Wednesday, December 01, 2010


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Dec 10.

JUST FOR HEALTH by Luke Terry, Licensed Acupuncturist

As the recession wears on, some rather counter-intuitive trends have emerged. One would think that decreased economic activity would result in a decrease in American’s health for the average person.
That turns out to be false! According to John de Graaf of the Solutions Journal, the average American’s health has actually improved overall during the recession. Yes, it’s true that on the whole, people are working less and earning less, but they’re also driving less, smoking less, and eating less bad restaurant food. In addition, they’re spending more time with family & friends, exercising more, sleeping more, and gardening more. ??These healthy choices are decreasing the mortality rate. In fact, for every percentage point increase in unemployment, mortality decreases by about a half a percent. The largest improvements have been a big dip in traffic deaths, which has declined by 25%, and an increase in gardening, up 40%. Such a great silver lining!

On the other side of the coin, families who have experienced the loss of a job or income do experience more stress, and in some cases, rates of suicide amongst the unemployed has grown. One’s best defense is a good offense – developing a strong, positive attitude, a sense of personal well-being that is unconditional and not connected to external circumstances, these things can all bring deep happiness and health. This strategy can improve your own health, and as your health improves, we gain positive energy that helps everyone and everything around us.

As our economy retools and becomes more resilient, our best strategy is always to improve our own personal health and adaptability. Proven strategies to build deep inner vitality include a healthy, simple diet, regular exercise outside in the sun, strong social connections, and a lasting commitment to self-improvement.

Herbal medicine gives us one such avenue. We can build health & vitality by building our Qi energy, by strengthening our immune system, nervous system, and adrenals, by improving sleep quality and duration, by improving digestion and metabolism. These goals are all easily attainable through the use of herbal medicine.

For best results, contact a qualified herbal medicine practitioner in your area, or better yet, educate yourself on the ancient and yet timeless art and science of using botanical substances to build vibrant health from within.

Check out the MASTER HERBALIST PROGRAM, Luke Terry, L Ac, Dipl. Ac, MTOM, Clinical Director, Rachel Lord, RN, President & Dean of Students, Just for Health School of Reflexology & Healing Arts. 303-320-4367. Next training starts February 2011.

Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Aug 10/Sep 10.

by Norma Mitchell

For thousands of years, man has sought signs from the Creator to make decisions in life. These signs have been read by man in various civilizations for direction in how to live life, where and how to find food and shelter, where to locate settlements and spiritual structures, plus various other conditions man has asked the Creator to lead him through.

Although we have records indicating this search, many of the so-called civilized areas of our world has steadily relied more on the thinking process rather than the feelings of our hearts and the sensitivity to our environment and the people around us. I fact, we often mistrust anything we can’t see or understand through our logic in life. What if we were able to readily access information from Spirit or whatever we call the All?

The good news is that we can … and often do (even when we don’t always recognize the information) … in spite of our disbelief. The loving God I experience wants us to be happy and successful … and leads us through life when we are willing to hear and accept Its communication. Some of us recognize the energetic responses Carl Jung coined “synchronicity” in our lives. These occurrences are not random nor is the Universe. Whether we simply focus on a desired goal, or we consciously ask for help from Spirit, we often notice events of such synchronicity.

Sometimes, these occurrences are through a materialization of something in answer to our questions, sometimes another person tells us something that we find helpful, and sometimes a book or song on the radio has that answer. Sometimes the “sign” represents a warning to us to be careful or to let us know changes are coming. The only requirements that we need to fulfill to consciously receive signs are to ask, pay attention to the possible answers, and trust that we will receive them.

The classes coming up on August 5 and 19, 2010, offer how to ask for and recognize signs, how they may appear, and developing trust. Through guided meditation and the exercises developed for you, you have the opportunity to create a more powerful communication with Spirit by eliminating fear, forgiving and releasing limitations, developing gratitude and living a joyful and fulfilling life.

Norma Mitchell has worked as an Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor, Business Consultant, Hypno/Regression Therapist, Teacher and Medium for the past thirty plus years. She has appeared on television and radio talk shows and given programs at business, social and church functions. She has also published articles in various publications. Norma is available for counseling in person on Mondays from 12-6 pm and at least one weekend day a month at the Shining Lotus. She is also available other times for phone sessions through the store. Call (303) 758-9113 to make your appointment!


