Sunday, August 01, 2010


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Aug 10/Sep 10.

by Norma Mitchell

For thousands of years, man has sought signs from the Creator to make decisions in life. These signs have been read by man in various civilizations for direction in how to live life, where and how to find food and shelter, where to locate settlements and spiritual structures, plus various other conditions man has asked the Creator to lead him through.

Although we have records indicating this search, many of the so-called civilized areas of our world has steadily relied more on the thinking process rather than the feelings of our hearts and the sensitivity to our environment and the people around us. I fact, we often mistrust anything we can’t see or understand through our logic in life. What if we were able to readily access information from Spirit or whatever we call the All?

The good news is that we can … and often do (even when we don’t always recognize the information) … in spite of our disbelief. The loving God I experience wants us to be happy and successful … and leads us through life when we are willing to hear and accept Its communication. Some of us recognize the energetic responses Carl Jung coined “synchronicity” in our lives. These occurrences are not random nor is the Universe. Whether we simply focus on a desired goal, or we consciously ask for help from Spirit, we often notice events of such synchronicity.

Sometimes, these occurrences are through a materialization of something in answer to our questions, sometimes another person tells us something that we find helpful, and sometimes a book or song on the radio has that answer. Sometimes the “sign” represents a warning to us to be careful or to let us know changes are coming. The only requirements that we need to fulfill to consciously receive signs are to ask, pay attention to the possible answers, and trust that we will receive them.

The classes coming up on August 5 and 19, 2010, offer how to ask for and recognize signs, how they may appear, and developing trust. Through guided meditation and the exercises developed for you, you have the opportunity to create a more powerful communication with Spirit by eliminating fear, forgiving and releasing limitations, developing gratitude and living a joyful and fulfilling life.

Norma Mitchell has worked as an Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor, Business Consultant, Hypno/Regression Therapist, Teacher and Medium for the past thirty plus years. She has appeared on television and radio talk shows and given programs at business, social and church functions. She has also published articles in various publications. Norma is available for counseling in person on Mondays from 12-6 pm and at least one weekend day a month at the Shining Lotus. She is also available other times for phone sessions through the store. Call (303) 758-9113 to make your appointment!


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Aug 10/Sep 10.

JUST FOR HEALTH by Rachel Lord, RN, Master Herbalist, Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist

Do your feet hurt?  Or do you know someone whose do?  This is one of the most common complaints that folks have.  And no wonder.  We stuff our tootsies in all kinds of shoe shapes, pound them on concrete and asphalt, stand and walk on them all day—and then wonder how come they hurt!  Additionally, we use our hands constantly and then don’t get where that carpal tunnel came from.

Reflexology is a type of  bodywork that addresses feet foremost, but also hands and ears. It is a science that maps out the reflexes to the whole body on all three places.  By pressing specific areas on them, every organ, gland and body part is affected in a positive manner.  It is a lot like acupuncture, in that you can work an organ from far away without actually touching it.  It clears energy meridians or pathways.  Remove a blockage in one place and you have opened up the whole energy line.  Once that happens, pain disappears; the body returns to balance.

What does a good Reflexologist do? First she/he inspects your feet and hands.  A skilled practitioner can help with actual foot and hand problems as well as accessing the reflexes. That means things like carpal tunnel, bunions, sprains, achy arches, heel pain, neuropathy can be relieved. Then there’s the relaxation aspect. A skilled Reflexology treatment can put you into “la la land”.  And we all know the benefits of relaxation.  That in itself helps the body heal and spirals up the immune system.

Ear Reflexology came from France.  Both Reflexologists and acupuncturists use ear points.  This is another way to access the entire body.  There is something about getting your ears gently worked that evokes profound relaxation. So when you get a treatment, don’t leave out the ear part.

Just writing this article makes me want to rush out and get a treatment.  It can’t be beat!  Maybe you would like to become a Reflexologist, provide such amazing work and get paid for it too!

Sat, Sep 25, 2010, FREE 10-MINUTE REFLEXOLOGY SESSIONS at Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore. Presented in celebration of World Reflexology Week and sponsored by the Associated Reflexologists of Colorado (ARC) to increase awareness about Reflexology. ARC members will be on hand to give free Reflexology sessions, plenty of TLC and to answer your questions about Reflexology. 12 – 5 PM, FREE.

PROFESSIONAL FEET, HAND and EAR REFLEXOLOGY PROGRAM Rachel Lord, Director “Just for Health School of Reflexology & Healing Arts” 303-320-4367,,

Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board and the American Reflexology Certification Board.