by D. E. Campbell
The butterfly emerges during the summer for an amazing lifetime adventure; the days of spring prepare the many species of soon to be butterflies in anticipation of the summer flight. The science of the butterflies gives light into the variations of color and patterns within the digital wings of the butterfly. As summertime begins; The life of the butterfly is sent into the breezy orbits of bliss. Each new season will add a newer corresponding effect to the color evolution of every species of butterfly.Essentially a butterfly is a Flying Flower; they have taken on the molecular characteristics of the elements which support them.
As the caterpillar becomes a butterfly it lives in the presence of the grasses and flowers. The waves of life & light within the plant kingdom infuse the caterpillar with the genetic seed and source code for the Re-Birth and directives in life. Upon emerging from the cocoon the reincarnated butterfly is an, altered evolution, a futuristic perfection, as only the mother Earth can magically weave into existence. The butterfly lives to collect genetic knowledge and transfer sacred geometric languages throughout their regulated inherent species rendered path.Flowers and butterflies speak to one another, through sacred coded languages, and evolved group spirit knowledge. It is evident the many flowers within the plant kingdom share information with the butterflies, helping them to evolve into further perfected species. Likewise, the group spirit kingdoms of the butterflies share information with the flowers and alike species, in the plant kingdoms, to coexist and further one another’s group development.
Butterflies represent positive perfected evolution, even amid the modern background radiation effects and environmental extremes associated with human development. The Butterfly is an order of insects known as Lepidoptera, they along with Moths, are a part of a larger super order known as Endopterygota. Let us enjoy the summer butterflies; they are pure perfections, much like the orchid and the lotus, each Species striving for perfection on the beautiful earth. The reflecting qualities of the flowers within the butterflies are seen in the wing developments, color patterns, and antennae. It is as if the Flower desired to fly and the insect kingdom helped this effect proceed into the material world, through the evolutions of the butterfly.
The caterpillar stage is the reincarnating effect witnessed in all forms of life and nature. It is the Sun with the rays of life causing the springtime to spring into action, while the Summer Sun energizes the planet and the kingdoms of life, inspiring reincarnating effects and change.