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Aug 10/Sep 10.

JUST FOR HEALTH by Rachel Lord, RN, Master Herbalist, Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist

Do your feet hurt?  Or do you know someone whose do?  This is one of the most common complaints that folks have.  And no wonder.  We stuff our tootsies in all kinds of shoe shapes, pound them on concrete and asphalt, stand and walk on them all day—and then wonder how come they hurt!  Additionally, we use our hands constantly and then don’t get where that carpal tunnel came from.

Reflexology is a type of  bodywork that addresses feet foremost, but also hands and ears. It is a science that maps out the reflexes to the whole body on all three places.  By pressing specific areas on them, every organ, gland and body part is affected in a positive manner.  It is a lot like acupuncture, in that you can work an organ from far away without actually touching it.  It clears energy meridians or pathways.  Remove a blockage in one place and you have opened up the whole energy line.  Once that happens, pain disappears; the body returns to balance.

What does a good Reflexologist do? First she/he inspects your feet and hands.  A skilled practitioner can help with actual foot and hand problems as well as accessing the reflexes. That means things like carpal tunnel, bunions, sprains, achy arches, heel pain, neuropathy can be relieved. Then there’s the relaxation aspect. A skilled Reflexology treatment can put you into “la la land”.  And we all know the benefits of relaxation.  That in itself helps the body heal and spirals up the immune system.

Ear Reflexology came from France.  Both Reflexologists and acupuncturists use ear points.  This is another way to access the entire body.  There is something about getting your ears gently worked that evokes profound relaxation. So when you get a treatment, don’t leave out the ear part.

Just writing this article makes me want to rush out and get a treatment.  It can’t be beat!  Maybe you would like to become a Reflexologist, provide such amazing work and get paid for it too!

Sat, Sep 25, 2010, FREE 10-MINUTE REFLEXOLOGY SESSIONS at Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore. Presented in celebration of World Reflexology Week and sponsored by the Associated Reflexologists of Colorado (ARC) to increase awareness about Reflexology. ARC members will be on hand to give free Reflexology sessions, plenty of TLC and to answer your questions about Reflexology. 12 – 5 PM, FREE.

PROFESSIONAL FEET, HAND and EAR REFLEXOLOGY PROGRAM Rachel Lord, Director “Just for Health School of Reflexology & Healing Arts” 303-320-4367,,

Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board and the American Reflexology Certification Board.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.

by Val Parks

What a session with the Animal Intuitive can do for your pet. Communication with animals in their language and on their terms opens up for us a world that has always been there, but to which we have had to learn to gain access. An Animal Intuitive can help you to enter this realm where our fellow creatures have so much to share with us. We can work with behavior problems caused by abuse, grieving, abandonment, boredom and other factors. We can find out what your pet really loves and what she hates. She will tell us her “Real Name” so we can address her correctly. Where does he like to go, and what does he like to do? What is his favorite toy? Who is her favorite friend?

We can figure out if there is something that hurts, or something that doesn’t sit well in the tummy. We can help make peace between animals in the same house, or we can help animals get along with the neighbors. The animals will tell us their secrets, and we can tell them ours.

A session with an Animal Intuitive can bring understanding on a level you might never have thought possible. It can bring healing to old hurts, grudges and misunderstandings. Calm and insight can come to difficult situations such as a change of residence, divorce, or new babies or new animals in the house. It often brings insight into how your pet is seeing things, which can be a lot different from our own perceptions. We can learn about ourselves as well, we may have blind spots about our pet, or red buttons our animals are pushing.

Val Parks will be in the store from noon to 5pm on Sunday, June 6, 2010, providing this service for you and your pets. Visit her website at


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.

Shining Lotus is now stocked up on the new printing of the Crowley-Harris Thoth Decks.  ‘Out of Stock’, or between printings since Spring of 2009, it was only available for outrageous prices on the internet. Now the Thoth Tarot deck is back in either the large version in the green box or the small, standard tarot size in the purple box.


The Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot is the deck of 78 tarot card images invoked by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris. It grew out of Crowley’s work to create a thorough text of the Tarot which incorporated the latest scientific discoveries, philosophy, mathematics and anthropology, and united these systems with the form of the Qabalah (Hermetic Kabbalah). Originally, he had planned to form a deck based on the Medieval versions of the Tarot, but Lady Frieda Harris convinced him to create an original work which would be the visual representation of the Book of Thoth.

The entire Thoth deck is designed to be a pictorial representation of the Qabalah and especially the Tree of Life, a system of ten spheres and 22 interconnecting paths that is used to organize mystical concepts. Each card in the Thoth deck is intricately detailed with astrological, zodiacal, elemental and Qabalistic symbols incorporated in each card.
Even colors are used symbolically, especially the cards related to the five elements of Spirit, Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Unlike the popular Waite-Smith Tarot, the Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot retains the traditional historical order of the trumps, but changes the names for both the trumps and the court cards.

Creating such a symbolically rich tarot deck was no easy task, as some of the cards were re-imaged several times until they met with Crowley’s approval. The smaller-sized version of the Thoth has 3 versions of the Magus card, for a total of 80 cards in the deck.
The planned 3 months of work extended into 5 years, and was completed in 1943. Though it was destined to become one of the most popular Tarot decks of all time, the deck was not published for another 26 years, after both Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris had exited this plane. It was finally published in 1969 by the O.T.O. through the efforts of Grady McMurtry X°.

Thus, both book and deck were born. They are like the Yin and Yang versions of the Book of Thoth, and both deck and book have been referred to by the same title. Either one, or both, can be the springboard for a lifetime of study. A little booklet does come with the deck.
But if you want to really understand the deck, you need the book–and possibly another two or three–since Crowley was known for a unique writing style which expressed extreme devotion to both his subject and his own intellect; and no regard for anything like a common reader.


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.

Harmlessness by Lisa Froman

“Violent spiritual aspiration and enthusiasm misplaced or misdirected may quite easily harm a fellow man, so look not only at your wrong tendencies, but at the use of your virtues.”

Lisa Froman
Many paths lead up the same mountain. “The path” represents the journey which one travels to reach his Divine perfection. The Mountain represents Soul-infusion, Divine perfection and mergence with the One-Self. Each of us travels on a unique path to reach our destination. Our path may be one, which meanders slowly, winding up the mountain with a gentle slope, or it might be a treacherous vertical descent, bordered by precarious cliffs and precipices. The essential concept, which man must grasp, is that no matter what a person’s path is, it is his path and it is in perfect Divine order for who he is at that moment in time and space.

One of the greatest tragedies to plague man has been his own lack of acceptance of the diverse ideology, spiritual and religious beliefs of his fellow man. Fanaticism has been the root cause of endless pain and suffering. Violent spiritual aspiration is often the fuel with ignites the fire of persecution of groups with opposing beliefs. Over zealous enthusiasm, misplaced or misdirected becomes harmful to our fellow man, even if the enthusiasm is based on a virtue.

Man has a tendency to think that his way is the only way and all others better conform or be destroyed. When a man pushes his ideology, beliefs and crystallized thought forms on another, even if they are based on virtues, he becomes harmful to himself and others. Virtues in excess can easily become vices when forced upon others. Esoteric students are not exempt from this rule. 

Often, the beginning student becomes overly enthusiastic about his new- found knowledge and virtues and gets trapped in a “holier-than- thou” attitude. His ego swells with a superiority complex as he speaks endlessly about his newfound beliefs. He begins to push his ideas on others in an effort to recruit them into his camp. If the others do not comply, he looks down upon them with disgust and pity. As aspirants and disciples, we must examine ourselves carefully, noting not only our vices, but also our misdirected virtues. We can innocently harm others with our misplaced virtues and values by forcing them on others, even through we have the loftiest of intentions. One of the principle Universal Laws states that no one has the right to stand in the way of another’s spiritual progress or retard their freedom in any way.

