© 2012 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Oct 12
by Marci McCaffery
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Astrologer Marci McCaffery |
In a year of accelerated change, it is important that we don’t lose ourselves in the highs and lows. May we stay centered in gratitude and acknowledge the gifts in our lives. No matter how things around us may seem, we must remember that we are immensely powerful. Fear is the opposite of love. When we focus on love, we become invincible to fear ~~Michelle Karen
This month we are advised to ground anything uncomfortable into the earth for transformation. The period between late September and early October may be considered a critical time, based on the intense concentration of planetary aspects. The aggressive, fiery Aries Full Moon conjuncts with Uranus in Aries and opposes the Sun in Libra, on September 29th. Imbalances and the need to awaken to our own collective shadow are highlighted. Pluto joins into the mix and forms an exact square at 7 degrees cardinal. Anyone with planets at 7 degrees of a cardinal sign (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or Aries) or within a 5 degree orb will be especially sensitized to this impact. This is an enormously significant pattern involving two powerhouse planets that can usher in dramatic changes.
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LIBRA by Josephine Wall |
Three significant planetary sign changes headline the month. Venus moves out of dramatic Leo into service-oriented Virgo, but not before making a conjunction with fixed star, Regulus, at 29 degrees Leo. Regulus, is the brightest star in the constellation, meaning little King in Latin. This may suggest that someone of national prominence may become of prime importance. Expansive Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, turns retrograde on October 5th for the next four months, deepening our ability to grow in consciousness on an internal level. Mars enters optimistic Sagittarius on the Oct 7th pushing the envelope for expansion. Saturn makes a planetary shift out of diplomatic Libra, into the emotionally introspective depths of Scorpio, beginning October 6th for the next two and a half years. Saturn in Scorpio highlights emotional inconsistencies between the ego self and the higher self through major transformation. Karmic lessons (Saturn) related to the desire nature and the lust for power (Scorpio) must be purified. Emotional upheavals due to crystallized mental attitudes must be dissolved.We can rest assured, knowing that we have Divine guidance in this process. We are releasing the energies of struggle and the negative past. Meditation, yoga and other introspective practices help to counter fear and restore peace within. Pay close attention to your dreams and visualize how it feels to function from a compassionate place, where the head and heart are integrated.
The Libra New Moon on October 15th suggests a need for balance in relationships. This is a good time to assess whether there is a reciprocal balance of give and take in our relationships. We are advised to relax into the deeper part of who we are, authentically (pure Spirit.) The ego self must surrender to the essential self, if we are to move forward together in Oneness. The last of the four power moons this year is represented by the Taurus Full Moon at 7 degrees, on October 29th. We are encouraged to lead with our gut and not from our minds. We are advised to value (Taurus) our inherent self-worth as we move forward in faith and trust.
© Stardirection 2012 All rights reserved
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited business/life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore.
To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at stardirection@comcast.net.
For free, valuable resources visit her web site at http://www.stardirectionastrology.com.