reward that I bow my head before your altar, but it is for my transgressions against myself that I acknowledge.
Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Your business is running, you sleep a couple of hours a night, you work 60 hours a week, you carry photos of your family to remember their faces. Is your company a success? How can you tell? Here’s a few simple ways to gauge whether or not you are on the right path.

1. Profit - If there is money left after you pay your monthly operating expenses and debt, then things are looking good.

2. Get More Customers - Your customer list should be constantly growing, and it will if you are effectively reaching your target market.

3. Please your Customers - The strength of your business is directly tied to your ability to understand and satisfy the needs of your customers.

4. Happy Employees - Quality employees are rewarded for their hard work, and if they know they are appreciated, they will go the extra distance. Their face greets customers, you should do everything you can to keep that face smiling.

5. Are you Happy?? - Every now and then, take a reality check. Are you satisfied with your business ownership?

6. Most importantly, in my opinion, is ethical behavior and social responsibility. These qualities can bring your business some significant benefits relating to the other 5 items in this list. Lack of ethical actions and social conscience can damage your reputation, and profits could fall as a result.

In your business, how people judge your character is critical to sustainable success because it is the basis of trust and credibility. Abe Lincoln was known to describe character as the tree and reputation as the shadow. Your character is what you really are; your reputation is how people see you. So, your reputation depends on whether people think your intentions and actions are honorable and ethical, and your character is defined by your actual honorable actions.

Monday, October 20, 2014


There are many well-documented benefits to our communities and to each of us to choosing local, independently owned businesses. We realize it is not always possible to buy or use what you need locally and so merely ask you to Think Local FIRST!

Top Ten reasons to Think Local - Buy Local - Use Local

  1. Buy & Use Local -- Support yourself: Several studies have shown that when you buy or use services from an independent, locally owned business, rather than a nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms -- continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community. These include case studies showing that locally-owned businesses generate a premium in enhanced economic impact to the community and our tax base.
  2. Support community groups: Non-profit organizations receive an average 250% more support from smaller business owners than they do from large businesses.
  3. Keep our community unique: Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place.
  4. Reduce environmental impact: Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing on the fringe. This generally means contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.
  5. Create more good jobs: Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents.
  6. Get better service: Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products and services they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.
  7. Invest in community: Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.
  8. Put your taxes to good use: Local businesses in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.
  9. Buy what you want, not what someone wants you to buy: A marketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term.  A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based not on a national sales plan but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.
  10. Encourage local prosperity: A growing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character.

Friday, October 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter October 2014

by Mario C. Veo

So, do you want the ‘good news’ first or the bad ones…? (they are really just sides of the same coin). OK, here it is – “Stuff happens, and things are going to change… whether you participate or not!”
How is this ‘good news’? Well, IF you have enough fortitude, then you can join this grange and direct it to manifesting your Dreams and Desires… and the bad news… well, it doesn’t get done unless YOU do it! Does this sound too simplistic for you? Then consider the implications – Life is about Movement, about Action, about achieving Growth… but all of it is useless and empty unless they bring you Joy, Fulfillment, Greater Rewards… and the downside is that if you are just coasting along, meekly accepting your vanilla life, caught and fascinated by the minutia of Life… then that is what you deserve!

Too harsh for you…? OK, then consider this; how many Incarnations do you have to waste until you wake up and realize that you are worth a lot more than what your life is bringing you… how many times do you have to lower your expectations just so you would not lose your precious ‘security blanket’. How often have you accepted less than you’ve desired because after all, such Is Life…?
To all this I say Hogwash… Drivel… Pure Unadulterated Cow-Patty in a Milkshake… (yes, I know, I’m being very polite in choosing my words).

Do you not know that ALL-absolutely EVERYTHING – is available to you, and the ONLY reason you are not getting it is that (a) you don’t believe you can… or (b) someone told you that you don’t deserve it (got religion you sinner?)… or even, God help you, you forgot that the True One Creator is a Loving Being whose only wish is to Create – abundantly… oh, and yes, did you forget that all of this was for YOU…!

So, here’s the Law; you can only be as Happy as you believe you deserve to be… (nope, this is not just for ‘good guys’, or for those that have been ‘Initiated in one of those Righteous Secret Societies’… nor do you need to know the secret hand-shake, or have accomplished 12 Herculean Labors… and, interestingly enough, you most certainly DO NOT need to have achieved a ‘special level of Purity’ (hey, that will take care of a few zealots…).
Life is shaped by your Beliefs… about yourself, and the Society you’ve chosen to live in.
So then, here’s my Question – What is your Will… what do you Choose… and Why… (or not)? Remember, as you take your final breath in this Incarnation, it really doesn’t look too good if you blame others for your plain vanilla existence… it’s just soooo yesterday!)