We must remain balanced and open-minded and evoke the discipline of silence in our lives in certain situations. Often, the people who make the most noise about their beliefs are the ones who are not really secure in their beliefs or knowingness. Those who know are silent. Those who feel the need to recruit others into their belief system are usually insecure. One must ask them selves when they observe someone pushing an ideology or religion on another; “if the idea is so good, why must it be sold door to door?” A good idea is magnetic. It will attract the right people, of the right vibratory level, at the right time. We must never force, push or coerce others with our virtues or beliefs. We must maintain harmlessness through our words, thoughts and actions, no matter how virtuous are our intentions. Harmlessness is the responsibility of every man and we must respect and acknowledge every man’s unique path up the mountain to his perfection.

Lisa Froman is a spiritual counselor, intuitive reader and teacher of Esoteric Science. She is available for psychic consultations, life guidance, personalized spiritual advancement techniques and one-on-one Esoteric Science instruction. She is also available for private sessions at the Shining Lotus every Friday afternoon, 1pm – 6pm. Her website is


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.

by Margaret Ann Lembo

The Solstice this year is on Monday, June 21, 2010. We’ll be having a ceremony/workshop with Margaret Ann Lembo from 7 – 9. Here is a preview of some of what she’ll share.

“Aho! Great Spirit!  God-Goddess! Creator! We are gathered here today in a sacred manner to drum with intention. We are gathered here together sitting in sacred circle to connect with the All That Is. Note: This is where you would state your intentions for either the circle that is convened or for the clearing of the space you are about to perform.
Margaret Ann Lembo
"Seven Feathers"

Those who practice earth-centered spirituality use the Medicine Wheel at solstices and equinoxes to ceremonially connect with the change of seasons. Most ceremonies begin with the invocation of the Seven Directions. The facilitator of the ceremony will invite the energy of the East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.  Here is how they invoke the Seven Directions:

We invite and invoke the energies of the East; the energies of Clarity, Illumination and the ability to See Life from a Great Perspective. We invite Eagle, Hawk and Owl to be with us in our circle tonight. May we fly high with them so we may see life from a greater perspective. We invite and invoke Archangel Mikael through the East Doorway.

We invite and invoke the energies of the South into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of healing; healing of our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our spirits and our emotions and of our relationships. We ask for healing of our relationships, not only of our relationships with others, but the relationship we have with ourselves. We invite Snake and Coyote through the South Door for Transformation and Transmutation to help us to learn our lessons from our mistakes and to be able to laugh at ourselves when we make mistakes. We invite Archangel Raphael through the South Door.

We invite and invoke the energies of the West into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of Introspection and the Look within Place that each and every one of us has to go within ourselves to know the truth, to know the answers. We invite Bear and her cave to help us to recognize when retreat is sometimes more powerful than action.We invite Archangel Gabriel through the West Door.

We invite and invoke the energies of the North into our circle tonight. We invite the energies of our Ancestors and those Who Have Walked on the Path before Us. We honor the energy of our Elders who are still with us here on the Planet that we make the time to spend with them and listen to their stories, and invite their wisdom so we may learn from their experiences. We open our hearts and minds to messages and inspiration.  We invite White Buffalo Calf Woman and the 13 Original Clan Mothers, all our guides and angels to be with us in circle tonight. We invite Archangel Uriel through the North Doorway.

We honor the Sky Above Us and the Earth Beneath our Feet and Within ourselves and we know and acknowledge that we are all connected, we are all related.  Mitake Ouyasin.  We are One.
Aho!  Hey! Hey!”

The energy of the circle is set. Everything that happens during the ceremony in performed in a clockwise direction. If they have a smudge blend burning, usually in an abalone shell, it is sent around the circle in a clockwise direction so that each person sitting in the circle can smudge themselves. This ritual helps to clear away negative energy and negative thoughtforms. If someone wants to use a drum or a rattle, it is passed all the way around the circle in a clockwise direction. If someone needs to leave the circle, they leave in a clockwise direction and they return to their seat in a clockwise direction. All people in the circle maintain quiet while anyone else is speaking in the circle to respect and listen to the one who is expressing themselves.

They say this ritual can be done in a solitary practice to invite and invoke guardians and archangels to light their presence upon a space or a building. This invocation is also often considered a shortened version of connecting with the Medicine Wheel. They use this invocation within consciousness as a prayer to invite the protection and blessings available to everyone at anytime.

