© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter March 2015
The Harder you Try, the Worse it becomes... Have you ever wondered why this is... why this endless struggle without much results... does 'God' really have it in for you... or is it something else? Come on, how much work does it take to finally break through these struggles - after a while 'Karma' just becomes a meaningless excuse... so what gives...!?
Consider this: if you keep hitting your head against a brick wall, you are just going to hurt yourself! (hey! that's a great analogy - now 'you' are the actual cause of your own pain... I never looked at it this way before... go figure...). O.K., to get back to our topic - if you keep struggling - doing all you can to achieve your desires... and no matter how much you do, and how hard you try, still nothing changes... then you must be doing something wrong (gee, ya think!?)
So, how to resolve this dilemma... what to do, what to do with you...
O.K., let's try something a little different - answer me this:
(1) What would make you 'happy'?
Not just you quietly smiling to yourself because today your boss only threw one temper tantrum... and your dog actually didn't ignore you when you got home - hey, the schmuck thinks he's a cat... No, I mean "Happy" as in gloriously exciting, fill your mouth with teeth, jump up and down and smack your struggles upside the head (that's OK, it had it coming!)... Happy with a capital H - filled with vim-and-vigor (or is it "filled with vim-and-vinegar"?... I never get that one right!). So, gloriously "Happy" recently?... nope, didn't think so!...
Not just you quietly smiling to yourself because today your boss only threw one temper tantrum... and your dog actually didn't ignore you when you got home - hey, the schmuck thinks he's a cat... No, I mean "Happy" as in gloriously exciting, fill your mouth with teeth, jump up and down and smack your struggles upside the head (that's OK, it had it coming!)... Happy with a capital H - filled with vim-and-vigor (or is it "filled with vim-and-vinegar"?... I never get that one right!). So, gloriously "Happy" recently?... nope, didn't think so!...
O.K., now answer this:
(2) Why not?
Heck, if you truly, truly believe... fervently and emphatically BELIEVE that you DESERVE to be Gloriously Happy with every quivering breath of your body... then why aren't you?
Heck, if you truly, truly believe... fervently and emphatically BELIEVE that you DESERVE to be Gloriously Happy with every quivering breath of your body... then why aren't you?
Too hard? O.K., let's try the final question:
(3) What are you worth...? and why are you settling for less?
O.K., I know, that's two final questions... jeez louise, just answer it already!!
O.K., I know, that's two final questions... jeez louise, just answer it already!!
Yeah, I know, I'm a joker... but frivolity aside, these are very, very important questions - after all, it's your Life that's at stake... and if you don't have the answers, then what choices do you have... and what's worse: "where are you going...!?"
This month's classes are dedicated to our endless 'struggles' - why and how they occur, the Laws which govern them, and how to successfully resolve them... So, if you are ready, then please join us, and if you still enjoy banging your head against the brick wall... then do it with gusto!! (by the way, did you try opening the door that's 'round the corner... I hear it's unlocked...)
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.