© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.
by Margaret Ann Lembo
The Solstice this year is on Monday, June 21, 2010. We’ll be having a ceremony/workshop with Margaret Ann Lembo from 7 – 9. Here is a preview of some of what she’ll share.
“Aho! Great Spirit! God-Goddess! Creator! We are gathered here today in a sacred manner to drum with intention. We are gathered here together sitting in sacred circle to connect with the All That Is. Note: This is where you would state your intentions for either the circle that is convened or for the clearing of the space you are about to perform.
Margaret Ann Lembo
"Seven Feathers" |
Those who practice earth-centered spirituality use the Medicine Wheel at solstices and equinoxes to ceremonially connect with the change of seasons. Most ceremonies begin with the invocation of the Seven Directions. The facilitator of the ceremony will invite the energy of the East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within. Here is how they invoke the Seven Directions:
We invite and invoke the energies of the East; the energies of Clarity, Illumination and the ability to See Life from a Great Perspective. We invite Eagle, Hawk and Owl to be with us in our circle tonight. May we fly high with them so we may see life from a greater perspective. We invite and invoke Archangel Mikael through the East Doorway.
We invite and invoke the energies of the South into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of healing; healing of our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our spirits and our emotions and of our relationships. We ask for healing of our relationships, not only of our relationships with others, but the relationship we have with ourselves. We invite Snake and Coyote through the South Door for Transformation and Transmutation to help us to learn our lessons from our mistakes and to be able to laugh at ourselves when we make mistakes. We invite Archangel Raphael through the South Door.
We invite and invoke the energies of the West into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of Introspection and the Look within Place that each and every one of us has to go within ourselves to know the truth, to know the answers. We invite Bear and her cave to help us to recognize when retreat is sometimes more powerful than action.We invite Archangel Gabriel through the West Door.
We invite and invoke the energies of the North into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of our Ancestors and those Who Have Walked on the Path before Us. We honor the energy of our Elders who are still with us here on the Planet that we make the time to spend with them and listen to their stories, and invite their wisdom so we may learn from their experiences. We open our hearts and minds to messages and inspiration. We invite White Buffalo Calf Woman and the 13 Original Clan Mothers, all our guides and angels to be with us in circle tonight. We invite Archangel Uriel through the North Doorway.
We honor the Sky Above Us and the Earth Beneath our Feet and Within ourselves and we know and acknowledge that we are all connected, we are all related. Mitake Ouyasin. We are One.
Aho! Hey! Hey!”
The energy of the circle is set. Everything that happens during the ceremony in performed in a clockwise direction. If they have a smudge blend burning, usually in an abalone shell, it is sent around the circle in a clockwise direction so that each person sitting in the circle can smudge themselves. This ritual helps to clear away negative energy and negative thoughtforms. If someone wants to use a drum or a rattle, it is passed all the way around the circle in a clockwise direction. If someone needs to leave the circle, they leave in a clockwise direction and they return to their seat in a clockwise direction. All people in the circle maintain quiet while anyone else is speaking in the circle to respect and listen to the one who is expressing themselves.
They say this ritual can be done in a solitary practice to invite and invoke guardians and archangels to light their presence upon a space or a building. This invocation is also often considered a shortened version of connecting with the Medicine Wheel. They use this invocation within consciousness as a prayer to invite the protection and blessings available to everyone at anytime.
For more information and the experience – Come to Margaret Ann’s Event on Monday night at Shining Lotus on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 7 pm. Margaret Ann is also available for Private Sessions on Sunday, June 20, 2010.