Saturday, August 03, 2013


© 2013 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter August 2013

by D. E. Campbell

The pervasive harmonies of smell and sight enlighten our summer senses. The onset of the northern rising of Cassiopeia A boasts the beauties of summer over all seasons and phases.

We seek to bring to light the higher consciousness. The intermediary connection to the future perfected spirit which guides the gifts of the higher divine mind. The ancient Vedic hymn denotes this path and consciousness as the 7 waters of the divine, or the 7 sisters. It is the undying veils which shroud the pure divine psychological concepts, even now; the legacy of the Symbolic Veda leads to the causeways of pure truth.

The Orchid is that very symbol; the reflective energies of the stars and planets are seen flowing in the abstract 5 point shape, the petals seem to orbit the center molecule of the orchid’s blossom. As we ascend forward into higher consciousness, we flow through the stem of life, being immersed in the knowledge of pure lights.

We move further in the growth of the flower, obtaining the pure consciousness of the whole orchid, and here are found the pervasive energies of life; the mind forms an exotic shape and color, upon emersion in divine territories. The spirit-mind assumes a glow; it is the inner luminosity, reflective of having been unveiled in divine consciousness.

The Orchid is the pure perfected desire of the plant kingdoms wishes to move beyond all possibilities.

Left undisturbed, over the next million years on Earth the orchid will become a magical breathing entity, capable of immeasurable perfected mutations. Human life will likewise evolve and obtain more beautiful perfections, and luminosity of Soul. For the orchid is the mind of a human, if left alone and untouched, unharmed by the outer world. Through love of all creatures, all life and humanity, we can redefine our role in this new age. Life is the symbol, it is written everywhere in nature, reflecting above in the galaxy.

Friday, August 02, 2013


© 2013 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter August 2013

by Mario C. Veo

I once spent a most frustrating 20 hours attending a Workshop which was advertised as “Revealing the Most Powerful of all Secrets“…one that was guaranteed to give me ‘unlimited power’ – now I could (should I wish) win at any gambling table/attract the very best job/cind my ‘one-true-love’/be in perfect health…and even “Be Enlightened“! (be still me Heart!)

Well, how can you pass on such wonderful promises…I know, I know – if it’s too good to be true… I should have been wary – but – the Facilitator was a man of ‘repute’, one of the current “in-Gurus”…so I thought I’d trust his status, and give it a shot…(when will I ever learn!?!)

So, after 20 grueling hours, listening to variations on the Theme “I am Great, and will share with you – my special guests – the Secret of All Ages“…(soon it’s just so much noise). Finally, the Great Reveal…and…(wait for it)…he gets it wrong!!!

Not only does he misunderstand the Ancient Vedic Teachings (which, I will grant you, can be rather abstract), but then proceeds to mangle the information, insists on translating it (poorly) into Hebrew, and presents it in such a materialistic misconception as to ‘offend the original Virtue‘ (and here I thought I could trust his ads!)

Was it a total waste of time…? Well, I thought so at first, and then I realized that Spirit never gives you something which is totally useless.

So, what did I learn?

Yes, there are “True Secrets” out there – and they are the Key to many Teachings (they allow Theory to be brought into Practice).
No, these Secrets are not ‘mysterious’, nor limited to a select/entitled few – anyone can, and should, study them (after all, how else would you expand your Consciousness). They have been taught, and available, for thousands of years…sorry, there is NOTHING new in New Age.
No, you do not have to be ‘special’, nor need to have been selected…all it takes is curiosity, and a desire for Knowledge (after all, Karma will keep you on the right Path).
And finally, beware of Elitist Teachers…for many simply teach for Money, and not for Spirit.

Which brings me to our Tuesday Classes – Secrets to Happiness, Chakras, Success & Overcoming Obstacles, so many Secrets! They are designed to address, clearly and succinctly, many of the Great Teachings (things I have learned over more than 40 years of Spiritual and Metaphysical research). Each class is usually offered as a ‘stand-alone’ – so there is no long term commitment…unless you so desire. You are all welcome…as long as you are indeed a Spiritual Seeker…so, check out the info on our website, and see if any “Secrets” appeal to you.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.