Wednesday, February 04, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter February 2015

by Mario C. Veo

It is absolutely true that Chakras are very powerful sources of Energy – and that we can use them efficiently to achieve anything we want… from healing the body, to manifesting a love relationship, to creating wealth and yes, even open up our psychic abilities and achieve ‘enlightenment’. So, if they are soooo powerful, how come we are still struggling with physical and emotional challenges… how come we are not wonderfully happy, how come we are not chatting away with our Spirit Guides, ghosts, and other unseen critters…?!

Why…? Because most of what has been written about Chakras is, at best, ‘tepid’, and at worst outright incorrect!
Shocked…? Many of you would say that there are hundreds of books that all say the same thing… Yes, and that’s the problem…

Most of these ‘books’ are written by popular Western authors who may be good editors or compilers of information, but they are certainly not Great Hindu Masters… or are they Spiritually Clairvoyant… so they are stuck in simply repeating what others have written – in each case the original information gets diluted, little by little, until in the end you have mush… not even good enough to paper your walls with (if you’ve ever played ‘post-office’ as a kid you’d know what I’m talking about).

Not yet convinced…? Consider this: if someone is struggling with money, his marriage and job is at risk, his car stolen, and his house has termites… which principal Chakra (or Chakras) affects all this…? Only one – the most important (and frequently ignored) foundation of Life – the Root Chakra… why? because it deals with security, strength, safety…

How about this: if a person is trying to deepen their Meditation but keeps ‘zoning out’, which Chakra needs to be strengthened? Again, the Root Chakra (it balances the Crown, and grounds/supports the inflow of higher energies).
So, now what…? Do you still think you ‘know’ your Chakras… or are willing to consider that just maybe there is more to them… hum?!

I am starting a 3 month study program so we can do a proper examination of these powerful Centers – not only of the classical 6 + 1 that everyone talks about, but also some of those considered ‘secret’ (did you know you have Chakra at the back of your throat, and 3 above your Third Eye…?)
We will meet every Saturday from 11 am to 12:30 pm for 3 months, starting February 7. Space is very limited (I am only taking 10 people)… so, if you want to know the truth about Chakras then register through the Shining Lotus Bookstore (303-758-9113)… or forever hold your peace…

P.S. By the way, the Root Chakra is not ‘red’…

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

Monday, February 02, 2015


© 2015 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter February 2015

by Mario C. Veo

Many of you come to me for counseling, or to ask for a ‘psychic reading’ – you have questions about your future, or need insight on the best choices facing you… or simply need to understand why all this is happening to you. You experience yourself as ‘uncertain’, facing a future that appears unknown… some of you are confused or even hurt by the unfairness of Life… and are grieving (rightly so).

So, I offer advice, consolation, nurturance… as you need… and you go away feeling ‘heard’, feeling that for this one moment, you were able to speak your Truth, and be validated. And yet, you come back again and again, facing more of the same, more challenges/heartbreak/loss and tears.Why?…

The answer may not please you – You remain the same wounded self… you do not change, grow, expand your awareness… nor do you truly know your value and worth.
So, you are stuck – forced by Karma to repeat the same challenges, the same obstacles, revisit the same loss or betrayals… Yes, it is ‘unfair’, for you truly are a nice person… but I ask you again – Why do you not change?… why are you not aware of ALL the Joy that is rightfully yours?


When you come to me, I see ALL of your potential, all the Love, Light, Beauty, and Creativity that you have within you… What do you see when you look at yourself? – Pain, Sorrow, Loss, Woundedness…

Do you not know the most basic Law of Creation… have you forgotten the simplest Truth about Free Will and Manifestation?… well, let me remind you – As Within, so Without – Whatever YOU choose to look at, now looks back at you. So, how do you change…how do you see yourself through my eyes?…

I am dedicating this month’s workshops to reclaiming your Truth, your Light, your Beauty and Joy! I invite you to embrace your True Self… or not – as you wish it, so it shall be… (come, what do you have to lose?… a few bad memories… don’t you know that Life is filled with Love and Laughter and Playfulness… what’s led you astray… hum!?!?

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.