Thursday, September 04, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2014

by Drusant


Intelligence operates on a different frequency than your biological body. You, the being, you the awareness of being aware, are not your body. You, the being, are distinct and separate from the body. You are differentiated from this physical realm. You are more like the grounds keeper of a large estate. You do the thinking and the planning. You walk around the estate and tell yourself what needs to be worked on and what is growing nicely.
Those of you who still believe you are the body, bear with me. Some of you are still not quite sure if you are the body or not. “When the body hurts then ‘I’ hurt too, so therefore it must be me that is hurting,” is a convincing argument. That can be a bit confusing at first.
You inhabit a body, or at least that is the objective. A little later on you may come to recognize that you’ve had trouble cramming all of your being into that tiny, little container. When you drive your car and you hit a pot hole in the street, you almost feel the pain of the car. This isn’t a very good analogy, but let’s start there.
You park the car and go into the grocery store. You come back to the car and notice that a tire is low or that the car needs washing. You may be critical of the car or your eyes may smile because you really enjoy your vehicle. You may enjoy the color, the feel of it when you drive, or how the seats almost hug and support you while you are driving.
Some people are depressed in their car and others may feel regal. Whichever the case, you are the driver and it is the vehicle for your transportation. You use your vehicle to explore your physical environment. Your body vehicle can take you to places of learning that are only found in this physical environment. It is an extraordinary opportunity for gaining greater awareness and greater understanding than can be found anywhere else. It’s a matter of how willing and able you are to maintain your vehicle, your biological body.
We use our body to see and touch this physical reality. It can then become confusing to distinguish the touching with the interpretation of the touch. You are the interpreter. A movie projector projects the image on the screen but you sit behind the projector and evaluate what you see. You are not the projector; you write the script. The projector is a thing; you are the thought—those are two entirely different substances. The thought can pass through the brain and the brain can tell the body to move, but science has yet to find “you” inside the brain.
It is no different than when a voice comes from a radio. If a person can hold onto that idea, that they originate the voice but they are not the mouth or the radio, then we can ask, “Where am I that creates the voice? Where am I located? If I am not the voice but I’m the originator of the voice, then what am I looking at when I look in the mirror? It sure looks and smells like me.”
As we can all recognize and appreciate by now, when a genuine researcher makes a new discovery in science that can change the paradigm of society, there is almost always a violent and even savage attack on the researcher. The days of the Inquisition are an example, the days of Tesla and even current times are further evidence of how strongly we humans oppose change. Academia will reject the new discoveries that a scientist may make when it challenges accepted physics. Free energy and new healing devices have been discovered by many people throughout the planet.
When those in academia speak of a soul, they can be threatened with expulsion from their job. It is slowly getting better but many fine careers have been lost at the hands of mainstream single-mindedness. Where is the spirit to explore uncharted territories?
We live in a world that still believes day-to-day life must be drudgery, that life is something to be tolerated and suffered. Some believe life is to be endured until God can call us home. Many light workers hope this is their last lifetime. Just wait until they find out that this is also paradise.
This world can be seen as a prison planet while we are under the cloak of our amnesia—of not knowing who we are, of not knowing where we came from and of not knowing our birth right as a singular being and of our sovereignty. More especially, we lack knowing our capacity as a spiritual entity and what that can encompass and how limited we have allowed ourselves to become.
Like a stubborn mule, many times our body doesn’t want to do what we are asking it to do. When we treat the mule with patience and loving kindness, as we would a child, the mule or the child will be more eager to respond to our requests.
Many humans complain about the body. It doesn’t look right or it doesn’t run like a gazelle gliding through a meadow. We look to our body with the same level of expectation as we have for ourselves, the spiritual being. We want to run ten miles with grace and poise. There is almost a conflict of wills between our own consciousness and that of our body. When the body has the flu or a cold, we are frustrated and resentful for the condition because it is inconvenient timing for all the things we want to do instead of lying in bed.
If we didn’t fight against the body, if we didn’t polarize our feelings about the body and we regarded our body as a child with its childlike wishes, I would bet the body would respond with greater pleasure to serve its master. You are the master, you are the adult and you are the captain of your ship. Your body is the subject, it’s the receiver of your command and it’s the vessel for your expression while in this domain.
Here is another example. A vibrant, young sixteen year old girl has a horse that she adores. She feeds it, brushes it with loving hands, talks to it and hugs it with her heart. She wants to train it to run the obstacle course and in time, they win blue ribbons together. They move and shift as one complete unit. The horse is proud that it has become more than just a horse; the horse and the girl can coordinate their skills together to do more than they could do separately. Together, they are more grand, more alive and more capable. So too, with you and your own body, you can come to respect each other as being separate but equal in value. You can work together for a common cause and together you can accomplish much more. When you treat your body with respect and tender feelings, your body will become more willing to stay healthy, alive and to serve you—its trainer, its coach and its captain.
Try it; get the feel of sitting inside your body as if the body is very young and of a simple intelligence and get the idea that the body is coming to accept you for who you are. It’s almost like getting introduced to a lost sister or brother. See your body as being female in nature, as being receptive, as needing gentle words of encouragement, as needing to look nice. See yourself as male in nature, as the one giving reassurance, as in protecting and providing safety and comforting council. See yourself as a boy and girl making friends on the first day of grade school as you walk home together, hand in hand, wondering if you might marry the other person someday when you grow up. See the body relaxing with your gentle voice. See the body inviting you to slide inside to cohabit together in comfort, without conflict.
If you can get that feeling, that acceptance, it will be a sensation you have never been conscious of before. You felt it before when life was full of wonder, when life was full of magic and mystery. You felt the joy of being alive, of being whole. We’ve all had those moments and we can have them again on a more consistent and intentional basis. We can grow and mature into happiness. The gift of life is to be enjoyed, separately as an individual and together as a global people. It is the promise that was made to you a long, long time ago before you were born.
Drusant is the pen name of a long-time, faithful customer of the Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. An unendingly inquisitive mind that never stops asking ‘why?’ or ‘how?’, he continues to quest for esoteric, spiritual and paranormal answers in the Denver area. We are extremely grateful to him for allowing us to publish his creative writings in our newsletter and on our website. Go to and find the search field, type “drusant” and enjoy some of his other articles.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


