© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter June 2015
by Mario C. Veo
It's not easy, you know, to walk this Spiritual Path... to acquire Knowledge that is not common, to live by Higher Principles... and what's worse, to be held accountable to much, much higher standards... but, would you want it any other way...?! So, how did you end up here... why didn't you just stay as a good little boy/girl...? after all we will all one day become 'enlightened' - so, what's the rush...?
Here's what happened...
Long, long time ago, in some past life now forgotten, in a land beyond Time, you woke up one morning and thought, "surely this is NOT all that there is to Life... surely it's not just eat-drink-and-be-merry... after all, how many parties/orgies/political intrigues can one revel in before it all, somehow, just loses its appeal. Yes, you still go to the temple and worship according to the Teachings, but are the Gods still listening, and what about the Demi-Gods... who do you have to bribe before you too can become an Immortal...?" (well, maybe not all of you thought this, but it was a common theme at the time... remember, it was a loooooong time ago!)
Long, long time ago, in some past life now forgotten, in a land beyond Time, you woke up one morning and thought, "surely this is NOT all that there is to Life... surely it's not just eat-drink-and-be-merry... after all, how many parties/orgies/political intrigues can one revel in before it all, somehow, just loses its appeal. Yes, you still go to the temple and worship according to the Teachings, but are the Gods still listening, and what about the Demi-Gods... who do you have to bribe before you too can become an Immortal...?" (well, maybe not all of you thought this, but it was a common theme at the time... remember, it was a loooooong time ago!)
So you thought, and thought, and thought... talked to a philosopher (but who can understand such jibber-jabber anyway?)... seeked out Holy Men on top of mountains (why do they always have to make it sooo difficult?)... and even invested in 'Holy Relics' (who would have thought there would be so many)... but to no avail.
Still with me? Good, let's go on... Despair leads to despair, leads to drunkenness (but not oblivion), until one day you've just had enough!! So now you stop, still not happy, and you sit in a morose fit... sulking away in your golden palace, you want no friend nor lover, no slave nor wine...you...just...want...to...be...left...ALONE!!
Ah, little did you know that this was going to be the Key that would lead you to this wondrous Path... You see, once you stopped, and decided that nothing you tried was going to work, that had been touted as "The Key to Heaven" was for real... only once you gave up trying. BUT NOT gave up your 'desire to know Spirit'... ah, only now wer you ready to step on the Path of Light (point of order - any other Path would not have been one of 'Light' - thus your failures and frustrations).
So, you stopped... and sat... and went deeper within you... and once you got past your fun, there it was... that Inner Light, the Radiance you'd been looking for, the Bridge to Spirit...!!!
Hallelluah Brothers and Sisters... you found the Light!!! and, as they would have you believe, "you lived happily ever after"... well no, not quite... The Path IS wonderful, but requires much of you... more studies/training/cleansing/healing/purification... (enough to last you multiple lifetimes)... then rinse and repeat - and do it all over again, and again, and again... (heck, if it was easy, everyone else would do it too).
But now you are hooked - Having seen the Light, how can you turn back...? And that's how you got here, today, wondering just what happened to you, and what this Path is all about... (hint - Love, Light, and Wisdom).
So this month's classes are dedicated to the Spiritual Journey, to the celebration of all your trials and tribulations, to the successful Expansion of your Consciousness... and above all, to the Living Light of Spirit you've awakened within you... So, congratulations, you've made it. I wish I could say that it gets 'better', but I don't lie (much) anymore... but I will say this - It gets very, very exciting... (and come on, would you want it any other way...?)
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.