© 2012 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jan 13
by Marci McCaffery
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Astrologer Marci McCaffery |
Happy New Year, May we ring in the year 2013 with great Love, Compassion and Gratitude.
We have outgrown the past, pressured to create something new. Yet we don’t know what that is. We have moments of clarity, countered by moments of confusion. We are learning to trust our hearts over our busy minds. We realize there is no turning back… but what lies ahead?
Humanity, as a collective whole, is being called to stand as a witness for planetary adventures into new energies, new possibilities, and new levels of human consciousness.
The sacred teachings of the legendary past have predicted a period of human challenge and Earth upheavals, giving way to a time of peace, love and oneness with all life. Last month’s 12.21.12 date, prophesized by the Mayans as the end date, actually marked the end of a 25,920 year cycle on Earth. The Earth has now made its galactic return to a new planetary cycle. A New Earth, calibrated to a fifth dimensional reality, is preparing us for ascension. We can’t see it, understand it or figure it out yet we are called to transcend the old paradigms of a confined third-dimensional reality. We are in transition, as we adjust to the fluidity of an expansive fifth-dimensional reality. Author, Eckhart Tolle writes about this in his book,The Power of Now. “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Radical shifts in consciousness, spiritual awakenings and more empowered ways of using our mind are underway as we move through this evolutionary process.
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CAPRICORN by Josephine Wall |
The New Year begins with a series of transformational shifts, as the transiting Sun moves out of visionary Sagittarius, into pragmatic, hardworking Capricorn. An expansive Mars-Jupiter trine on the 4th combines an exuberant blend of passion and vision.
On the 6th, a challenging Mercury/Pluto combination, in early degrees of Capricorn, produces weighty issues of thought and communication. Avoid confrontations on differing views. On January 7th, a Mars/Saturn square creates frustration when we attempt to push past our blocks. Use this energy to focus and plan. On that same day, Venus enters Capricorn as it moves into alignment with Pluto on the 16th. Somber attitudes towards love and money are generated.
The Capricorn New Moon, on January 11th joins five other planets in Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus.) We are challenged to release old structures and embrace new realities. This is an excellent time to begin new initiatives while the moon is still waxing. Mercury enters Aquarius on the 19th moving into a favorable trine with Jupiter on the 22nd. Our thoughts are expanded to a broader view as we introduce new and inventive ideas into the mix.
A difficult Moon/Mars square sparks emotional intensity on January 20th, the day of the presidential inauguration. The high-spirited Full Moon on the 26th at 8 degrees Leo reflects the attributes of love, leadership and generosity. Creative self-expression and opportunities to showcase our uniqueness are highlighted. Jupiter ends its retrograde journey on the 30th providing increased optimism, and confidence as we move forward.
Join my complimentary talk on 2013 and Beyond, held on Sunday, January 20th 2013 and again on Saturday, Feb 16th 2013 both from 2-3PM at the Shining Lotus Bookstore. Gain insightful overviews about 2013 from a planetary and numerological perspective. Discover what’s in store for this New Year.
Thank you for your love, your wisdom and continued support. Peace and Blessings for the upcoming New Year!
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited business/life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at stardirection@comcast.net For free, valuable resources visit her web site at http://www.stardirectionastrology.com/