© 2014 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2014

by Mario C. Veo

Look around you… what do you see??… conflict, wars, floods, famine? Heck, if you were a fan you’d think it really was ‘the end of days’ (well, you’d not be too far off)! What we have at the moment is “a Season of Change”, where we (all of us) are given an opportunity to ‘clean up and shape up’. No, this is not simply some platitude that we so easily sprout off, without much compulsion behind it… no, indeed, this IS the Time for Change.
The Seasons are changing… the Equinox approaches… the heat of Summer gives up its place to the Bounty of the Harvest… cooler weather allows us to calm our Emotional Body…BUT only if we so choose! It is too easy to find ‘fault’ with others… to excuse our own trespasses (after all, we are Right)… to blame others through our own Righteousness… do you really think this will exempt you from the Karmas you’re creating?
IF you are truly on a Spiritual Path then remember this: Whatever you put out comes back to you tenfold!
This IS the Law of Creation… be it your Thoughts, Words, Actions, it always comes back to you!!
So, you can embrace this opportunity to create a better tomorrow by staying calm and centered in your Spiritual Light… or, you can allow the Lower, Reactive Emotions to push you along, in increasing negativity… the Choice is yours. Do not bother to imitate others – act for yourself… do not bother to placate others – stay firm in your Light… do not bother to comply with others’ propaganda – think your yourself!
Be kind, gentle, soft… and consciously move away from agitation, criticism, gossip, and conflict… why?? Because Life is Energy, and Energy has Qualities which either support of destroy… and such IS your Choice. Do you want to be Happy, or indulge in the Drama… wallow in Chaos?
I am dedicating this month to Changes – how to embrace them and succeed… to better understanding Karma, and how to clean up our own Negative Aspects – Why? Because buried under this ugly emotional mess which the World is currently experiencing, lie many wonderful, radiant people, who simply have to awaken to their own Inner Beauty… are you one of them!?!
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.