I am dedicating this month’s classes to the Self and its discovery, to unveiling our Gifts, Powers and Abilities… and equally on clearing and releasing the Unwanted. I invite all of you who are curious or ready for this Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment to join us… all others… well, just sit back and enjoy your ice-cream – after all it IS the most favored flavor…

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Thursday, September 04, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2014

by Drusant


Intelligence operates on a different frequency than your biological body. You, the being, you the awareness of being aware, are not your body. You, the being, are distinct and separate from the body. You are differentiated from this physical realm. You are more like the grounds keeper of a large estate. You do the thinking and the planning. You walk around the estate and tell yourself what needs to be worked on and what is growing nicely.
Those of you who still believe you are the body, bear with me. Some of you are still not quite sure if you are the body or not. “When the body hurts then ‘I’ hurt too, so therefore it must be me that is hurting,” is a convincing argument. That can be a bit confusing at first.
You inhabit a body, or at least that is the objective. A little later on you may come to recognize that you’ve had trouble cramming all of your being into that tiny, little container. When you drive your car and you hit a pot hole in the street, you almost feel the pain of the car. This isn’t a very good analogy, but let’s start there.
You park the car and go into the grocery store. You come back to the car and notice that a tire is low or that the car needs washing. You may be critical of the car or your eyes may smile because you really enjoy your vehicle. You may enjoy the color, the feel of it when you drive, or how the seats almost hug and support you while you are driving.
Some people are depressed in their car and others may feel regal. Whichever the case, you are the driver and it is the vehicle for your transportation. You use your vehicle to explore your physical environment. Your body vehicle can take you to places of learning that are only found in this physical environment. It is an extraordinary opportunity for gaining greater awareness and greater understanding than can be found anywhere else. It’s a matter of how willing and able you are to maintain your vehicle, your biological body.
We use our body to see and touch this physical reality. It can then become confusing to distinguish the touching with the interpretation of the touch. You are the interpreter. A movie projector projects the image on the screen but you sit behind the projector and evaluate what you see. You are not the projector; you write the script. The projector is a thing; you are the thought—those are two entirely different substances. The thought can pass through the brain and the brain can tell the body to move, but science has yet to find “you” inside the brain.
It is no different than when a voice comes from a radio. If a person can hold onto that idea, that they originate the voice but they are not the mouth or the radio, then we can ask, “Where am I that creates the voice? Where am I located? If I am not the voice but I’m the originator of the voice, then what am I looking at when I look in the mirror? It sure looks and smells like me.”
As we can all recognize and appreciate by now, when a genuine researcher makes a new discovery in science that can change the paradigm of society, there is almost always a violent and even savage attack on the researcher. The days of the Inquisition are an example, the days of Tesla and even current times are further evidence of how strongly we humans oppose change. Academia will reject the new discoveries that a scientist may make when it challenges accepted physics. Free energy and new healing devices have been discovered by many people throughout the planet.
When those in academia speak of a soul, they can be threatened with expulsion from their job. It is slowly getting better but many fine careers have been lost at the hands of mainstream single-mindedness. Where is the spirit to explore uncharted territories?
We live in a world that still believes day-to-day life must be drudgery, that life is something to be tolerated and suffered. Some believe life is to be endured until God can call us home. Many light workers hope this is their last lifetime. Just wait until they find out that this is also paradise.
This world can be seen as a prison planet while we are under the cloak of our amnesia—of not knowing who we are, of not knowing where we came from and of not knowing our birth right as a singular being and of our sovereignty. More especially, we lack knowing our capacity as a spiritual entity and what that can encompass and how limited we have allowed ourselves to become.
Like a stubborn mule, many times our body doesn’t want to do what we are asking it to do. When we treat the mule with patience and loving kindness, as we would a child, the mule or the child will be more eager to respond to our requests.
Many humans complain about the body. It doesn’t look right or it doesn’t run like a gazelle gliding through a meadow. We look to our body with the same level of expectation as we have for ourselves, the spiritual being. We want to run ten miles with grace and poise. There is almost a conflict of wills between our own consciousness and that of our body. When the body has the flu or a cold, we are frustrated and resentful for the condition because it is inconvenient timing for all the things we want to do instead of lying in bed.
If we didn’t fight against the body, if we didn’t polarize our feelings about the body and we regarded our body as a child with its childlike wishes, I would bet the body would respond with greater pleasure to serve its master. You are the master, you are the adult and you are the captain of your ship. Your body is the subject, it’s the receiver of your command and it’s the vessel for your expression while in this domain.
Here is another example. A vibrant, young sixteen year old girl has a horse that she adores. She feeds it, brushes it with loving hands, talks to it and hugs it with her heart. She wants to train it to run the obstacle course and in time, they win blue ribbons together. They move and shift as one complete unit. The horse is proud that it has become more than just a horse; the horse and the girl can coordinate their skills together to do more than they could do separately. Together, they are more grand, more alive and more capable. So too, with you and your own body, you can come to respect each other as being separate but equal in value. You can work together for a common cause and together you can accomplish much more. When you treat your body with respect and tender feelings, your body will become more willing to stay healthy, alive and to serve you—its trainer, its coach and its captain.
Try it; get the feel of sitting inside your body as if the body is very young and of a simple intelligence and get the idea that the body is coming to accept you for who you are. It’s almost like getting introduced to a lost sister or brother. See your body as being female in nature, as being receptive, as needing gentle words of encouragement, as needing to look nice. See yourself as male in nature, as the one giving reassurance, as in protecting and providing safety and comforting council. See yourself as a boy and girl making friends on the first day of grade school as you walk home together, hand in hand, wondering if you might marry the other person someday when you grow up. See the body relaxing with your gentle voice. See the body inviting you to slide inside to cohabit together in comfort, without conflict.
If you can get that feeling, that acceptance, it will be a sensation you have never been conscious of before. You felt it before when life was full of wonder, when life was full of magic and mystery. You felt the joy of being alive, of being whole. We’ve all had those moments and we can have them again on a more consistent and intentional basis. We can grow and mature into happiness. The gift of life is to be enjoyed, separately as an individual and together as a global people. It is the promise that was made to you a long, long time ago before you were born.
Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. An unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Look around you… what do you see??… conflict, wars, floods, famine? Heck, if you were a fan you’d think it really was ‘the end of days’ (well, you’d not be too far off)! What we have at the moment is “a Season of Change”, where we (all of us) are given an opportunity to ‘clean up and shape up’. No, this is not simply some platitude that we so easily sprout off, without much compulsion behind it… no, indeed, this IS the Time for Change.
The Seasons are changing… the Equinox approaches… the heat of Summer gives up its place to the Bounty of the Harvest… cooler weather allows us to calm our Emotional Body…BUT only if we so choose! It is too easy to find ‘fault’ with others… to excuse our own trespasses (after all, we are Right)… to blame others through our own Righteousness… do you really think this will exempt you from the Karmas you’re creating?
IF you are truly on a Spiritual Path then remember this: Whatever you put out comes back to you tenfold!
This IS the Law of Creation… be it your Thoughts, Words, Actions, it always comes back to you!!
So, you can embrace this opportunity to create a better tomorrow by staying calm and centered in your Spiritual Light… or, you can allow the Lower, Reactive Emotions to push you along, in increasing negativity… the Choice is yours. Do not bother to imitate others – act for yourself… do not bother to placate others – stay firm in your Light… do not bother to comply with others’ propaganda – think your yourself!
Be kind, gentle, soft… and consciously move away from agitation, criticism, gossip, and conflict… why?? Because Life is Energy, and Energy has Qualities which either support of destroy… and such IS your Choice. Do you want to be Happy, or indulge in the Drama… wallow in Chaos?
I am dedicating this month to Changes – how to embrace them and succeed… to better understanding Karma, and how to clean up our own Negative Aspects – Why? Because buried under this ugly emotional mess which the World is currently experiencing, lie many wonderful, radiant people, who simply have to awaken to their own Inner Beauty… are you one of them!?!
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Saturday, August 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter August 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Do you know what one of my most frustrating things is…?
When people see themselves only in a Lesser Mode.
Let me explain – when a client comes to me for counseling or a Reading, the first thing I do is look at their Radiance (basically I look for all that is great, beautiful or wonderful about them). Then as they tell me their story, I realize that ‘they don’t really know who they are!’.
Sure, they think they do, but not really…I mean, who truly defines themselves as ‘an accountant’? Don’t get me wrong: we need accountants, we welcome accountants… many beautiful people are accountants…but this does NOT, and should NOT be, how they see themselves!
So, I say again, most people do not ‘see’ their Beauty, Wisdom, Creativity, Exceptional Goodness…all they do is to remain focused on the stupid little things that have happened to them – and cloak themselves in this Lower Image (now, if this isn’t one of the best tricks that the Dark Brotherhood has ever played on Humanity!)
Now here we sit, the client and I, while I do my darnedest to get them to see what I see: a radiant, beautiful, unique Being, full of unexpressed potential…and painful Opportunities…and what do you think I get back…? Things like: “Who would want me?…after two divorces, and a bad relationship, I am just a screw-up…nothing I do ever turns out right!…I just can’t trust myself…I should just be alone…!”
Upsetting, right?
Here’s the thing – it is BECAUSE you’ve had such challenging experiences, that you are wiser…more perceptive…can make better choices…so – believe in yourself…embrace your experiences and BLOSSOM in the beauty and gifts that you are! (and if it’s any consolation, when I would frequently bitch at my Teacher that my Life was hard, she would just smile and sweetly say, “The best students get given the hardest lessons…because they can!”. Now ain’t that just saccharin peachy?…and just plain frustrating!!
So, I am dedicating this month to unveiling your True Self. Not as some high muckety-muck, New Age glorified, ‘Perfect-as-you-are’ Being, just the beautiful, radiant self that you are! If you are curious, then look at our classes…and choose what you would rather be!
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.
Mario is the featured reader on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 6pm at the Shining Lotus™. He is also available from 12:30pm to 6pm on the last Sunday of every month.

Thursday, June 05, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter June 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Far too often we’ve been told “don’t rock the boatwe can’t all be millionairesmake the best of what you have…” and my favorite, “hey, at least he doesn’t hit me…” (a poor excuse for staying in a blah marriage!)

My view of Life is very different – I see it as an endless opportunity for discovery, an exciting adventure where I am uncovering greater and greater Insights – about myself and what makes this crazy world tick…(or not – you can thank your politicians for that!)

Yes, I have been half way around the world and back, and I can tell you that people – everywhere – are pretty much the same…some are good, sensible, basically nice people…while others are the reason why there is still so much conflict and chaos (you’d think that, if we are truly ‘made in God’s image’, then someone has sneaked in some poor, cheap reproductions!)

So, we all now have a choice – we can either start “Thinking for ourselves” (oh, what a novel idea!)…or accept that we are simple sheep, and we actually like to be led around by our noses (baaah humbug!)
There is so much manipulation going on everywhere…so much greed and exploitation that I sometime wonder when it will all implode…and then I meet some wonderful people – people who are joyful and radiant, who haven’t lost that spontaneous laughter, that still embrace Life abundantly…(and my faith is once again restored). OK, now it is time to do something about this. It is time to really look at the Concept of Self-Empowerment…and how our Power is taken away…who and what sabotages us…who tells us that “we can’t do that…“.

It is time to stop allowing others to dictate to us just how much ‘fun’ we can have (it doesn’t look like their portions are adequate)…after all, we are created in God’s Image. So, we are all ‘Creators in our own Right’…and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise!

I’m dedicating this month to Self-Empowerment (yes!), and what we can do – effectively – to reclaim Life Abundant (yep, it is still out there…but…where are you…!!?!).

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.
Mario is the featured reader on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 6pm at the Shining Lotus™. He is also available from 12:30pm to 6pm on the last Sunday of every month.

Monday, June 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter June 2014

by Pura Isham

How often do we sit down and engage ourselves with the guidelines we have learned from someone or from some written materials with the sole purpose of experiencing stillness? Stillness of the mind and the slowing down of the interferences of the Ego happen and they happen comparatively to our experiences of stillness, quietness, calmness, and relaxation. Yet my awareness of stillness begins with my realization that it is the I of my physical form, of my emotional body that are still while I have been focusing on my monkey mind and its influences. When is it going to quiet down??

Well, it was with a kind of soothing awareness that I realized that my physical form along with my emotional body have been calmed down even though my monkey mind was quietly, to a certain extent, on and off. A minutia of a realization, of an awareness, but an awareness nevertheless.

As I deepen my awareness of my physical and emotional relaxation, I noticed what I am choosing to call Comparative Minutia because these subtle ties have been taking place and I was not aware of them. I was busy paying attention to some degrees to the unsettled state of my monkey mind.

An interesting thing came to my attention: Minutia Hunger and its ties to the monkey mind, the Ego. This is my binding to objects, to things, which in turn feeds the Minutia Hunger and consequently gives tools with which the monkey mind will then work.

The question is: If I were not to be bound by this Minutia Hunger and its offspring(objects, things), why do I still keep them(objects, things that I don’t use or have a need for)? What do I get from this internal/external exploration of my Comparative Awareness of myself and my immediate environment(my home)?

I don’t quite have the answers to these questions yet, but it has been fruitful to explore my interaction with these concepts – Comparative Stillness, Comparative Awareness, Comparative Minutia and Minutia Hunger.

From comparative stillness to comparative awareness to comparative minutia hunger resulting in experiencing calmness, relaxation, and to some level or degrees of stillness(body, emotion, mind). I have become aware that a slow, for now, process of that in breaking the barriers(veils) of teaching(there is a lesson to be learned in everything) this awareness has taken place. Stillness with its sacred vibration, the subtle bodies with their interactions and beneficial shiftings have connected, enhanced and intertwined a plethora of Comparative Minutiae.

Pura Isham is a student of spirituality, metaphysics and esoteric subjects. As a very inquisitive person, Pura has been studying these areas for many years, most recently with her teacher, Mario C. Veo. We thank her for the inspiration she is to us, and letting us peek through this window to her personal spiritual path.

Saturday, May 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter 2014

by Mario C. Veo

I am always amazed at how many wonderful people are still struggling with Life… still battling to be successful, be happy, be loved…

It’s too easy to say “It’s Karma… in some way they deserve it… it’s a test – to see how they cope with it.” Really…?!? That’s just so much b*-sh#t!

Consider this – yes, Karma does exist; and yes, it is a “lesson” to be learned… but remember, these are wonderful people!

No, I’m not being a bigot, nor prejudiced – it’s simple knowledge of Energy and Vibrational Rates – if the person embodies a more Animalistic Consciousness, if they are driven by their Lower Nature, if their Energies are lower/contaminated, then yes, all they’re going through IS Karma, and the lesson they have yet to learn… equally, if the person is kind, loving, nurturing, then their Energies are more refined, purer, higher… now this is NOT Karma.

Then what’s going on…?
It’s quite simple – these ‘wonderful’ people have taken upon their shoulders someone else’s Karma, someone else’s burden… (as their Service to Spirit). Why would they do this…? Because they truly are nice people (and this is their way to help all others progress and evolve.)

Oh, that’s so nice… (many of you would say)
Heck no, it isn’t!
At some point it is ‘enabling’, and actually prevents the other from learning his own lesson.
And how do we know when this is happening? When the ‘nice, wonderful’ people are collapsing under this burden… when it has started to feed off their Life Force, when they are caught in this stinky mess and are unable to find their way out… So, it’s time to wake up, all you ‘good people’, and consider the First Rule of Life; “Life is for living, joyfully, lovingly, happily… fully!
So, it’s time to LET GO and recharge your batteries…(or are you just so programmed to be a ‘beast-of-burden’…?)

This month is dedicated to Energies – their movements, limitations, restrictions and fallacies…and how to release them and fully reclaim yourself…(so, take a deep breath, and figure out what to do with yourself…oh, what to do…what to do…?)

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Friday, May 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter May 2014

by Drusant

My knowledge of the female chemistry is very limited but I do know she goes through a very large and intense chemical change every month. I am most distressed that my male world has yet to acknowledge her monthly cycle with more respect and a little more gentle understanding.

The female body goes through such a complex chemistry of internal change and pressure that I can’t even imagine what that must feel like. Does it feel as if your internal organs are being squeezed and twisted? Does it feel like you are being turned inside out sometimes? I don’t believe my male body could survive such anguish, and yet because all women endure this blessing of a monthly life and death cycle, we men look away and make distasteful jokes.

I would ask that we men give her natural cycle some serious thought, space and patience. I would also ask the women of the world to not hide this beautiful and tender time from us men. We need to know and understand what has been unspoken for too many years—this elegant, but perhaps confusing flow of nature. How can we men be supportive to you when we don’t accept or understand your discomfort?

From the beginning of recorded history women have been told to be ashamed or to be dismissed from social engagement or to apologize if she shows the least degree of emotional variation. Women and men have both used several degrading slurs to describe the period.  Let’s reverse and banish this image and use a little more sophistication. Women of the world, please let us men know when you are going through your fragile time, let us know how we can support and praise your experience. This may be the time when we cook your dinners and have you relax. Put your feet up and be pampered—no excuses. You deserve it and you need it. You need to be given the accepted honor for the complex cycle that provides life for all future generations.

It will take time for us men to recognize more clearly what happens inside your bodies and it will take time for women to see more clearly that we men wish to understand you better and love you more deeply. It will take a little more time before a man does more as a woman does less while she is accepting this rest to lighten her thoughts and her body. Let’s come out of the dark ages and celebrate together this gift of life. All of life has its cycles and all of life is to be shared.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Thursday, April 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter March 2014

by Drusant

Many people have said that as of 12.21.2013 Mother Earth is waking up to the new energy patterns. I would like to reaffirm my devotion to our Great Mother but I’m seeing her as a whole new Mother and she is ready to move into action.

The new Mother seems to me to be much more vibrant and clear thinking. The older one is to be greatly honored for her endurance, patience and acceptance and for all she has given us, but the new one seems less tolerant. She seems less forgiving and she seems to be more strict as to what she will allow. She doesn’t like being violated and she won’t permit more of the atrocities that have been displayed in the past.

I like her. The older one was more like your favorite grandmother who had suffered too much abuse in her past but still loves her grandchildren. I think she wishes to move on to her next higher level of being and is happy to see this new Mother. The new Earth Mother seems younger, exotic and has a different plan. She needs the support of those that know her and she very much asks for our awareness to fuel her purpose. It’s not an easy process to bring Divinity into this dimension but with our collective heart, she will do it. That is her promise and that is her accepted mission as I am seeing it.

This Great Mother vibrates at a much higher frequency. I suspect if we listen to the whispers of nature, we will see, feel and embrace her. She grows in strength as we observe this newer expression. She resolves her purpose as we align to her vision and she grows in stature as we envision her goal.

She loves her children; all living forms whether organic or inorganic. I think she has been well prepared for this day and that our love for her provides the minerals for her resolve. As we look to the stars and say thank you, as we look to the sea and witness our birth, as we look to the sky and see destiny, she can shelter, protect and love us forever. This is the time and this is the day for our unification of spirit and of our resurrection.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter April 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Whether we like it or not, Life is never ‘perfect’ – we are continually challenged and bombarded by theUnexpected, and it does take a toll on our well being. So… what options do we have? (a) learn how to cope with it, or… (b) break under the strain.

Sounds so simple, yet few are truly able to ‘cope with Unwanted and Unexpected Changes’. It could be little things – like having a flat tire the very day of your important meeting… or getting a bad cold just when you finally got that ‘hot date’… not to mention the usual deaths/divorce/bankruptcy… you know, the usual stuff that is ‘Life’.

Yes, stuff happens… and most of us simply sit back and accept it – after all, what can we do about it… right? We even give it a quaint little turn of phrase: “C’est la Vie!“; and shrug our shoulders as we meekly keep on trudging forth under yet one more burden… such a cute little human!
Well, enough already! There is soooo much that we can do about it all…

This month is dedicated to Self-Empowerment… to the correct Resolution of our Inner Conflicts… to new, and different ways to Create whatever we want (yes please, more chocolate). Finally, finally to let go of all those dim-witted, obtuse, daft Beliefs that “uh, such is Life…”.

Oh, trust me, Life can be such a joyous ride… just get out of your way!!!

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Monday, March 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter March 2014

by Drusant

What unseen words still knock to be reopened,
Like the Hall of Records, beckoning to be heard?

Like the unseen flower who loves to be noticed,
What ancient deeds and thoughts still wait to bloom again?

What would they tell us with opened verse?
What secrets and delights would they marshal for inspection?

They would speak of love.
They would speak to hold the eye single.
They would explain why we forgot our birthright and our origin
And of the heavens when we crafted this moment.

They would tell of sacred cycles,
Of the depth of repeated effort and our birth to truth;
That eternal canopy that shelters our tomorrows,
Not unlike a mother’s wing.

They would explain the atom’s spin,
Of attraction and repulsion,
And why we’re here,
So much so, like a father’s consoling word.

What drives the archeologist to dig and scratch and search?
What pushes the highest climber to distant lands?
But to know all that is, to feel and see and do.


Because we are made that way.
It’s recorded, hidden in the ancient voice.
It’s our nature to embrace all that we see
And to do all that we think.

It’s a time capsule,
Buried in our genes
To be recovered by our command, by our voice;
Not by the ancients or from the sunken caverns of a distant land.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Sunday, March 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter March 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Have you ever wondered why, no matter how hard you try, Life never quite rewards you fully… so now you try even harder, firmly believing that “you are a good person, and you deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and even loved” (though you would settle for simply being appreciated). You ask Life to be ‘fair’, people in authority to behave honorably, relationships to be based on respect… after all this IS how you behave… so why don’t others…?

Then some ‘psychic‘ starts prattling forth about ‘Karma’ – and how all this is your ‘Penance’ for some unknown atrocity you have committed in a previous Life… and then (here’s the kicker) that you must just “bite your tongue and accept it!” Sounds familiar… well, I simply don’t ‘accept it’ – after all if we are created in God’s image, and Her Divine Breath is within each of us… then surely there is a better way to deal with this so called ‘Karma’..? (and do I really have to just give up this Ideal Life I yearn for so much…).

Guess what? There IS a better solution – and it is ‘the Light Within’!
So, in honor of the Spring Equinox (and of the Summer Queen and Her Seelie Court) I am dedicating March to be ‘Mad-Hatter’ Month, and invite you all to throw away these limiting beliefs, become more individualized – to reject these simplistic ‘truths’, and truly face up to Karma (that bitch!), and awaken this gracious Light Within (oh peaceful comfort)… and once and for all BE more Self-Empowered.
Now, ask yourself… are you ready for this?… or are you soooo comfortable in a Victim Identity (which does give us good reasons to keep whining and moaning without having to do anything about it…) Oh, drama… wonderful drama!

P.S. Yes of course there are ways to help you “have it all”… promise! It’s quite easy, just… come to our classes.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter February 2014

by Drusant

As I would attempt to define love, I would compare it to gravity. The aspect of love extends far out beyond our global gravitational fields but we can look at gravity as that which attracts particles toward a central core.

I would compare love to affection or more precisely, the affinity of particles in space. The very fact that we can witness the bonding of molecular solids would suggest a force field that holds these particles together. The force field wouldn’t be called gravity but gravity demonstrates the principle of attraction.  This basic attraction is the pervasive and first force in the universe.

Love draws all things together. The opposite of love would be then to push away. Our innate drive to gravitate toward our own central core is that quality of love that will return us to source.
All the things that I love, all those things that I am attracted to will also be as a clue on the roadmap that will tell me more of who I truly am. I am love and you are love. All that is, is love. Love is therefore the primary force in the creation of existence. It’s the principal force behind gravity.
That which brings us joy, happiness and kindness is the mixture within the formula of life that will point us in the direction of harmony of consciousness. Love is the force of not only the visible world but also the non-physical world; the realm of thoughts and awareness.

Love is the master guardian of all motion, activity, awareness and desire. Love is the glue that holds all of existence together. Once again, love is the affinity of particles in motion.
When one feels a sense of sadness or depression, physics would say you are experiencing a time of slower particles. It’s a slowing down of consciousness; of reevaluation of what direction you may be traveling. Feeling despondent is the measure of distance you might be from your core beauty and understanding. You are then feeling farther away from love, less gravity, less connection, less affinity to the outside world.

Our present energy technology is based on reversed logic; we use explosion to create our energy rather than implosion.  Explosion is to push away and that is not how nature would advise.  The simple logic of “As above, so below” would tell the investigative scientist that nature uses attraction toward the center for its energy, not outward. Love brings everything together; it is the fuel of the universe.
The purity of what we call love is the strongest force field that there is—for which we can be grateful. Love doesn’t apologize any more than gravity would. Love is the gravity that brings us all together; it’s the attraction toward which we gravitate. It’s what holds the molecules together. It’s what holds together the playing field of what we call reality.

Without love nothing would hold together; it would be total randomness, and from a higher point of view, nothing is random. All motion is a projected vector.
If we come together to play a game, we have a certain degree of bonding, of coming together. It’s not unlike electrons spinning around each other. We have a force field of affinity that bonds us together. The bond is as strong as we allow and accept the attraction of particles, which is us, within the agreement of the game.

Love has become a pedestrian word, not unlike the word God. Love and God both have been given many definitions and qualities, but I find love and God to be little more than joy when I feel close to all that is. Joy is when I feel connected to you, the trees and the stars. It’s the grand affinity as experienced in the life process.

I give great thanks that we can all participate in this design of being alive within our own awareness. With a larger understanding of love, we can then play a much more grand game in the process of life, living and pleasure.
The plants are happy when the rain falls towards the earth, not away from it.

Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. A unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Monday, February 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter February 2014

by Mario C. Veo

I have always been fascinated by the concept of Self-Empowerment… and what opposes it.
It is easy enough to see people swayed by Propaganda (is ‘Coke’ really better than ‘Pepsi’… really… ?)… after all,, it is basic marketing, and simple research would tell you the answer. But, how much can you trust this ‘Research’… and Who has created it…?

Interesting questions – is ‘Fracking’ really safe?… do GMOs impact your health?… is global warming going to change the World as we know it?… is the medicine you are taking going to kill you sooner than your disease?
Very important questions… yet I ask you: “where are you getting your answers… and, who compiled this research… and why?
What we seldom realize is that whatever we believe in, is projected outwardly and creates the Reality all around us… do you realize how powerful you are?

Most of us don’t – we are content to sit in front of the TV, bitching and complaining about the economy/politics/health-care/the latest celebrity scandal… and never once consider that our very Thoughts – and the Energies we are putting out – is actually contributing to the very thing we dislike so much… and… the more upset we are, the more we reinforce it.

Disempowerment occurs when we become swayed by mass consciousness and its beliefs… and lose awareness of our own Gifts, Powers, and Abilities… for we are not ‘simple humans’.

Many think that Psychic Abilities are so special, without considering that we can all learn how to do it (having integrity about it is another matter), or that we are limited by the world as-it-is, without realizing that the Future is very flexible, and each of us is contributing to its outcome. So, here is the Key – as long as you meekly accept what you see around you, you will always be submissive to its influence over you. Once you learn to think outside the box (and accept that you are not ‘just a little human being’), then your life can create wonderful Changes. However, there IS a Learning Process… and this is the Expansion of your Consciousness.

This month is dedicated to making your Life better, richer, more rewarding (you’re going to need it). If you are simply interested in your Material Life (and there’s nothing wrong with that), then our Tuesday Classes will offer you some exciting choices. If you are more dedicated to your Spiritual Path (and are truly curious about Self-Empowerment, and the Awakening of Higher Consciousness), then consider joining our Saturday Group…(it’s quite a ride…!) But whatever you do, stop bitching about it (it’s really quite annoying)!!!

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.

Thursday, January 02, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter January 2014

by Mario C. Veo

I have spent most of my life being puzzled by things that other people seem to be totally unaware of… like… what happens to ice crystals when they melt – No, I’m not talking about them turning to water – but that beautiful, unique crystalline structure. Does it transfer to the mater molecule… or, is there a Recycling Deva that simply stores those beautiful patterns somewhere in the Universal Filing Box…? Well, how many of you have ever thought about it…!?

So, I’m a little out of the ordinary – some would even say ‘bizarre’ – but I do ask some intriguing questions… so here is the next one: Einstein postulated that there is a Universal Theory that explains it all – and many have argued the point…(I just call it “God”… but then, I’m not a scientist, so what do I know?). But, here is my Question – Is there ONE Solution that would take care of ALL my struggles/limitations/failures/problems/hurts/sorrows…(anything else you can think of?)…

After much postulation (that’s the Word-of-the-Day)… and much to my surprise… the Answer is a resounding YES!

Here is THE KEY – Everything is Energy – and Energy expresses itself as Vibrations… each defining its Qualities and Purpose. So, whenever I am faced with ‘struggles’, these can be described as Vibrational Resonance, and (here it comes)… they bind me to Resonate just like them… now, IF I wish to release myself from all this messy Resonance, all I have to do is Shift my Vibration to the point where it is impossible for the other to ‘bind’ me… and because I believe in Spirit, I can rephrase this as: All I have to do is Expand my Consciousness to be Higher than the Original Event/ Energies.

O.K. so… what am I going to do now… well, what I always do, Teach!

Starting January 11th, we will meet every Saturday morning (from 11 – 12:30) to explore all the many, wonderful, safe, and practical ways to achieve this Expansion of Consciousness. This Workshop Series will be on-going, and definitely hands-on… come prepared to have all your human socks blown off, as you discover how easy it is to free yourself from all this mess… (and finally know the true meaning of Self-Empowerment).

So, now what are you gonna do…??

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.