For more information and the experience – Come to Margaret Ann’s Event on Monday night at Shining Lotus on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 7 pm. Margaret Ann is also available for Private Sessions on Sunday, June 20, 2010.

Margaret Ann Lembo is the owner of The Crystal Garden, a bookstore, gift store and spiritual center located in Boynton Beach, FL, since 1988. Margaret Ann’s book, Chakra Awareness: Transform Your Reality Using Color, Crystals, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Intention will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide in early 2011. Her websites are and Visit her blog:


© 2010 - Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Jun 10/Jul 10.

by Margaret Ann Lembo

Margaret Ann Lembo
Crystals and gemstones have been used throughout the ages to improve various human conditions. The color and mineral composition lend energy to improving situations from headaches to digestion on a physical level and love loss or mood imbalances on an emotional level. But these rocks don’t stop with just the physical or the emotional aspects of our lives. Crystals and gemstones can help us mentally and spiritually as well. By using your intention combined with the inherent qualities, color and vibration of the gemstone, you can transform any situation with determination and focus. Gemstones are a tool just like you would use a hammer to effectively put a nail into a wall, gemstones help integrate and align you with the intention that you have decided to put into your consciousness and make manifest in the world.

The color and vibration of each of the gemstones relate to and balance one or more of the chakras. There are seven basic energy centers within and around you known as chakras. Each of these energy centers regulates aspects of yourself on a physical, spiritual, mental and emotional level. You want to keep these energy centers in alignment to maintain overall health and well-being. Using a color or chakra meditation is helpful as well as the use of gemstones.

Using gemstones is easy. Simply carrying the stone in your pocket or purse and touching it from time to time during the day brings your awareness back to your goal or intention. Placing it in your pillow case at night or on your desk where you can see it is another way to incorporate it into your life. A tumbled gemstone is small enough to carry in your pocket or put into your pillow case without weighing you down. They are pretty and affordable, too! Of course, wearing gemstone jewelry like a necklace, bracelet or earrings is very effective and attractive as well. Here are a few gemstones you may want to consider.

Selenite helps to align you with higher consciousness. As you develop spiritually it is beneficial to allow yourself to listen to or sense guidance from your higher self, spirit guides or angels. This stone opens the crown chakra to receive transmissions of information and wisdom. On a physical level it helps with the spine, bone and muscular structure of the body. Selenite is a white stone, though recently I have found red selenite (it looks orange to me) that can re-align the emotional structure of one’s consciousness.

Jade is good fortune and good luck. Everything about this stone is good. It promotes loyalty, financial success, synchronicity, excellent health and anything else you can associate with love, joy, happiness and success. The green energy promotes overall well being. Carry this always!

Rhodochrosite opens the heart to give and receive love. You may feel that you are a loving person and yet I would like to have you ask yourself how you are about receiving love, attention and blessings. You may think you are good at receiving yet how do you feel about receiving and allowing loving relationships, close connections, intimate relationships and trusting in the full process of love and relationships. This stone is not just about romantic love but the kind of friendships that are balanced, deep and fulfilling. If you are having some challenges with allowing friends or family into your heart and your physical sacred space then you may want to bring some of the pink energy of rhodochrosite into your energy field. Life is too short to keep people at arm’s distance. Open your heart and allow love!

Amber comes in various shades of golden yellow. It is actually petrified pine resin. Amber helps to allow the energies of love and closeness as mentioned above while still maintaining the appropriate levels of boundaries in relationships. There is a fine balance in combining your energy fields with others. Amber helps maintain a healthy balance by protecting you from energy vampires. It cleanses your aura. Amber is also a balancer of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Experiment with these and other gemstones for yourself. Remember, it is the power of your intention, positive thoughts as well as the color, vibration and mineral content that effectuate the change you want in your life.

Margaret Ann Lembo is the owner of The Crystal Garden, a bookstore, gift store and spiritual center located in Boynton Beach, FL, since 1988. Margaret Ann’s book, Chakra Awareness: Transform Your Reality Using Color, Crystals, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Intention will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide in early 2011. Her websites are and Visit her blog: